Jewish organization to send aid ship to Gaza soon

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Jewish Voice for Peace movement in Germany said it intends to send an aid ship or maybe more to break the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip in the coming weeks.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth quoted member of the movement Kate Leitrer as saying that they are planning to leave for Gaza in July.

"We have one small craft so far, in which there will be between 12 and 16 people, mostly Jews," Leitrer added.

"Getting another boat means more expenses, and we're discussing this possibility," she noted.

"The UNRWA chief appealed to the world to send ships due to the shortage of important supplies in Gaza," she said. "By stopping the flotilla, Israel acted criminally. Israel must not act like pirates."

She also affirmed that the Jewish activists are not afraid of Hamas in Gaza, but of Israel and its intention to attack any ship trying to break the siege, adding that many Jewish activists came in the past to Gaza and were treated in a friendly manner.

Jewish organization to send aid ship to Gaza soon

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