Japanese Rearmament due to North Korean threat



After World War II the Japanese were force to disband their army. They are also forbidden to go to war under the US peace constitution with Japan. I believe Japan is one of the U.S. most powerful allies and we should allow them to rearm due to the North Korean threat.
Please post your opinions,
Im not sure what my opinion on this is. I mean yeah we may need them to help deal with the N Koreas, but do we really want Japan back in the military business? it may be 50 years later but traditions die hard. If they get back into the military business they will try to be the best they can. its what they do. Its deffinately something we need to think about though.
With the rising threat of North Korea, and the ever-present reality of Red China, I fully support any steps Japan might take towards assuming more of the military burden and regional responsibilities associated with that part of the world.

Japan and the U.S. have become inextricably linked over the past 50 years and should they choose to increase their military posture it would not concern me in the least. I would welcome it. We have nothing to fear from a militarily powerful Japan.
simlpy put our economies are so enter-twined together that as one goes so does the other..Japan today is not the same one we fought with 60 years ago..Let em Cowboy up!!! I bet they got some real interesting toys over there! and as has been stated on this board before...we are all a part of the human race, join it and be a good neighbor, or we will come visit your neck of the woods and straighten you out. Having a strong Japanese Military on that side of the world could do nothing but help us..short term and Long. :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:
I'm glad most people seem to be agreeing with me. I'm writing a paper on it that I might post when I'm done.
Yes you are right that we do need more allies in asia right now. I do support them taking steps to do this. But i just dont trust them entirely. Remember what they did to china. No, lemmi be more specific. Remembe the rape of nanking. Yes, half the population died from the japanese during wwii. Mostly women, girls, and old ladys from rape. THat is only a fraction of what they did to china. (i think that is one of the things that turned china communist, they got so freaked out they needed a huge army, and they saw the communism as the only way) Now u may be thinking that i should " get over it" I dont really think that i should get over it if they still worship many of the japanese officers and soldiers as war heros, when many of them were ones that ordered the deaths of what i think is millions of innocient people. Much of the population does this, they worship them as heros. Thats like germans worshiping concentration camp managers, and hitler, and his officers, as war heros. Just keep that in mind.
The tension between Japan and China goes back a long way, and the animosity exists to this day. The veneration of WW2 heros still exists because the truth about what the Japanese did during the war is not taught in schools. All, the same, I don't believe we need to worry about the Japanese going on a genocidal rampage anymore.

I mean, how can't you trust this face?
2 things:

So, in spite of public outcry over perceived violation of Article 9, Japan’s rearmament began in 1947 with initiation of a U.S. program to build up the Japanese Coast Guard, to recognize and reorganize the Japanese National Rural Police, and to transfer to Japan U.S. Navy mine sweepers.


The rearmament of japan has been in progress for some time, going slowly and with american encouragement. They have even sent troops to iraq, which will be the first combat zone test of the japanese military outside japan since wwII. This is fine by me, they are much more likely to buy the rest of the world than to try and conquer it again...

2) I know that girl, yaya. She came to dragon con last year in that costume with a friend of ours from cali. way cool lady.
Originally posted by Aquarian
I know that girl, yaya. She came to dragon con last year in that costume with a friend of ours from cali. way cool lady.

Really...then tell her she's one of the most exquisitely beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on.
will try, she's more a friend of a friend but expect to see her at the con this year again and she also shows up at one of the clubs in town on occaision.
lol, nice! I guess we should let them do that, just watch them a little closely

If there are more japanese girls like the one in the pic, ill watch them Very closely :laugh:

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