It's me, not right or left

Jul 26, 2012
Hi, I have been using computers for AGES, yet I never really joined a forum ( in my adult life, that is - it has been over 20 years since ). I am trying to have some fun talking politics. I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. The media seems so biased from Fox News on one side and MSNBC on the other. I see some people want to be conservative, but some people want to be progressive and liberal, but who is right? I wish we could skip sides and come together for a solution that is for the best, instead of what we think is the best.....

I am 38 years old, a computer tutor and e-commerce merchant. I am single and getting used to it.... I live in New Jersey with a conservative Fox-watching father. so... HELLO!
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Hi, I have been using computers for AGES, yet I never really joined a forum ( in my adult life, that is - it has been over 20 years since ). I am trying to have some fun talking politics. I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. The media seems so biased from Fox News on one side and MSNBC on the other. I see some people want to be conservative, but some people want to be progressive and liberal, but who is right? I wish we could skip sides and come together for a solution that is for the best, instead of what we think is the best.....

I am 38 years old, a computer tutor and e-commerce merchant. I am single and getting used to it.... I live in New Jersey with a conservative Fox-watching father. so... HELLO!
Welcome to USMB, jimowencassidy. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Hi, I have been using computers for AGES, yet I never really joined a forum ( in my adult life, that is - it has been over 20 years since ). I am trying to have some fun talking politics. I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. The media seems so biased from Fox News on one side and MSNBC on the other. I see some people want to be conservative, but some people want to be progressive and liberal, but who is right? I wish we could skip sides and come together for a solution that is for the best, instead of what we think is the best.....

I am 38 years old, a computer tutor and e-commerce merchant. I am single and getting used to it.... I live in New Jersey with a conservative Fox-watching father. so... HELLO!

The truth is somewhat elusive these days, everything you hear or read seems to be biased one way or another to some extent. You ain't the only one who is searching for the truth. Things get a little heated sometimes around here, so a thick skin helps. Welcome aboard.
Welcome....i hope you enjoy it here! You're going to meet all types, the crazies and the sane ones ( i think there's more crazies! Lol!). I've enjoyed it here, no matter what your mood is, you're going to find SOMEONE that fits it that you can argue with!!!
wow! didn't know I would get this many replies so quickly.

I remember the computers back then, I remember being impressed with 'zork'.
WOW! you can tell a computer where to go and what to do! It understands my words!
Or a flight simulator, WOW! I see lines moving and they look real. Or a word processor,
WOW! we don't need a typewriter anymore! Or a modem, the 1st one I got was 300 baud,
I could type faster than it could send the letters.

Anyways, I am trying to learn, because I am having a hard time understanding that it doesn't take much intelligence to understand that we are fighting too much dems vs. republicans when we should be doing something different to solve the situation in an HONEST way instead of complaining how bad the other side is.
My experience is that when someone denies that they have an affiliation towards any party...

they are progressive.
Hi, I have been using computers for AGES, yet I never really joined a forum ( in my adult life, that is - it has been over 20 years since ). I am trying to have some fun talking politics. I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. The media seems so biased from Fox News on one side and MSNBC on the other. I see some people want to be conservative, but some people want to be progressive and liberal, but who is right? I wish we could skip sides and come together for a solution that is for the best, instead of what we think is the best.....

I am 38 years old, a computer tutor and e-commerce merchant. I am single and getting used to it.... I live in New Jersey with a conservative Fox-watching father. so... HELLO!

hey JOC. i kinda like the progressives myself. they go their own way, and ya know what, there are truths out but people usually make the conclusions and work backwards from there, picking the facts to fit their argument.

as for me, i like to be regressive. someone's gotta keep them damn progressive balanced.

just kiddin'. welcome
,,, I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. ,,,

hi, i'm new here myself. i'm wondering though... why only hear two sides of argument? the financialization (academic term from economics) of the global banking system seems determined to enslave us all. neither party is even discussing this issue.

there are two parties: one for the few that own the world's wealth and one for the rest of us. sadly, nobody represents the rest of us.

welcome! :salute:
Hi, I have been using computers for AGES, yet I never really joined a forum ( in my adult life, that is - it has been over 20 years since ). I am trying to have some fun talking politics. I also am searching for some truths and like to hear both sides of arguments. The media seems so biased from Fox News on one side and MSNBC on the other. I see some people want to be conservative, but some people want to be progressive and liberal, but who is right? I wish we could skip sides and come together for a solution that is for the best, instead of what we think is the best.....

I am 38 years old, a computer tutor and e-commerce merchant. I am single and getting used to it.... I live in New Jersey with a conservative Fox-watching father. so... HELLO!
Just so you have been fully informed.

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You USMB do Yes, or USMB do No. You do USMB guess so? >kwuip!< just like grape.

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