JFK Conspiracy : One question for you to ponder


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
With Zapruder's awesome top-of-the-line camera that he happened to have at the right place and the right time, Why did he choose to stand there? (Wouldn't he get much better film down at the street?)

I dont know,maybe you can find someone who knows how to communicate with the dead who can raise him from the dead so you can ask him.:biggrin:

thats all I can say for now since that's nothing i have ever pondered before.lol
With Zapruder's awesome top-of-the-line camera that he happened to have at the right place and the right time, Why did he choose to stand there? (Wouldn't he get much better film down at the street?)


It only makes sense to pick an elevated position to film from.

Even in 1963 it was not a state of the art camera
<<<Zapruder's movie camera was an 8 mm Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Model 414 PD—top of the line when it was purchased in 1962>>>

Abraham Zapruder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so, you believe Zapruder going to get better film, standing on 4' on concrete, 65 feet away, then standing at the curb?

He felt that he would get a better view and better film.

What you or I feel about it is unimportant.

It simply makes sense for him to feel.that way. It is common for people to move or climb to a higher spot to get a better view
hey. if you don't want to participate on the topic , then go post your stupid bullshit somewhere else

just so you know that fart joke of mine was directed at the evil NAZI agent,not you.sorry about the confusion.

All he can do is shit all over the floor everytime he opes up his mouth.He is USMB's resident troll.He is on the governments payroll sent here by his handlers to troll the JFK threads and toot the horn of the warren commissions.

He blatantly ignores facts of a conspiracy and that there was no evidence whatsoever that oswald was involved so thats the only reply anybody should ever give that stupid fuck troll.He wont watch any videos or read any books that expose the warren commissions lies and makes up lies all the time when he cant counter facts.

I handed his ass and the OP's as well on a platter and he is too much of an arrogant fuck to admit defeat or admit the truth that he did not watch any of these videos in post # 15 of mine or admit that he never reads books either that expose the warren commissions lies.

One Opinion On The JFK Assassination | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he is too much of an idiot to understand he gives it away that he is on the governments payroll and has no interest in the truth using the name NAZI,what an idiot.

it is wise to do this with him-:trolls:
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getting back to the topic i actually thought of this subject later on after leaving this thread when i first posted on it that a very strong reason why he probably stood up there instead of on the grass down by the curb is because he might have thought someone might pass in front of him right at the time when he was filming it and would not get the assassination on tape.
hey. if you don't want to participate on the topic , then go post your stupid bullshit somewhere else

just so you know that fart joke of mine was directed at the evil NAZI agent,not you.sorry about the confusion.

All he can do is shit all over the floor everytime he opes up his mouth.He is USMB's resident troll.He is on the governments payroll sent here by his handlers to troll the JFK threads and toot the horn of the warren commissions.

He blatantly ignores facts of a conspiracy and that there was no evidence whatsoever that oswald was involved so thats the only reply anybody should ever give that stupid fuck troll.He wont watch any videos or read any books that expose the warren commissions lies and makes up lies all the time when he cant counter facts.

I handed his ass and the OP's as well on a platter and he is too much of an arrogant fuck to admit defeat or admit the truth that he did not watch any of these videos in post # 15 of mine or admit that he never reads books either that expose the warren commissions lies.

One Opinion On The JFK Assassination | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he is too much of an idiot to understand he gives it away that he is on the governments payroll and has no interest in the truth using the name NAZI,what an idiot.

it is wise to do this with him-:trolls:
There are no facts proving a conspiracy.

The films you refer to are fictional entertainment.

You have only selectively read what supports your beliefs and in fact it is you who has been crushed and proven wrong time and again.

The only troll here is you
Like I said,everytime the evil NAZI agent ^ opens up his mouth,he shits all over the floor.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is as his handlers pay him to do.:biggrin::9:
Like I said,everytime the evil NAZI agent ^ opens up his mouth,he shits all over the floor.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is as his handlers pay him to do.:biggrin::9:
You are the one who refuses to address facts but merely insults and dreams up delusions of paid agents

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