JFK and BHO:Intersection of History and Future?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"It’s not often that the intersection of history and contemporary events pose such a startling and chilling lesson as does the contemplation of the murder of JFK on November 22, 1963 juxtaposed with the situations faced by President Obama today.

"So far, at least, Obama’s behavior has mirrored Johnson’s, not Kennedy’s, as he has escalated the war in Afghanistan by 34,000.

"One can’t but help think that the thought of JFK’s fate might not be far from his mind as he contemplates his next move in Afghanistan."(JFK and the Unspeakable)

Today there's little common ground shared by those who believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing John Kennedy and those who believe Oswald was a patsy in a vast conspiracy involving elements of the US national security state.

Unfortunately, some in both camps agree that since the assassination occurred almost a half-century ago, it's time to move on from "unanswerable questions."

That's only true in worlds where [URL="http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm"]War is (not) a Racket[/URL].

I don't know if Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were "scared straight" by the terror of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October-November of 1962; however, I vividly remember many people I knew at the time, including combat vets of WWII, who were visibly shaken, and that all Americans were paying hourly attention to politics in a way I've seen only once since then.

The week after 9/11/2001.

Did US intelligence and military agencies send a message on November 22, 1963 that all US presidents since that day have heeded?

It's not an unanswerable question, unless you're afraid to ask.
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"It’s not often that the intersection of history and contemporary events pose such a startling and chilling lesson as does the contemplation of the murder of JFK on November 22, 1963 juxtaposed with the situations faced by President Obama today.

"So far, at least, Obama’s behavior has mirrored Johnson’s, not Kennedy’s, as he has escalated the war in Afghanistan by 34,000.

"One can’t but help think that the thought of JFK’s fate might not be far from his mind as he contemplates his next move in Afghanistan."(JFK and the Unspeakable)

Today there's little common ground shared by those who believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing John Kennedy and those who believe Oswald was a patsy in a vast conspiracy involving elements of the US national security state.

Unfortunately, some in both camps agree that since the assassination occurred almost a half-century ago, it's time to move on from "unanswerable questions."

That's only true in worlds where [URL="http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm"]War is (not) a Racket[/URL].

I don't know if Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were "scared straight" by the terror of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October-November of 1962; however, I vividly remember many people I knew at the time, including combat vets of WWII, who were visibly shaken, and that all Americans were paying hourly attention to politics in a way I've seen only once since then.

The week after 9/11/2001.

Did US intelligence and military agencies send a message on November 22, 1963 that all US presidents since that day have heeded?

It's not an unanswerable question, unless you're afraid to ask.
JFK's refusal to back the CIA trained force of Cuban exiles during the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April of 1961 along with his defiance of the Pentagon's desire to bomb and invade the island during the Cuban Missile Crisis 18 months later may not prove he underwent a spiritual transformation from Cold Warrior to peacemaker after becoming president, but it definitely sets JFK's resistance to the military-industrial complex apart from every president who's followed him.

JFK and the Unspeakable
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Oswald read in the paper one morning that the presidential motorcade would be passing by his place of work. So he brought his gun to work and fired three shots, one of which blew the presidents head off.
Which Oswald?

"Even J. Edgar Hoover knew that Oswald impostors were used, as he told LBJ concerning Oswald’s alleged visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City.

"He later called this CIA ploy, 'the false story re Oswald’s trip to Mexico…their ( CIA’s) double-dealing,' something that he couldn’t forget.

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