It's Over: Liberals Surrender!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

"On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump.

But by Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”

Fake News CNN's 'journalistic standards' are so low you KNOW if they pulled the story it was nothing but an unsubstantiated snowflake rant of epic proportions. :p

When CNN begins refusing to run lies as news ot is a sign snowflakes are finally surrendering / embracing the truth that Hillary lost because she sucks. lol
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
If it wasn't taken down, THEN it might be fake news. Of course nothing indicates that it was wrong, just that their standards for evidence weren't met. What this proves is the calling CNN a fake news site is the real lie.
Wow, news so fake even the Concocted News Network had to pull it.

They're probably just fabricating more allegations from "anonymous sources".
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Unfortunately for your fantasy deflection, they never ran the lie. CNN did.
There are 20-30 lying articles on Breitbart's home page right now.
Sorry for your inability to remain on topic. We are discussion CNN pulling it's lies. Can you comment on that or should we have you thread banned?
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Unfortunately for your fantasy deflection, they never ran the lie. CNN did.
There are 20-30 lying articles on Breitbart's home page right now.
Sorry for your inability to remain on topic. We are discussion CNN pulling it's lies. Can you comment on that or should we have you thread banned?
Okay. A story was posted to CNN, and was taken down. They should be commended for removing stories they suspect of being inaccurate. Other news sources, such as Breitbart and Faux, how no interest whatsoever in accuracy, and that is a shame.
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Well...Fox eventually did retract the fake Seth Rich story. CNN has lost a lot of credibility of late.
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Unfortunately for your fantasy deflection, they never ran the lie. CNN did.
There are 20-30 lying articles on Breitbart's home page right now.
Sorry for your inability to remain on topic. We are discussion CNN pulling it's lies. Can you comment on that or should we have you thread banned?
Okay. A story was posted to CNN, and was taken down. They should be commended for removing stories they suspect of being inaccurate. Other news sources, such as Breitbart and Faux, how no interest whatsoever in accuracy, and that is a shame.
CNN only took the story down in fear of being sued. We aren't talking about anything else. Stop deflecting.
CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

"On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump.

But by Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”

Fake News CNN's 'journalistic standards' are so low you KNOW if they pulled the story it was nothing but an unsubstantiated snowflake rant of epic proportions. :p

When CNN begins refusing to run lies as news ot is a sign snowflakes are finally surrendering / embracing the truth that Hillary lost because she sucks. lol

Idiot, there goes the theory about CNN posting fake news. Fake news sites never retract a story. Real news outlets do. If you ever open a newspaper, go to page two. That's where newspapers post their corrections and retractions.
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Well...Fox eventually did retract the fake Seth Rich story. CNN has lost a lot of credibility of late.

Fox did that at the Rich family's request. Have to wonder why that family doesn't want the truth to come out...bought off or scared off?
Breitbart and Faux, under similar circumstances, would have made and kept the story as the main headline.
Well...Fox eventually did retract the fake Seth Rich story. CNN has lost a lot of credibility of late.

Then that means they all have, because I don't recall a time like this where we've had such an out of control sociopathic POTUS churning up the news cycle on purpose, spewing ink clouds like a desperate octopus, with just as many tentacles. And these news outlets are not only trying to stay on top of it, but also compete for viewers.

Back when Nixon was creating his shit-storm, there was no internet. Newspapers and the nightly network news at 6:00pm. That was it. So info didn't move nearly as quickly. So there's going to be more retractions as a natural result.
CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

"On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump.

But by Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”

Fake News CNN's 'journalistic standards' are so low you KNOW if they pulled the story it was nothing but an unsubstantiated snowflake rant of epic proportions. :p

When CNN begins refusing to run lies as news ot is a sign snowflakes are finally surrendering / embracing the truth that Hillary lost because she sucks. lol
“In response to whether or not Donald Trump had become an unwitting agent of Russia and their efforts to sow discord and discontent about our elections, you said that you declined to answer…
…Let’s look at this from a different perspective. Since her election defeat, Hillary Clinton has blamed her loss on the Russians, Vladimir Putin, the FBI agent James Comey, fake news, Wikileaks, Twitter, Facebook and my personal favorite, content farms in Macedonia.
In her blaming her loss on these actors, has Hillary Clinton become an unwitting agent of Russians’ goals in the United States.”

How the tables have turned. Well done, Mr. Cotton.
Fox has had it. Five big names leave/fired and they are limping along with Sean Hannity, whom even my far-right wing brother can't stand. Tucker Carlson is a has been who had to start his own website just to stay alive until he got another job after CNN.

Fox News ratings slip among older viewers with Bill O'Reilly's departure, but advertisers are back

Maybe you should check the cable ratings from last week....Giraffe-neck Madcow lost her mojo when the Russian hoax hit the rocks.
Fox has had it. Five big names leave/fired and they are limping along with Sean Hannity, whom even my far-right wing brother can't stand. Tucker Carlson is a has been who had to start his own website just to stay alive until he got another job after CNN.

Fox News ratings slip among older viewers with Bill O'Reilly's departure, but advertisers are back

Fox has been slowly leaning left for a while now......they had to get those people out of the way to make room for liberals
Fox news is no different than the other media now. Look into the OWNERSHIP
Now it seems that democrats are eating their own. Nancy Pelosi is blamed for the crushing democrat special election loss in Georgia. Be careful what you wish for lefties, it seems that the investigation might shift to Barry Hussein's A.G. and Hillary.

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