Japanese urging Japan to resolve the comfort women issue


Apr 21, 2008

A Japanese civil group is urging the Japanese government to resolve the comfort women issue. The Japanese government has been ignoring the the request of international community and the United Nations for apology and compensation for sexual slavery crimes during WWII. 'Executive Committee of Japanese Military Sexual Violence' made the Japanese military's sexual crime documents public on the 11th at Tokyo. They then urged Japan to apologize and compensate to the Chinese comfort women that were forced into sexual slavery. Although the Japanese government to a certain extent admit that the comfort women were victimized during the war, they do not feel the need to apologize or compensate to the victims. The Japanese government and politicians must learn to humbly adhere to the civil group's requests.

(日 민간단체, 日 정부에 中 위안부 배상 촉구 - 노컷뉴스)
The issue has been "resolved" many times already. Legally, politically, and informally it has been addressed again and again.

South Korea and Japan have signed official state to state documents resolving the issue, Japan has issued several OFFICIAL government statements of apology and has paid reparations. MILLIONS of private citizens in Japan have raised money from private donations to offer to the surviving victims of this terrible atrocity. To talk of unresolved issues and demands for apology is flat-out dishonest. Using such a terrible issue for obvious political purposes is disrespectful the the vicitms.
The Japanese government is very reluctant to come to terms with the thorny issue because it started as a local commander's initiative in Shanghai in 1932 to prevent the Japanese soldiers' brutal treatment of Chinese women and military brothels or "comfort stations" were set up to control their barbaric behaviour and protect the civilian population in occupied territories. Originally, "comfort women" were actually professional prostitutes recruited in mainland Japan but some local women in China and Korea were eventually tricked into prostitution to make up for the shortage of supply. Perhaps we may have to wait for the next generation of Japanese politicians to come up with a formal apology as demanded by Korean activists and the hostile political climate between the two countries at the moment is not conductive to any official talks on that matter. Further apologies may be futile and the situation is unlikely to improve regardless of the Japanese government's official stance on this particular issue because anti-Japanese sentiment is deeply ingrained in the nation's psyche and it's not peculiar to the older generation who actually experienced Japan's colonial rule and overcoming the victim mentality would be extremely difficult for Korea as with the case with the former colonial subjects of the British Empire.
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Perhaps we may have to wait for the next generation of Japanese politicians to come up with a formal apology as demanded by Korean activists and the hostile political climate between the two countries at the moment is not conductive to any official talks on that matter.

NO, you don't have to wait because MANY formal apologies have already been given, including apologies specifically for this issue. Japanese Prime Ministers and other high ranking representatives have offered DOZENS of apologies since the end of the war, official documents settling this particular matter have been signed and accepted by both countries, and MILLIONS of private citizens in Japan have raised money to offer to the victims of this atrocity. Whenever it is politically expedient, all this is forgotten and cries of "why won't you ever apologize?" are raised as if all of the above never happened. 'Journalists' and others from the West pick up this line on cue and run with it, completely ignorant of the facts.

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If there are just too darn many apologies for you to read, focus on the 90s for some highlights.
Perhaps we may have to wait for the next generation of Japanese politicians to come up with a formal apology as demanded by Korean activists and the hostile political climate between the two countries at the moment is not conductive to any official talks on that matter.

NO, you don't have to wait because MANY formal apologies have already been given, including apologies specifically for this issue. Japanese Prime Ministers and other high ranking representatives have offered DOZENS of apologies since the end of the war, official documents settling this particular matter have been signed and accepted by both countries, and MILLIONS of private citizens in Japan have raised money to offer to the victims of this atrocity. Whenever it is politically expedient, all this is forgotten and cries of "why won't you ever apologize?" are raised as if all of the above never happened. 'Journalists' and others from the West pick up this line on cue and run with it, completely ignorant of the facts.

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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