Jane Elliott

JW Frogen

Gold Member
May 10, 2009
Jane Elliott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jane created the famous blue eye brown eye experiment. In a period of two days she gave brown eyed students all sorts of privileges, praised them, preferred them and did the opposite to the blue eye students. In just two days the brown eyed students identified as 'us and them', they adopted an attitude of superiority, the opposite happened to the blue eyed students.

Her conclusion is that racism or ethnic division is learned and can be unlearned by this exercise.

Fair enough, but I think she is unaware of a darker truth she has revealed, one the opposite of what she was trying to achieve.

I posit this, if you can get kids in just two days to be tribal around something as trivial as eye color then you are indeed not dealing with simple learned behavior, you are dealing with biological hard wiring. These kids responded so quickly to a new ‘us and them paradigm’ that it could not have simply been just learned, it must be in some way innate.

So if we add far more complex allegiances such as religion, culture, language, race, economic class, the phenomena of human division and prejudices becomes even more difficult to overcome. Such discrimination is not simply a defect of White European culture but rather an instinct of Homo Sapiens, all Homo Sapiens. It is manifested in every race and culture.

I think she proved her own premise wrong, it can not be learned or unlearned in a simple seminar, it is who we are, and we will have to use every molecule of or reason to fight our own instincts to make progress on this issue. Not just white people, all of us.

Every last one of us.

And to my mind, sadly, her experiment reveals, that is probably not going to happen writ large.

Jane Elliot is anti-white evil made flesh. She takes a truly sick and twisted pleasure in brainwashing young white children into thinking that their own race is "bad" and should feel ashamed of itself. It's complete genocidal bullshit, but of course the media and the establishment think she's nifty. What really freaks me out about this bitch is the sort of Zen-master-of-white-hatred aura she projects -- I have seen her interviewed, and she's possessed.
Jane Elliott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jane created the famous blue eye brown eye experiment. In a period of two days she gave brown eyed students all sorts of privileges, praised them, preferred them and did the opposite to the blue eye students. In just two days the brown eyed students identified as 'us and them', they adopted an attitude of superiority, the opposite happened to the blue eyed students.

Her conclusion is that racism or ethnic division is learned and can be unlearned by this exercise.

Fair enough, but I think she is unaware of a darker truth she has revealed, one the opposite of what she was trying to achieve.

I posit this, if you can get kids in just two days to be tribal around something as trivial as eye color then you are indeed not dealing with simple learned behavior, you are dealing with biological hard wiring. These kids responded so quickly to a new ‘us and them paradigm’ that it could not have simply been just learned, it must be in some way innate.

So if we add far more complex allegiances such as religion, culture, language, race, economic class, the phenomena of human division and prejudices becomes even more difficult to overcome. Such discrimination is not simply a defect of White European culture but rather an instinct of Homo Sapiens, all Homo Sapiens. It is manifested in every race and culture.

I think she proved her own premise wrong, it can not be learned or unlearned in a simple seminar, it is who we are, and we will have to use every molecule of or reason to fight our own instincts to make progress on this issue. Not just white people, all of us.

Every last one of us.

And to my mind, sadly, her experiment reveals, that is probably not going to happen writ large.

Us vs Them USMB style....

Drunks vs Stoners.
And then there are the Bonobo....

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on TED.com

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Evil-Ordinary-Genocide-Killing/dp/0195189493/ref=pd_cp_b_2]Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): Books[/ame]

"If the Lord must be disappointed in us men and our ways, so must be the Devil in the face of such courage, love, and companionship as plain people show." Norman Thomas
Jane Elliott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jane created the famous blue eye brown eye experiment. In a period of two days she gave brown eyed students all sorts of privileges, praised them, preferred them and did the opposite to the blue eye students. In just two days the brown eyed students identified as 'us and them', they adopted an attitude of superiority, the opposite happened to the blue eyed students.

Her conclusion is that racism or ethnic division is learned and can be unlearned by this exercise.

Fair enough, but I think she is unaware of a darker truth she has revealed, one the opposite of what she was trying to achieve.

I posit this, if you can get kids in just two days to be tribal around something as trivial as eye color then you are indeed not dealing with simple learned behavior, you are dealing with biological hard wiring. These kids responded so quickly to a new ‘us and them paradigm’ that it could not have simply been just learned, it must be in some way innate.

So if we add far more complex allegiances such as religion, culture, language, race, economic class, the phenomena of human division and prejudices becomes even more difficult to overcome. Such discrimination is not simply a defect of White European culture but rather an instinct of Homo Sapiens, all Homo Sapiens. It is manifested in every race and culture.

I think she proved her own premise wrong, it can not be learned or unlearned in a simple seminar, it is who we are, and we will have to use every molecule of or reason to fight our own instincts to make progress on this issue. Not just white people, all of us.

Every last one of us.

And to my mind, sadly, her experiment reveals, that is probably not going to happen writ large.

While the author of this joke of a study is clearly a racist herself, by claiming that all 'white' people are racists or somehow socially inferior as a group, she is displaying racist behavior herself. Her "research" methods were absolutely horrible. Only psychopaths (like communists) would celebrate this sort of cruelty towards children.

That said,
Her red-herring point that 'racism' is generally a learned behavior holds some truth. Using the strict definition of "racism" of course. While it is quite natural to distrust an "outsider", this prejudice does not neccesarily indicate feelings of group superiority/inferiority, it is more a matter of group survival. When people assign characteristics regarding superiority/inferiority to a group, it is logically based on experiences with other members from the outside group. It is just the way our brains work.

The OP is correct. She is a racist idiot whose agenda is not to improve the quality of life for anyone, rather to justify her own racist brainwashing schemes and attacking Freedom of Association. Considering her own racist hatred and tactics, it would not surprise me one bit to discover that she is a commie.

It is a human survival "instinct" to display "tribal" psychology. This fact is well documented in many studies, if not plainly observable with a little common sense.

Prejudice Is Hard-wired Into The Human Brain, Says ASU Study
Contrary to what most people believe, the tendency to be prejudiced is a form of common sense, hard-wired into the human brain through evolution as an adaptive response to protect our prehistoric ancestors from danger.

Hard-Wired for Prejudice? Experts Examine Human Response to Outsiders - NYTimes.com
Her red-herring point that 'racism' is generally a learned behavior holds some truth. Using the strict definition of "racism" of course. While it is quite natural to distrust an "outsider", this prejudice does not neccesarily indicate feelings of group superiority/inferiority, it is more a matter of group survival.]

Interesting post.

I do not see racism as simply a condition of inferiority-superiority, but rather a reflexive exclusion of an other race's (even if it is monetarily) human attributes to concentrate on race. While there have been cultures in history where race has not been a significant factor in group acceptance I believe that tolerance was learned and the instinctual default position was to initially exclude or judge differently based on race, simply because it is usually so easy to indentify so would be immediately subject to the hard wiring your studies discuss. Unlike other us and other categories, such as religion or economic class.

Gender would be the only other immediately identifiable category subject to this hard wiring.

As such I think Ms. Elliot put the cart before the horse, she just picked the difference to concentraite on (eye color) but the us and them reaction was hardwired and universal to humans not learned by one paticular group.

How we deal with it long term is learned.
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