It's getting to be that time, isn't it?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.
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Yes, let's put the wackiest, most crooked, most warped people we can find on our Supreme Court!
A supreme court nominee who never was a judge, appointed by an executive, who never was an executive.
There's a line of continuity there.
Makes sense to me.

I bet it does. Sadly, your ignorance of the history and membership of the Supreme Court is posted for all to see.

40 out of 109.
With the majority of non-Judge appointments being made under Dem presidents in the 20th century.
Another line of continuity.
I'll reserve any furthur talking points until I see how she handles herself 'under fire'.
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.

Personally, I think Beck does a better job of insulting. He's much funnier too. But honestly, I find it very hard to watch Kegan and keep a straight face...she's done a FANTASTIC job of insulting herself.
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.

like your assholes never did it to a conservative nominee.....
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.

The White House has hidden years worth of information on her and you see no problem with that? You are dumber then a box of rocks.
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.

The White House has hidden years worth of information on her and you see no problem with that? You are dumber then a box of rocks.

This is a lie, there is no hidden information of Kagan.
A supreme court nominee who never was a judge, appointed by an executive, who never was an executive.
There's a line of continuity there.
Makes sense to me.

And what was your excuse for Sotomayor? I don't agree with this nomination either and its a mystery how the CINC came up with this choice when there's far more qualified people that should have been nominated.
Soon the usual suspects will begin to attack Supreme Court nominee Elena Kegan. The echo chamber which of late has been bringing forth the issue of abortion will now turn their brief attention span to insulting Ms. Kegan with the same words and tone they learn made by thier leader, Chairman Limbaugh.

The White House has hidden years worth of information on her and you see no problem with that? You are dumber then a box of rocks.

This is a lie, there is no hidden information of Kagan.

All her time in the Clinton White House is being withheld from the Senate. Or are you to stupid to pay attention?

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