It’s long but it makes sense of the Bible.


Jun 22, 2011
It should first be understood that there is one God, that God is the highest level of reality…absolute perfection…transcending time and space. God is existence...the infinite love, truth and justice that always was and always will be. All things were created by God and all things exist at a lower level of reality than God. An infinitely loving God intentionally created a world of good and evil in order to experience mercy, compassion and other emotions. It would not be enough to merely reason what it might be like to lose a loved one; a truly loving God would need to experience the emotion of grief in order to understand love. God would have to hide His presence from us since He transcends time and would have to experience many of these emotions through us. Since God transcends time, any change that creation provides to God was always part of God; and creation is a natural and unavoidable product of a loving God.

If God is going to experience all of the emotions of love, creation would have to be done in just the right way. Satan was given power, but was not given the ability to love others. Humans were given the ability to love, but were made puny. God prefers the humans since love is what matters, but Satan is jealous of the humans and views them to be insignificant. With the conditions that God established, Satan believes creation is a test to see which is greater…power or love.

From the beginning, God established a Law that will cause all hatred and evil to be destroyed in the end. Satan must be careful to avoid violating the Law while he brings a spirit of self-love into the world causing humans to violate the Law. In this way Satan is able to use the Law to destroy humanity without violating the Law himself. By doing this Satan believes he has shown that power is the true measure of greatness. Even though the Law is based on love, loveless Satan can live up to the Law through his powerful will; but loving humans fail to live up to the Law because of their weakness. Since it is the weak humans who will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment, Satan believes God will have to revise the Law to acknowledge the insignificance of love.

But Satan’s actions are exactly what God knew the devil would do. With loving humans influenced by a self-centered spirit, conditions are created for the existence of creatures capable of both good and evil; and this is one of the conditions that God needed to establish in order for this learning experience to be successful. It was all part of the plan; but in the end, God has a surprise for Satan.

It goes on to explain how Jesus is divine even though there is only one God, how most if not all of us will make it to Heaven, and how all those conflicting Biblical passages actually fit together. It explains that the Bible was given as an enigma because the revelation of the true message of the Bible will cause Armageddon. This means the truth could not be told until the end times, and this revelation of the truth at this website will cause the end of the world as we know it.
It should first be understood that there is one God, that God is the highest level of reality…absolute perfection…transcending time and space. God is existence...the infinite love, truth and justice that always was and always will be. All things were created by God and all things exist at a lower level of reality than God. An infinitely loving God intentionally created a world of good and evil in order to experience mercy, compassion and other emotions. It would not be enough to merely reason what it might be like to lose a loved one; a truly loving God would need to experience the emotion of grief in order to understand love. God would have to hide His presence from us since He transcends time and would have to experience many of these emotions through us. Since God transcends time, any change that creation provides to God was always part of God; and creation is a natural and unavoidable product of a loving God.

If God is going to experience all of the emotions of love, creation would have to be done in just the right way. Satan was given power, but was not given the ability to love others. Humans were given the ability to love, but were made puny. God prefers the humans since love is what matters, but Satan is jealous of the humans and views them to be insignificant. With the conditions that God established, Satan believes creation is a test to see which is greater…power or love.

From the beginning, God established a Law that will cause all hatred and evil to be destroyed in the end. Satan must be careful to avoid violating the Law while he brings a spirit of self-love into the world causing humans to violate the Law. In this way Satan is able to use the Law to destroy humanity without violating the Law himself. By doing this Satan believes he has shown that power is the true measure of greatness. Even though the Law is based on love, loveless Satan can live up to the Law through his powerful will; but loving humans fail to live up to the Law because of their weakness. Since it is the weak humans who will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment, Satan believes God will have to revise the Law to acknowledge the insignificance of love.

But Satan’s actions are exactly what God knew the devil would do. With loving humans influenced by a self-centered spirit, conditions are created for the existence of creatures capable of both good and evil; and this is one of the conditions that God needed to establish in order for this learning experience to be successful. It was all part of the plan; but in the end, God has a surprise for Satan.

It goes on to explain how Jesus is divine even though there is only one God, how most if not all of us will make it to Heaven, and how all those conflicting Biblical passages actually fit together. It explains that the Bible was given as an enigma because the revelation of the true message of the Bible will cause Armageddon. This means the truth could not be told until the end times, and this revelation of the truth at this website will cause the end of the world as we know it.

Interesting, I didn't read it all yet, but the last paragraphs reminded me of a verse in Amos (below). May I please ask, did you write this essay?
We should not hope for or look forward to Armageddon. There is no clear Biblical support for the idea that anyone will be raptured away from the pain and suffering of Armageddon. There is solid and very clear Biblical support for this essay. The spiritual event revealed by this essay has been hidden in plain sight. Considering the solid Biblical support, the fact that this secret has not been discovered before now is incredible and suggests divine intervention. The revelation of this secret at this time suggests that the time is now. This essay must be distributed so that it will be taken seriously by Satan. When Satan takes this seriously enough to confront Michael, that is when the end will begin.

Even though Armageddon will cause a lot of suffering, it is still glad tidings because of what comes next.

Amos 5:18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.

And then the bitter sweetness of it reminded me of some verses - as your last sentence describes the glad tidings of what comes next - Amen.

Exodus 15:18 - The LORD shall reign for ever and ever.

Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Revelation 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

And Amen!

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Interesting, I didn't read it all yet, but the last paragraphs reminded me of a verse in Amos (below). May I please ask, did you write this essay?

It came to me a few years ago, but I’ve been reluctant to promote it. If it is from God there will be no need to promote it and no stopping it when the time is ready.
I was unaware that the Bible didn't make sense without it. Go figure...
Yeah I would say there’s been a bit of confusion and debate over the past two thousand years. Concerning some questions the Bible does seem to provide two or more conflicting answers. People solve this problem by accepting one answer and rejecting the other, but if the Bible is the word of God then both answers must be correct. The Calvinists are correct, but so are the Arminians. The solution is to reconcile the different answers not just choosing sides.
Yeah I would say there’s been a bit of confusion and debate over the past two thousand years. Concerning some questions the Bible does seem to provide two or more conflicting answers. People solve this problem by accepting one answer and rejecting the other, but if the Bible is the word of God then both answers must be correct. The Calvinists are correct, but so are the Arminians. The solution is to reconcile the different answers not just choosing sides.

The words confirm which is literal and which is not.

The word must remain in harmony.

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