Jews returned home


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

After generation and people rejoiced. Ethiopian Jews returned also, but it’s inhuman to ask Mexicans to go home? 6 million Jews had to die before they returned. How man Americans have to die at the hands of Illegal Aliens before they are sent home and our borders closed and we are free of foreign invaders and occupiers? Jews returned without nothing and they fought to regain what they believe was rightfully theirs and still fighting. Mexican Illegal Aliens, etc need to return home and fight corruption and crime and for economically freedom instead of running away and leaving the country to destruction and family members left to deal with it. Old, disabled and children. Actually Mexicans has a history of running away. They tucked their tails again and went home when our economy failed and they could not survive on the welfare their anchor babies were getting.
You are comparing Jews and Israel to illegal Mexicans?

The refried beans have gone to your head. I'm all for doing what we can about illegals but that situation is a million miles from Jews and Israel. You do understand that "Mexican" is not a religion... right? And that when an ethnic Jew sets foot on Israeli soil he automatically gets citizenship?

I'm sorry.... this is just too weird. Pull yourself together lady.
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The way I see it, Mexican illegal immigrants are doing what Hitler did, Except they aren't using blitzkrieg tactics or panzers. NAZIs thought that Germans were entitled to lands that Germans occupied from years of immigration. Poland, Czechoslovakia , hell even England and Russia became part of this tidal wave, that gluttonous push to envelop all counties they thought they should inhabit. Of course, Mexicans would NEVER do anything like that, would they? Not poor little old over-crowded Mexico. God forefend anyone entertain the thought.
The way I see it, Mexican illegal immigrants are doing what Hitler did, Except they aren't using blitzkrieg tactics or panzers. NAZIs thought that Germans were entitled to lands that Germans occupied from years of immigration. Poland, Czechoslovakia , hell even England and Russia became part of this tidal wave, that gluttonous push to envelop all counties they thought they should inhabit. Of course, Mexicans would NEVER do anything like that, would they? Not poor little old over-crowded Mexico. God forefend anyone entertain the thought.

So.... one of you thinks the Mexicans are like the Jews, the other says they are Hitler.

Is it just me or is there a vast ocean of hyperbolic distance between the two?
You are comparing Jews and Israel to illegal Mexicans?

The refried beans have gone to your head. I'm all for doing what we can about illegals but that situation is a million miles from Jews and Israel. You do understand that "Mexican" is not a religion... right? And that when an ethnic Jew sets foot on Israeli soil he automatically gets citizenship?

I'm sorry.... this is just too weird. Pull yourself together lady.

Village idiot. the comparison was not about race and religion but about "returning home" and I thought I made that clear.:eusa_shifty:
Not even about citizenship or non-citizenship.
You are comparing Jews and Israel to illegal Mexicans?

The refried beans have gone to your head. I'm all for doing what we can about illegals but that situation is a million miles from Jews and Israel. You do understand that "Mexican" is not a religion... right? And that when an ethnic Jew sets foot on Israeli soil he automatically gets citizenship?

I'm sorry.... this is just too weird. Pull yourself together lady.

Village idiot. the comparison was not about race and religion but about "returning home" and I thought I made that clear.:eusa_shifty:
Not even about citizenship or non-citizenship.

So.... you are saying that like Jews, after generations away from home, Hispanics should go back to Spain?

You know, it's a lot easier to just say "I think Mexicans should go back to Mexico and this is why:" and then just make a straight forward point about the matter. I think the Jewish situation is best left to the Jews and Israel and maybe whoever is paying the bills over there. There is no reason to carry on with this sort of absurd hyperbole about everything under the sun.

There is no comparison to millions of Jews going back to Israel due to religious dogma or mass murder and Mexicans going back home from the US.

Again, get a hold of yourself.
The way I see it, Mexican illegal immigrants are doing what Hitler did, Except they aren't using blitzkrieg tactics or panzers. NAZIs thought that Germans were entitled to lands that Germans occupied from years of immigration. Poland, Czechoslovakia , hell even England and Russia became part of this tidal wave, that gluttonous push to envelop all counties they thought they should inhabit. Of course, Mexicans would NEVER do anything like that, would they? Not poor little old over-crowded Mexico. God forefend anyone entertain the thought.

If Mexicans are "invading" the American SW, isn't that basically the same as Israelis settling the West Bank? They're both parts of ancestral homelands taken by invading armies.

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