It’s not your damn money.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Do you know how incredible stupid that sound. The money you are required to give the federal and state government is the price you have to pay to live in the greatest country in the world. When it leave your hand it is no longer yours and you no longer have any control over what the government does with it. It is used to insure that this country remains the greatest. And if you don’t like it go to a country where you do not have to pay taxes and see how you like it. The fact that you cannot tell government how to spend the money you give it should tell you it is no longer your money. If you stop giving government money it requires to remain great and government stop providing you the luxuries you have become accustomed to I think you will be singing a different song.
So the money you give government is not longer your money and the sooner you stop whining over it the sooner you will be able to relax and enjoy this great country and appreciate the government and all it does for you.

If GOD was running the country you would not be whining over a few dollars you pay in taxes because he would take the blessing away from you.

Some of you do not work and therefore do not pay any taxes and yet you continue to live in this country freeloading on the services paid for by others taxes and complain that the government is spending too much.
GOP Lawmakers Unveil $2.5 Trillion Spending Cuts Package
January 20, 2011 4:34 PM

House Democrats largely rejected the plan, arguing that the proposed cuts only create more unemployment while jeopardizing the economic recovery.

“After reading this radical proposal by House Republicans, we now know why they have been so tight-lipped about their budget plans. The likelihood of this becoming law is around zero, but even putting forward a plan that puts more people out of work and endangers our economic recovery calls into question how serious the GOP is about tackling our nation’s most difficult challenges,” said Doug Thornell, spokesman for the ranking member of the House Budget Committee Chris Van Hollen. “House Republicans need to realize that the campaign is over, the time for political stunts has past, and they have a responsibility to move the economy forward not backwards.” GOP Lawmakers Unveil $2.5 Trillion Spending Cuts Package - The Note
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