Jews terrorists burn mosque in the holy land

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Vandals have set fire to a disused mosque in Jerusalem, daubing inflammatory graffiti in Hebrew on the walls in an apparent anti-Palestinian "price tag" attack.

Israeli police said on Wednesday they were investigating the overnight incident which took place near the busy shopping district around Jaffa Street.
Slogans insulting the Noble Prophet Mohammad and other graffiti reading "A good Arab is a dead Arab" and "price tag" were spray-painted on the exterior walls of the building, the AFP news agency reported.
The "Price tag" slogan is generally associated with attacks on Palestinian property, often mosques, by Jewish settlers in the illegally occupied West Bank. Attacks on mosques beyond the West Bank are less common.
Some of the building's exterior walls were burnt and there was a strong smell of petrol, although it appeared the fire had not caught, AFP reported.
Disused mosque burnt in Jerusalem attack - -English
Slogans insulting the Noble Prophet Mohammad

Your Noble Prophet Mahound was neither noble nor a prophet. He was a pedophile married to a 6 year old little girl when he was 53 and he was an illiterate, cave-dwelling thug who made money by raiding caravans. He assassinated anyone who got in his way, including female poets who criticized him. He sent a thug out to murder Asma Bint Marwan, a mother of several children, and she was stabbed to death while nursing her child.
He also married his own former daughter in law. Each time, his imaginary allah told him it was halal.

Mahound was a charlatan which is why his own people booted his ass out of Mecca.

Your muslime dog Mahound is responsible for the hundreds of millions of people slaughtered by muslimes since the scourge of islime was invented by that sociopath.

Burn, baby, burn.

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Slogans insulting the Noble Prophet Mohammad and other graffiti reading "A good Arab is a dead Arab" and "price tag" were spray-painted on the exterior walls of the building, the AFP news agency reported. ... Disused mosque burnt in Jerusalem attack - -English
So, apart of that piss-be-on-his-head bombs 'n virgins distro-prophet, a defunct mosque, a storage barn, that is, gets torched up. A normal question would be, who would benefit from lighting the barn up, considering that the Jerusalem muni is stocked choked with arab garbage, sorry, disposal crews?
mosques are temples for terrorists, which is the only thing the muslime excels at.

All mosques are satan's workshop and must be demolished.

Also, that idiotic pagan kabah in mecca containing the meteorite the ignorant muslimes think was a special gift sent from allah should be torn down and replaced by a combination Jewish synagogue, Christian church and Buddhist/Hindu temple.

Allahu Fucku!

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