It's KARMA-TIME For The Chinese Economy....

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
.....and, "conservative"-CEOs (in the U.S.) must be goin' NUTZ, over where they're gonna move production, NEXT!!!!

"The recent Beijing performance is just one example of the rising labor activism now evident in China, activism that asserted itself in recent weeks at the factories of Foxconn and Honda Motor (HMC). It includes groups like New Labor, yet it also encompasses legal aid and other support networks at scores of universities, law firms focused on promoting worker rights, and countless migrant worker aid associations. "Civil society organizations are growing more powerful. They will push China to change," says Li Fan, director of the Beijing-based nongovernmental organization World & China Institute. Li has worked closely with labor groups as well as those pushing grassroots democracy."


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This is bound to happen and will happen eventually to all nations like China. The fact is that 100 years ago labor was where the work force was the driving force of economic power. As technology spreads that force is shifting over from basic labor to specialized fields. In order for a nation to compete on the global scale it requires people that are well educated to confront today's workforce. It also requires open lines of communication with the rest of the world to stay current and informed of the newest advancements in your field. Unfortunately for China, you cannot have things both ways. The more educated and refined a populous becomes the more it will realize the squalor and unbalanced class system. The more communication it has with the rest of the world the more they will come to understand that their system is not a good one. The less educated they are the harder it becomes to compete in the world stage and without open communication your knowledge becomes dated fast. Inevitably that leads to the populous reaching a point that they will no longer accept the control of the government.

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