It's not Sarah's fault...just ask her...


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Troopergate was her brother-in-law's fault.

Walt Monegan was a rogue commissioner.

Neglecting a vetting of Palin's appointed replacement of Commissioner Monegan wasn't her fault, she didn't know Chuck Kopp had a sexual harassment charge. His 14 day employment was rewarded with a $10,000 severance package.

Her public press conference, pro-Pebble Mine stance during a contentious election was the fault of a "Governor's hat" wardrobe malfunction and possibly Tim Griffin.

The legislative investigation wasn't her doing. It was a "Democratic driven, partisan witch hunt" voted on by 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats after Sarah Palin challenged them with Bush-like bravado "Bring it on!"

When her church was burned, Palin blamed it on the attention she was receiving from people who didn't like her.

The Branchflower Report's "guilty of abuse of power" findings weren't her fault; she filed her own ethics complaint and would release those favorable findings the day before the election.

When an Anchorage based right wing radio host disagreed with her policies, in an email she blamed it on, "...some evil stuff going on with him."

Her criticisms when her witch hunting, governor-anointing pastor, Pastor Muthee, was exposed, were the fault of people who hate Jesus.

Her failed interviews were Katie Couric's and Charlie Gibson's fault. She called them "Gotcha questions."

The interview complete with compliments about the porno "Nailin' Pailin'" with "Sarkozy" poser shock jocks was the fault of McCain Campaign staffers.

Her exorbitant wardrobe was the RNC's fault.

Her charging the state per diem to sleep in her own bed and flying her family around the country at state expense were nothing more than petty ethics complaints from whiny constituents.

Her daughter's problems are Levi's fault.

Her VP political loss was John McCain's fault.

Her image problems are Tina Fey's fault.

Turkeygate was the cameraman's fault.

Her policy on aerial wolf hunting was Ashley Judd's and other Outsiders' fault. Palin's "faith based policy" on gassing wolf pups in their den must have been the fault of wolves gone wild.

Alaskans damn near starved in Western Alaska last winter because they didn't have enough cookies or Jesus.

The resignation of Attorney General Talis Colberg had nothing to do with the advice he gave Todd Palin and aides to ignore subpoenas. She blamed it on the "harsh political environment"created by lawmakers.

Palin thought Ted Stevens should "step aside" when convicted last fall. When Eric Holder overturned Steven's conviction, Palin thought Begich should resign.

When 6 million gallons of stored oil sat at the base of an erupting Mt. Redoubt, it was Homeland Security's issue, not her fault.

The empty Juneau Senate seat wasn't on her; it was the Senate Democrats' fault.

When Palin blew off a meeting with lawmakers in Juneau to have a press conference with Wayne Anthony Ross, the legislative leadership called a heated press conference of their own. Palin blamed them for not having the meeting "telephonically"...then it got messy.

Her failed appointment of a "if you can't rape your wife, who can you rape?" secessionist, gun toting attorney general, Wayne Anthony Ross, was the fault of the Alaska bloggers.

The failure of Palin's bills last session were the fault of partisan legislators.

In March, the governor said she wasn't "rejecting" the stimulus money, she just wasn't "accepting" it. It was Obama's fault for the national debt.

The inability to follow through with multiple speaking engagements had nothing to do with Palin's commitment phobia,. It was a misunderstanding with scheduling.

When a legislative aid made copies of an article Palin didn't like, she went to his office and blamed him for letting his boss know she wouldn't be in town for the last days of the session. Really.

After making a speech, Palin was accused of lifting words from Newt Gingrich and Craig Shirley in 2005. Palin's attorney said it wasn't her fault, she said Newt's name twice.

The ethics complaints against the governor were "unscrupulous" and Obama driven.

No one believes the governor's "word salad" as an explanation for her resignation, but that's the fault of an Alaskan blogger -- me.

She blamed the ethics complaints for costing Alaska "millions of dollars", except they weren't. It was less than $300,000 and of that, $187,000 was from her own politically motivated complaint, filed on herself to distract an interested public from the damning Branchflower report.

Sarah didn't want the travel costs of a "lame duck governor" to be billed to the state, and blamed her resignation on it in part...but she flew, on state dime, the equivalent of Miami to LA in the seven days since resigning.

She has half a million dollars in personal legal bills and must resign, blaming ethics complainers for her expense...but those legal bills will be paid in full, courtesy of her massive legal defense fund.

Levi says she's out for the money...but his opinion doesn't matter. She blames his opinion on having a movie deal in the works.

It's Rahm Emmanuel and President Obama's fault that Sarah Palin has constituents who think she sucks at her job.

Under the Palin Administration, the Department of Health & Social Services has been so poorly managed the federal government has forbidden the state to sign up new people until they get their act together. So, I guess that would be the fault of people who are both poor and sick and old.

The Constitutional crisis created by Palin's resignation isn't her fault, the legislature should have seen this coming years ago.

It's not Sarah's fault she's married to a man who was part of a secessionist political party, the Alaska Independence Party. No, it's the fault of "gotcha" voter registration.

It’s Not Sarah’s Fault…Just Ask Her « SHANNYN MOORE: JUST A GIRL FROM HOMER
I can't believe Palin is polling so high as the Republican choice for president in 2012. Good grief, that says volumes about how far down the GOP has sunk. But then I keep hoping the people who choose her in these polls do not represent GOP common sense and intelligentsia, which I pray still exists.
I can't believe Palin is polling so high as the Republican choice for president in 2012. Good grief, that says volumes about how far down the GOP has sunk. But then I keep hoping the people who choose her in these polls do not represent GOP common sense and intelligentsia, which I pray still exists.
shes polling high now because there really isnt anyone else
i doubt she will even run for it
I can't believe Palin is polling so high as the Republican choice for president in 2012. Good grief, that says volumes about how far down the GOP has sunk. But then I keep hoping the people who choose her in these polls do not represent GOP common sense and intelligentsia, which I pray still exists.

A Trifecta of Inadequacy

February 11, 2009

A couple of months ago, I wrote about the tired state of the Republican Party and how it desperately needs to blow past the disastrous Bush years and rediscover its core values. But months after being overwhelmingly rejected by the American people, the Republican Party remains unable to recapture its substance. Instead, we have only seen more pandering to the fanatics and dim bulbs, more of the same putrid ideas and more power-plays that evoke politics before country -- while the economy crashes and burns.

Weeks after the election, a Gallup Poll recorded that 67% of Republicans wanted Sarah Palin to be the party nominee in 2012. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 55% of GOP voters want their party to look more like Palin. (The fact that 43% of Republicans decry their party for becoming "too moderate" under Bush is utterly terrifying.) Yes, Sarah Palin -- the hockey mom who makes George W. Bush and Dan Quayle look like professors -- is the front-runner to lead this party. We're talking about the governor who couldn't identify the Bush Doctrine or recall a Supreme Court case besides Roe v Wade. The journalism major who couldn't name a newspaper she reads. The Vice Presidential candidate who repeatedly informed us that she does not know what a Vice President does!

But the constituency's fondness for the intellectually feeble doesn't end there. GOP officials are now seeking economic counsel from Joe the Plumber, the daft Ohioan McCain exalted as "an American hero" and "my role model" during his campaign. Yes, Joe the Plumber -- the alleged plumber without a plumbing license, who was recently in trouble for not paying his taxes and who has no discernible background or expertise in any field. The dreamer who was upset that Obama was going to disrupt his fantasy by increasing taxes on a business he wasn't even close to owning, even though Obama's tax plan would have left him better off in reality. The commentator who obtusely claimed that Obama's "ideology is completely different than what democracy stands for" and blathered on FOX News that a vote for Obama would bring the "death of Israel."

Even so, none of this is as disturbing as Rush Limbaugh's rapid ascent to "new leader" and "new face" of the Republican Party, as numerous journalists suggest. Just hours after Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) took an honorable stance and reprimanded Limbaugh for "throwing bricks," he was reduced to his knees in an embarrassing apology to mighty Rush. John McCain, who once upon a time criticized the fringe elements of his party, defended the talk radio host against those who dare to be critical of a conservative voice with a "wide viewing audience." Other prominent GOP officials have joined the rush to Limbaugh's defense, while he humiliates them further by bragging that Obama is "more frightened" of him than of the most powerful Republicans in Congress. Incredible.

It's no wonder Republicans refuse to play ball on President Obama's crucial stimulus package -- they're beholden to madcap who has broadcast his desire to see his president fail; they're searching for guidance in a thick-headed clown who continues to view Obama as a gay-marrying Muslim socialist from someplace foreign, and they're keen on ushering in as their new leader a former beauty queen who reminds us of Miss Teen South Carolina. Despite Obama's commitment to bipartisanship and repeated overtures to the GOP, we've watched them sit on the bleachers and sulk while their country sinks deeper into hot water. Obama has reminded the GOP that the reason they were crushed in November was that their ideas, which they still cling to, "have been tested, and they have failed." Maybe it's time to loosen the fist, take a hint and grow up.

So there's your Republican Party in a nutshell: controlled by Rush Limbaugh, seeking wisdom from Joe the Plumber and eager to extol Sarah Palin as their next commanding officer. How is this not sending chills of horror down more spines?

And to my conservative friends: this isn't about our philosophical differences -- we all want two respectable parties so they can keep each other in check. This is about holding both to certain minimal standards, which one of them clearly isn't fulfilling.

Sahil Kapur - | AlterNet

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Never seen someone so allegedly irrelevant draw so much flak in my life!! :rofl:
no shit
tell me, do you plan to vote for her in any primary?
i sure don't
not if a few frivolous attacks can drive her out of office
Never seen someone so allegedly irrelevant draw so much flak in my life!!

It's called fear of the unknown... If the liberals didn't have a basic fear of her, they wouldn't even be talking about her. Just a long shot guess. Maybe she'll start a third party and collect a big chunk of the votes - enough to cause Obama to not have a majority and somebody like Gingrich will be elected because of it. Stranger things have happened.
I can't believe Palin is polling so high as the Republican choice for president in 2012. Good grief, that says volumes about how far down the GOP has sunk. But then I keep hoping the people who choose her in these polls do not represent GOP common sense and intelligentsia, which I pray still exists.

says volumes about your fear of her.
I can't believe Palin is polling so high as the Republican choice for president in 2012. Good grief, that says volumes about how far down the GOP has sunk. But then I keep hoping the people who choose her in these polls do not represent GOP common sense and intelligentsia, which I pray still exists.

says volumes about your fear of her.

The only thing that scares me about Sarah Palin is that she might get elected one day. Other than that, I'm sure she's a nice person, but she's irrelevant to me.
Never seen someone so allegedly irrelevant draw so much flak in my life!!

It's called fear of the unknown... If the liberals didn't have a basic fear of her, they wouldn't even be talking about her. Just a long shot guess. Maybe she'll start a third party and collect a big chunk of the votes - enough to cause Obama to not have a majority and somebody like Gingrich will be elected because of it. Stranger things have happened.

If Palin splits and runs as a third party, only the right will suffer, and Obama will be re-elected.

Ross Perot come to mind?
Never seen someone so allegedly irrelevant draw so much flak in my life!!

It's called fear of the unknown... If the liberals didn't have a basic fear of her, they wouldn't even be talking about her. Just a long shot guess. Maybe she'll start a third party and collect a big chunk of the votes - enough to cause Obama to not have a majority and somebody like Gingrich will be elected because of it. Stranger things have happened.

If Palin splits and runs as a third party, only the right will suffer, and Obama will be re-elected.

Ross Perot come to mind?
Pure nonsense.

Hubert "Skip" Humphrey believed the same thing, by encouraging Jesse Ventura to enter the MN Governor's race against himself and Norm Coleman, and it backfired on his ass.

Besides that, you can't possibly prove who someone might vote for, if they vote at all, in the absence of the third option, after the fact.
It's called fear of the unknown... If the liberals didn't have a basic fear of her, they wouldn't even be talking about her. Just a long shot guess. Maybe she'll start a third party and collect a big chunk of the votes - enough to cause Obama to not have a majority and somebody like Gingrich will be elected because of it. Stranger things have happened.

If Palin splits and runs as a third party, only the right will suffer, and Obama will be re-elected.

Ross Perot come to mind?
Pure nonsense.

Hubert "Skip" Humphrey believed the same thing, by encouraging Jesse Ventura to enter the MN Governor's race against himself and Norm Coleman, and it backfired on his ass.

Besides that, you can't possibly prove who someone might vote for, if they vote at all, in the absence of the third option, after the fact.

True, you can't, but look at the facts:

Sarah palin is already creating a rift in the Republican party between the 'elites" and the base. If she goes third party, she'll take the base votes from Romney, or whoever the repubs put up.

Do you think that many democrats will vote for the anti-woman woman candidate?
Maybe, maybe not....Can't speak for people I don't know.

But if she -or any other candidate for that mater- successfully taps into the roughly half of voters who normally don't show up, all bets are off.

OK, let's look at the states then, She won't get CA- ~50 electoral votes. No NY- ~30 EV.

She may pull texas, if Romney is the republican up, some of the south, and the mountain west, but she's not going to get those northern swing states NH, VT

If she splits the republican votes, the only chance she has is if she's against Romney because he's a mormon, if Huckabee is up, Palin's spread/allure won't work as well.

And i think you do speak for people you don't know.

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