JFK warned of the infiltration of far left radicals.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017

One thing many people do not know about John F. Kennedy is his admiration for and support of Joe McCarthy. He once walked out of a dinner "before he lost his temper" when a speaker made disparaging remarks about the man he described as a "great American patriot". He liked the way McCarthy went after the elites and Communists threatening the country. He warned America about the dangers of the subversive leftist radicals taking over the nation's institutions.

JFK was the only Democratic Senator who refused to publicly declare support for the censure of McCarthy. He even refused to attend the vote for his censure, which he knew was imminent. After McCarthy had been politically ruined, he eventually gave half hearted support for his censure when pressed in public.

JFK was assassinated by a Communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, and many suspected the communist elites in our government of being involved. The warmongering Democrats were eventually able to escalate the Vietnam War after LBJ got into office following Kennedy's assassination. When America elected a Republican to end the war, Nixon came into office at the war's height and gradually reduced American troop presence year by year, eventually ending the Democrat's horrific war on honorable terms. The left could not stand for that and had to try tear the country apart by any means necessary. They blamed the Democrat's war on Nixon, went after him relentlessly until Watergate conveniently fell in their laps and saved them, and have used Watergate to smear Republicans ever since.

Even today, the liberal elites are currently praying for another Watergate to save their collective hides with Trump because he is undoing a lot of the damage the Democrats and neo-Conservatives elites have collaboratively unleashed on this country for decades. The far left Democrats have been going after great Presidents since Abraham Lincoln took their slaves away. This is nothing new. In the spirit of Lincoln, Donald Trump is now healing the country, ending wars, building a great economy, uniting the nation across demographic lines, and threatening the far left's divisive cultural stranglehold on the country.
Look, humans and in particular politicians and the powerful are corrupt nasty scumbags. They have wrecked every apex empire in the past 5,000+ years. If you think the USA can't fall victim to these creeps think again.
Dwight Eisenhower put American military in viet nam as advisors when the french withdrew. The altered history of the 60's and 70's is really obvious to anyone who lived it.

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