Its Nov 2018: GOP expand in Senate/House, Mueller says he has nothing and SCOTUS is locked up


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Aug 24, 2011
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!

“Its [sic]Nov 2018: GOP expand in Senate/House, Mueller says he has nothing and SCOTUS is locked up”

And our Constitutional Republic is dead, the rule of law destroyed.

A minority conservative government will pursue its failed, wrongheaded political agenda in opposition of the majority of the American people.

A reactionary, rightwing extremist Supreme Court will deny Americans the ability to seek relief through the judicial process from government excess and overreach violating the rights of the people.

The rights and protected liberties of the people are subject now to the capricious whims of conservative zealots and ideologues – their ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

It will be the advent of a conservative Dark Age.
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


I like how in your thread title, you assume that you will lose the mid terms.

Your siding with the Marxist Antifa violent thugs shows that you are the enemy of Freedom.

And we Americans will be prepared to go far to protect our beliefs. Do not doubt that, commie.
“Its [sic]Nov 2018: GOP expand in Senate/House, Mueller says he has nothing and SCOTUS is locked up”

And our Constitutional Republic is dead, the rule of law destroyed.

A minority conservative government will pursue its failed, wrongheaded political agenda in opposition of the majority of the American people.

A reactionary, rightwing extremist Supreme Court will deny Americans the ability to seek relief through the judicial process from government excess and overreach violating the rights of the people.

The rights and protected liberties of the people are subject now to the capricious whims of conservative zealots and ideologues – their ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

It will be the advent of a conservative Dark Age.

Your rationalizations for you opposition to the idea of Democratic Republics, is noted and held against you.

Do you self identify as a Marxist, or are you still delusional?
Its a possibility. Progress is seldom a straight arrow. We have set backs from time to time. This is just one of them. Brighter days ahead.
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


If the midterms go well, Trump will have the Congress he needs to undo Obama's weaponization of federal agencies. Much of the top leadership be sent packing.

This rather sounds like a step before a call to arms. Is that what you really want?

Better think a bit more about it. A lab rat at the Mayo Clinic would stand a better chance of survival.
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Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


A similar nationwide disturbance was allegedly planned for the day of candidate then President elect Trump's inauguration. What amounted to but a drop of water disturbed that pond. Again we see threats from the would be classical Leninist-Stalinist revolutionary Vanguard Party of the radical American Left. Unfortunately, unlike the classical Vanguard who spearheaded Revolution for the Bolshevik era, a counterrevolution to the radical American Left's would be destruction of 242 years of American political infrastructure has already occurred. These children of the Revolution have been infiltrated, identified, measured and found to be fragile shadows of forbears who won their right for them by blood to gather and protest and hate their country. Any widespread violence they initiate--which is the condition for response--will be managed. They've done so well identifying themselves at numerous occupy movements these recent years.

Think fate of Carthage.
If and when the far right and alt right rise up, the LEO and the military and their own neighbors will annihilate them.

If and when the far right and alt right rise up, the LEO and the military and their own neighbors will annihilate them.


Seems it's you people who are making threats of late.

And what special mushroom convinced you that law enforcement and the military would defend Antifa and their political masters?
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


A similar nationwide disturbance was allegedly planned for the day of candidate then President elect Trump's inauguration. What amounted to but a drop of water disturbed that pond. Again we see threats from the would be classical Leninist-Stalinist revolutionary Vanguard Party of the radical American Left. Unfortunately, unlike the classical Vanguard who spearheaded Revolution for the Bolshevik era, a counterrevolution to the radical American Left's would be destruction of 242 years of American political infrastructure has already occurred. These children of the Revolution have been infiltrated, identified, measured and found to be fragile shadows of forbears who won their right for them by blood to gather and protest and hate their country. Any widespread violence they initiate--which is the condition for response--will be managed. They've done so well identifying themselves at numerous occupy movements these recent years.

Think fate of Carthage.
No one in their right mind would make martyrs out of these half-wits. probation/parole will be violated and there goes their economic life.
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


A similar nationwide disturbance was allegedly planned for the day of candidate then President elect Trump's inauguration. What amounted to but a drop of water disturbed that pond. Again we see threats from the would be classical Leninist-Stalinist revolutionary Vanguard Party of the radical American Left. Unfortunately, unlike the classical Vanguard who spearheaded Revolution for the Bolshevik era, a counterrevolution to the radical American Left's would be destruction of 242 years of American political infrastructure has already occurred. These children of the Revolution have been infiltrated, identified, measured and found to be fragile shadows of forbears who won their right for them by blood to gather and protest and hate their country. Any widespread violence they initiate--which is the condition for response--will be managed. They've done so well identifying themselves at numerous occupy movements these recent years.

Think fate of Carthage.
No one in their right mind would make martyrs out of these half-wits. probation/parole will be violated and there goes their economic life.

Problem is, the politically correct masses have already martyred themselves as a condition of membership, and democrats intentionally or no have been martyring their base for decades. The momentum of the cultural revolution's radical wings has been clipped. The hydraulics will continue to function until the fluid fully drains. Give it some time.
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!


Those are not people that are there to peacefully protest for what they believe in...those are violent anarchists looking to subvert the democratic process here in the US. You don't wear a mask to hide your face unless you KNOW that you're about to commit criminal acts and want to hide your identity. That's a mob and all mobs have one thing in common...they're made up of cowards.
Have you prepared and how far will you go to protect your beliefs ?

Nobody Is Above the Law—Mueller Firing Rapid Response

Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.) Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism. That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 350,000 RSVPs to date!

LMAO! That’s funny right there.
The desperation of the alt right and far right grows.

Let's see who's "desperate" come November, Jakey! The wave that you on the left have been told is coming has been so over hyped by the liberal media that they have you believing it's going to happen. It's not. As James Carville explained to Bill Clinton so eloquently all those years ago..."It's the economy, Stupid!"

Trump has the economy steaming along right now and he's just gotten started. Why on earth would the average American who now has a job they feel secure about...has gotten raises and bonuses...and is paying less in out to the polls and pull the lever for the same group of people who oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history? The answer to that is...THEY WON'T!
The far right desperation only grows.

LOL, the left is to stupid to focus beyond opposing TRUMP, which is why when the blue wave doesn't show up in November the DNC will in an act of desperation respond with Hillary 2020.

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