It's Worse Than Imagined: Hillary Has Leaking Heart Valve And Needs Replacement Surgery

For crying out loud, Cheney had a bad heart as well and it didn't stop him.

He even managed to shoot someone.
Things like that routinely happen when you quail hunt at close range in cactus and mesquite Thicket's.

Routinely? Really? Getting shot in the face is a routine happening when quail hunting? Do you call the hospital before you go quail hunting to tell them you may be shot because it's "routine"? If that's the case, why go hunting for quail?

My solution? Go hunting with people who know how to make sure of their target before shooting and are fair shots as well as know that you DON'T point your gun in the direction of anyone you're hunting with. If you don't intend to kill it, don't point your gun at it.

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