Jewish Group: Anti-Semitism on Rise in U.S.

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Therefore, give more money to the ADL.

Hate Crimes At Queens Libraries and Jewish Temple

A nationwide ADL survey released just yesterday found that anti-Semitic attitudes have risen in America.
The ADL survey found that 15 percent of Americans - nearly 35 million adults - hold deeply anti-Semitic views. That's up three percent from 2009.
"The fact that anti-Semitic attitudes have increased significantly over the past two years is troubling and raises questions about the impact of broader trends in America - financial insecurity, social uncertainty, the decline in civility and the growth of polarization - on attitudes toward Jews," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.

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Few ever ask whether "anti-Semitism" might be justified, given that Jews DO IN FACT have disproportionate influence in the media, government and financial worlds -- and typically pursue policies that are good for Jews, but harmful to others. For instance, our open borders immigration policy HELPS Jews by diluting the number of white Christians, but HURTS the rest by creating multiracial chaos and costs. Or, our middle east policy: HELPS Jews because it helps Israel, but HURTS us because of the high cost, terrorism, and death of our soldiers (who are rarely, if ever, Jewish).
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Few ever ask whether "anti-Semitism" might be justified, given that Jews DO IN FACT have disproportionate influence in the media, government and financial worlds -- and typically pursue policies that are good for Jews, but harmful to others.

FUCK YOU, you bigoted piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my country scumbag, we don't need weaklings like you. You have exposed yourself as a coward and an idiot on any number of issues here. Get out before we throw you out with the rest of the trash.
Few ever ask whether "anti-Semitism" might be justified, given that Jews DO IN FACT have disproportionate influence in the media, government and financial worlds -- and typically pursue policies that are good for Jews, but harmful to others.

FUCK YOU, you bigoted piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my country scumbag, we don't need weaklings like you. You have exposed yourself as a coward and an idiot on any number of issues here. Get out before we throw you out with the rest of the trash.


Yeah, you can leave with your boyfriend, loser.
Jewish Group: Anti-Semitism on Rise in U.S.

Doesn't surpise me.

Race-specific racism and popular frustration with the economy tend to go hand in hand.

Naturally the JEWS will be targeted.

Hell the Jews are always a convenient target, since they're so visible and they tend to be better off than most people in most societies where they're tolerated.

Doesn't surprise me. People are waking up to the truth as to who runs this country. Course when they see that its jews and they start saying something about it then turns into antisemitism according to the racist scum at the ADL.

Man you hate everyone dont you?
Hate...mmm only the people destroying my country. Blacks are told what to do directly or indirectly by the jewish media and the entire zionist entity. So really I just hate jews. I hate blacks for what they do but their mentality is that of your average dumb animal so what should we expect.

Your country?

This country is not owned by racists who barely have enough brain cells to tie their shoes.

This country is owned as much by EVERY single black person who is an American citizen.

It is owned as much as every single jewish American who is a citizen.

You own the right to be an American not more than they do.

Yes you have every right to be JUST this stupid and hate filled here in America.

That is one of the beauties of this country.

Even idiots full to the brim with hate have rights here.

You will NEVER see this country be what you want it to be.

I laugh at the idea that you are pained by freedom.

I laugh at the idea that you think you have a rats ass chance in hell of getting what you want in this country.

Me and all these blacks and Jewish Americans enjoy that you will NEVER get what you want here in this country.

Your welcome to stay and be an idiot though.

Its the American promise of freedom that gives you that right.
Hate...mmm only the people destroying my country. Blacks are told what to do directly or indirectly by the jewish media and the entire zionist entity. So really I just hate jews. I hate blacks for what they do but their mentality is that of your average dumb animal so what should we expect.

OK, now I have you pretty clear. :)
they tend to be better off than most people in most societies where they're tolerated.

And yet if they're so rich, visible and tolerated in the U.S., doesn't that undermine the argument that "anti-Semitism" holds them back?

Poor billy boy, never did get his druthers because all those 'better' fuckers took it from him.

That damned bell curve...
they tend to be better off than most people in most societies where they're tolerated.

And yet if they're so rich, visible and tolerated in the U.S., doesn't that undermine the argument that "anti-Semitism" holds them back?

Poor billy boy, never did get his druthers because all those 'better' fuckers took it from him.

That damned bell curve...

So Jews DO have more power, money and influence.

Or they don't?

It's funny... if Abraham Foxman says Jews are powerful, he's applauded.
If David Duke says the same thing, he's denounced.

And they wonder where anti-Semites come from... the ranks of those who pay attention, I guess!
And yet if they're so rich, visible and tolerated in the U.S., doesn't that undermine the argument that "anti-Semitism" holds them back?

Poor billy boy, never did get his druthers because all those 'better' fuckers took it from him.

That damned bell curve...

So Jews DO have more power, money and influence.

Or they don't?

It's funny... if Abraham Foxman says Jews are powerful, he's applauded.
If David Duke says the same thing, he's denounced.

And they wonder where anti-Semites come from... the ranks of those who pay attention, I guess!

Jews don't go around boasting about how much "power, money, influence" they have. I sure haven't seen it. Jews are no different than any other people. You work hard you can make something of yourself, no conspiracy there. Maybe you should try it instead of blaming others for your pathetic existence.
And yet if they're so rich, visible and tolerated in the U.S., doesn't that undermine the argument that "anti-Semitism" holds them back?

Poor billy boy, never did get his druthers because all those 'better' fuckers took it from him.

That damned bell curve...

So Jews DO have more power, money and influence.

Or they don't?

It's funny... if Abraham Foxman says Jews are powerful, he's applauded.
If David Duke says the same thing, he's denounced.

And they wonder where anti-Semites come from... the ranks of those who pay attention, I guess!

It depends. I would say that this Jew likely has more power and influence than you.

Because you wish you had it and I know I have it. I've worked for it. :)
And yet if they're so rich, visible and tolerated in the U.S., doesn't that undermine the argument that "anti-Semitism" holds them back?

Poor billy boy, never did get his druthers because all those 'better' fuckers took it from him.

That damned bell curve...

So Jews DO have more power, money and influence.

Or they don't?

It's funny... if Abraham Foxman says Jews are powerful, he's applauded.
If David Duke says the same thing, he's denounced.

And they wonder where anti-Semites come from... the ranks of those who pay attention, I guess!

You sound jealous of the Jews success.

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