Jesse Jackson sued for harassment and propositioning a gay staffer


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Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
‘Asked for Oral Sex’: Rev. Jackson Slapped With Gay Harassment Complaint | The Blaze

The complaint, as NBC Chicago reports, ”includes shocking allegations about Jackson’s behavior toward the openly gay staffer including an allegation that the civil rights leader propositioned him.”

Jackson's denying it, of course. Course some of these incidences happened in front of other employees. It will be interesting to see if anyone cooberates the claims.

Needless to say, if true, I really suggest he take a step back from public life and start studying and living the Bible he claims to be preaching.
‘Asked for Oral Sex’: Rev. Jackson Slapped With Gay Harassment Complaint | The Blaze

The complaint, as NBC Chicago reports, ”includes shocking allegations about Jackson’s behavior toward the openly gay staffer including an allegation that the civil rights leader propositioned him.”

Jackson's denying it, of course. Course some of these incidences happened in front of other employees. It will be interesting to see if anyone cooberates the claims.

Needless to say, if true, I really suggest he take a step back from public life and start studying and living the Bible he claims to be preaching.

Well, holy shades of Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, Batman! Another con-art..., er, I mean "preacher", who can't keep his willie and his wanna in his own britches! Praise the Lord, and pass the condoms! Psssst, somebody tell Jesse the gay bar is down the street....:lol:
Did'nt he once say he wanted to bite Baracks nuts off?
all blacks are predisposed to fuck anything with a hole.nature is a motherfucker.
The "Rev" believes in equal opportunity. I'm sure he asks the same of his girl staffers.

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