It's time to legalize drugs


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman, two of the most respected conservative intellectuals of the late 20th century, were among the drug war's high-profile critics. These great thinkers did not argue that recreational drug use should be celebrated -- far from it! Instead, they argued that the prohibition of drugs was causing far greater harm to society than drug abuse itself. And they were right.

When I ran for governor of New Mexico in 1994, I promised to bring a common-sense business approach to government. Everything was going to be a cost-benefit analysis -- how much of taxpayers' money are we spending, and what are we getting for the money we spend?

As governor, I was astonished to learn that half of what we were spending on law enforcement, courts and prisons was drug-related, and yet illegal drugs were cheaper, stronger and more available than ever. After further study, it became obvious to me that the drug war had created a lucrative black market and was enriching and empowering violent gangs and cartels. In many ways, it was like alcohol prohibition all over again, with similarly disastrous results.

Gary Johnson: Face reality, legalize pot -
Start with Pot, Ectasy, and shrooms. See how that goes as a test to look into legalizing others.
Ya after the next election cycle I suspect there's going to be a huge need to medicate a lot of people :lol:
You guys really think open air drug markets in the US are a good idea?

Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.
You guys really think open air drug markets in the US are a good idea?

Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.

Would that work with every drug though, like crystal meth and heroin? alot of the people that use those can barely hold down a job as it is.
You guys really think open air drug markets in the US are a good idea?

Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.

Would that work with every drug though, like crystal meth and heroin? alot of the people that use those can barely hold down a job as it is.

I would start with the least harmful. Pot, E, Shrooms. I agree it may not be possible with some of them, but think about the manpower savings in law enforcement you get from legalizing the "kiddie" drugs. You could then target the more damaging ones far easier.
William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman, two of the most respected conservative intellectuals of the late 20th century, were among the drug war's high-profile critics. These great thinkers did not argue that recreational drug use should be celebrated -- far from it! Instead, they argued that the prohibition of drugs was causing far greater harm to society than drug abuse itself. And they were right.

When I ran for governor of New Mexico in 1994, I promised to bring a common-sense business approach to government. Everything was going to be a cost-benefit analysis -- how much of taxpayers' money are we spending, and what are we getting for the money we spend?

As governor, I was astonished to learn that half of what we were spending on law enforcement, courts and prisons was drug-related, and yet illegal drugs were cheaper, stronger and more available than ever. After further study, it became obvious to me that the drug war had created a lucrative black market and was enriching and empowering violent gangs and cartels. In many ways, it was like alcohol prohibition all over again, with similarly disastrous results.

Gary Johnson: Face reality, legalize pot -

Is your guilty conscience bothering you again?
You guys really think open air drug markets in the US are a good idea?

Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.

The Dutch experiment is a failure, as they try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

I have a better solution: give each addict caught with drugs the absolute best rehab program available. If caught again, execute them. Execute dealers even on a first time offense.
That will solve the drug problem.
You guys really think open air drug markets in the US are a good idea?

Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.

The Dutch experiment is a failure, as they try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

I have a better solution: give each addict caught with drugs the absolute best rehab program available. If caught again, execute them. Execute dealers even on a first time offense.
That will solve the drug problem.

Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.
Do it like the dutch, specific stores, government regulated, supplied by in state farms or labs. Everything checked, everything taxed. Even allow people to grow small amounts on thier property for personal use.

The only thing you would have to work on would be a blood concentration vs. incapacity scale, similar to BAC to punish people operating motor vehicles while under the influence.

The Dutch experiment is a failure, as they try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

I have a better solution: give each addict caught with drugs the absolute best rehab program available. If caught again, execute them. Execute dealers even on a first time offense.
That will solve the drug problem.

Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.

I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.
The Dutch experiment is a failure, as they try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

I have a better solution: give each addict caught with drugs the absolute best rehab program available. If caught again, execute them. Execute dealers even on a first time offense.
That will solve the drug problem.

Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.

I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.
Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.

I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.

Law are not made on the basis of individuals. I can safely drive a car at 90mph. That doesnt mean speed limits shouldn't apply to me.
Legalizing drugs will incresae their use. Does anyone argue this is a good thing?
You dont like executing criminals? Sorry for you.
I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.

Law are not made on the basis of individuals. I can safely drive a car at 90mph. That doesnt mean speed limits shouldn't apply to me.
Legalizing drugs will incresae their use. Does anyone argue this is a good thing?
You dont like executing criminals? Sorry for you.

I dont mind executing murderers, or even rapists. executing someone for possessing or smoking a plant is extreme.

Speed limits are based on the physical limits of a car to ride on a road of a given slope, width and material. That has nothing to do with laws against substances people dont like.

A small increase in drug use, with reference to pot, is in my opinion worth the benefits we get in regulating it, taxing it, and decriminalizing it. The police could concentrate more on the more dangerous drugs and other crimes. The states would get another source of revenue.
The Dutch experiment is a failure, as they try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

I have a better solution: give each addict caught with drugs the absolute best rehab program available. If caught again, execute them. Execute dealers even on a first time offense.
That will solve the drug problem.

Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.

I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

Yessssss, just like how when prohibition ended, we turned the country into a bunch or worthless, jobless alcoholics.
Not all drug users are addicts. I use pot recreationally, a few times a year. Drug laws are like all laws limiting "use of X". They are desgined to protect the weakest and stupidest people in our society, while preventing people such as myself a little bit of enjoyment when we want to relax.

We already have several legal drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffine, so there is precedent, and most of these were legal prior to their regulation in the early 20th century.

Aggressive pursuit of eliminating drug use has resulted in increased crime, transfer of our money to said criminals, increased police power, lack of respect for the law, and basically zero elimination of drug use.

its time to try something different.

I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.

Marty, meet the Rabbi. Rabbi, meet Marty. Rabbi has a bug up his butt over drug legalization. He claims to be conservative and believe in personal responsibility and liberty, but he's actually a nanny state social conservative who wants to control other peoples actions he doesn't agree with. He's a socialist and won't accept it.
I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.

Marty, meet the Rabbi. Rabbi, meet Marty. Rabbi has a bug up his butt over drug legalization. He claims to be conservative and believe in personal responsibility and liberty, but he's actually a nanny state social conservative who wants to control other peoples actions he doesn't agree with. He's a socialist and won't accept it.

Ah, was trying to reconcile his position on drug legalization with one of his sig quotes. Makes sense now.
I agree we need to try something different. But turning this country into a nation of zombies isnt really what I would call a good change.
I proposed something different, and something with a proven record of eliminating drug addiction.

You didnt answer my ability to use pot, not to excess. why should I be banned from using it because someone else can't control themselves?

How would legalizing pot turn us into a nation of zombies?

Also the idea of killing people based on a drug test is, honestly, abhorrent, and reeks of fascism.

Law are not made on the basis of individuals. I can safely drive a car at 90mph. That doesnt mean speed limits shouldn't apply to me.
Legalizing drugs will incresae their use. Does anyone argue this is a good thing?
You dont like executing criminals? Sorry for you.

your getting regulation mixed up with prohibition there is no law *banning* you from driving your car at 90 mph just restictions as to what speed you can drive when using PUBLIC roads in conjuction with other citizens safety is a factor .

use of a car on private property is not govt regulated
neither should drug use .
what stats have you got that says drug use will increase with deregulation .

there is no evidence that when prohibition was lifted the country turned into a nation of drunks
what happened was the crime rate went down and the citizen bought alcohol safely at the local store paying a tax to the govt instead of paying a prenium to a bootlegger
what do you prefer ???
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