Japanese Yen Stronger Than USD In 20 Years


Jun 28, 2011
Look at this:

Historical Exchange Rates | OANDA

Compare the US Dollar to the Japanese Yen, and set the time range to as far back as it can be (January 1990). You see, the Japanese Yen is steadily increasing in value, and it's currently kicking USD butt when it comes to the value of the currencies.

This could have a negative impact on Japanese exports, but it could also mean that US businesses can expand their presence in Japan as US goods are made cheaper with a weaker currency.

Japanese Yen to USD:

July 2001: 124.40 (Yen to $1)
July 2003: 118.52 (Yen to $1)
July 2005: 111.87 (Yen to $1)
July 2007: 121.66 (Yen to $1)
July 2009: 94.45 (Yen to $1)
July 2011: 79.42 (Yen to $1)
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The Japanese economy works best when it's 120 Yen to the Dollar. More than that and exports get too expensive. Add to that they have a worse Debt to GDP ratio than us and they are not making babies. They're fucked.

I give em one or two generations before they're swallowed by China.

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