IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

Immaculate Conception - Birthplace of Athena: From the forehead of her father Zeus. So I guess almost anything is possible.

No written accounts of him from age 12 until age 32. What happened to him and why weren't there any accounts (written or storytelling)? The Bible follows Moses throughout his entire life, which appeared to be a fairly long one with many more accomplishments than Jesus. Moses gave man the law. Jesus gave man the Catholic church, an abomination if ever there was one.

But it's the Son of God thing that bothers me most. In the beginning, God created ... man in his image. Or so Genesis reports. If that's true then wouldn't everyone be the children of God? And yes, that would include our enemies. And let's say mankind was wiped out in the Great Flood, then we are the children of Noah. And Noah was a child of God.

If Jesus died for everyone's sins, which is what Christians believe. Then why are they always so worried about committing them? Or rather getting caught committing them? As for that ascension into Heaven story. In Literature it's called Deus ex machina. In Star Trek, it was called a communicator - beam me up, Scotty.

Thomas Jefferson had more than a few choice quotes on the subject - here's one right on point.

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.”

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

Believe it or not, we are heading to that point. But there is a bit of fear and skepticism about what is truly being accomplished.
Well ....I'll take any victory I can from you idiot zombies. Thanks!

So you take it upon yourself to add words in American's post? He didn't call you a fool...you did that yourself! :lol: At least you're admitting it now.....

American First edited his post AFTER Huggy quoted the original.

Follow the time stamps.

Hey...we got that figured out, all's good. Now mind your own business please...thanks! :)
In my opinion, the hardest thing for me to believe is that Jesus would forgive a Democrat.

or be a Republican. He's just not an Armani suit man. And I'm sure he was never heard talking down to the poor or bragging about how many millions he had. As Mark Twain quipped if Jesus returned to earth, there is definitely one thing he wouldn't be and that's a Christian.
IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

That he came from the Middle East and looked like this:


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