It's Time to Bring Back Corporal Punishment in Schools


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.

After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


What's positive about having a principal or coach physically disciplining a child?
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


Yeah, you go tell him to go bend over the desk because you are about to paddle his ass....
The OP is talking about smacking the kids when they are little. Being a coward, his pea brain never thought of the kids getting big. He somehow believes that hitting little kids will turn them into perfect citizens.
spare the rod, spoil the child

is Biblical advice for parents, NOT school teachers or strangers
The OP is talking about smacking the kids when they are little. Being a coward, his pea brain never thought of the kids getting big. He somehow believes that hitting little kids will turn them into perfect citizens.
It'll make better citizens than the lil pukes running around today. Put some uniforms on them too. School is a kids "job". The kid does it well, kid gets rewarded. Sending a kid to a Public school these days is a form of child abuse.
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


What's positive about having a principal or coach physically disciplining a child?

When coupled with proper home training, relative to accepting the consequence of our actions, it re-enforces the difference between right and wrong.

The OP is talking about smacking the kids when they are little. Being a coward, his pea brain never thought of the kids getting big. He somehow believes that hitting little kids will turn them into perfect citizens.

Quite a bit of projection there.....

Its not the gun, the shooters have no respect for social order. Often parents failed them in the home as well.

After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


What's positive about having a principal or coach physically disciplining a child?


Strong Deterrent
Physical pain and fear are strong deterrents for the person who receives corporal punishment and for those who witness it. People will associate a certain behavior with a certain consequence such as spanking, paddling or flogging. This encourages avoidance of behaviors that elicit corporal punishment. Children being physically punished will also feel deterred from engaging in certain behaviors or activities that will attract physical punishment.

The Advantages of Corporal Punishment
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


What's positive about having a principal or coach physically disciplining a child?

When coupled with proper home training, relative to accepting the consequence of our actions, it re-enforces the difference between right and wrong.


Let me guess, you get to decide what qualifies as "proper home training."
Listen to the liberal scum reject anything that will stop kids form misbehaving.
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


What's positive about having a principal or coach physically disciplining a child?

When coupled with proper home training, relative to accepting the consequence of our actions, it re-enforces the difference between right and wrong.


Let me guess, you get to decide what qualifies as "proper home training."

No.... I am saying when these (2) things are combined you're unarguably less likely to turn out a mass murderer

After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


I do not think that beating a child or using violence against a child is a good thing, you can teach children right from wrong without resorting to using violence on them if they do something wrong. There's already enough violence without beating up children.
I agree 100% with the OP.


When I was in junior high school in the early 1950s, I once threw a rock in agriculture class.

The teacher told me to bend over, and he swatted me (once, I think).

I have never thrown another rock.


About 25 (?) years ago, I read that an American brat living in Singapore keyed some cars. The authorities sentenced him to be caned. There was a howl of protest from Americans. I do not know whether the sentence was actually carried out. If it was, I bet he never keyed another car.


Of course, corporal punishment in our schools today is out of the question.

Many students nowadays are out of control. They give the middle finger to teachers and even disobey police officers.

They feel that nothing will happen to them.

And they are (sadly) right.
After yesterday's shooting, there is something positive we can do. It doesn't take a village, it takes a Coach or Principle to deliver swift punishment. Learning right from wrong at an early age is prudent. It also puts the school in a different light for children in this regard. Like a child should fear the wrath of their father, they should also understand that school can deliver justice on a lessor scale.


I do agree that most schools in the Western world have little or no discipline anymore, that children can do as they please and get away with it, this is the fault of Political Correctness which is a great cancer on Western society, if a teacher even gives a naughty child the mildest of slaps on the hand it goes screaming its lungs out and the next thing the teacher is accused of physically abusing the child. I agree that a moderate form of discipline should be re introduced into all schools in the Western world but not how it was say 40, 50 years ago etc where children were basically beaten senseless.

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