It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
Do I have a problem with giving money to Israel, so they can eliminate shitheads like Omar's terrorist cousins?

Nope. Where do I mail my contribution?
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>

I think it would probably help your people if you stopped all that business of marring off cousins and then having them produce lots of kids.

All those generations of inbreeding are starting to show.

Your antisemitic tripe is no different than that of years past. All the themes are exactly the same as always.
Last edited:
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
Go back to ISIS and die with your fellow Jihadists

Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>

I think it would probably help your people if you stopped all that business of marring off cousins and then having them produce lots of kids.

All those generations of inbreeding are starting to show.

Your antisemitic tripe is no different than that of years past. All the themes are exactly the same as always.

Got your panties in a bunch, treason puppy?
Before anyone goes full might be useful to understand that Omar made a tweet mentioning that Glen Greenwald was saying the things he was saying because of an Israeli lobby.

THAT was the extent of her "anti-semitic" remarks.

Guess what? AIPAC is an LOBBY. Lobbies buy influence. Because this one represents Jews does NOT make them immune to the same criticism that is leveled at ANY lobby.

What I'm seeing on this thread IS anti-semitism...AND anti-Islamist shit.

Both repugnant
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
So, where is this so called anti Semitism?
Before anyone goes full might be useful to understand that Omar made a tweet mentioning that Glen Greenwald was saying the things he was saying because of an Israeli lobby.

THAT was the extent of her "anti-semitic" remarks.

Guess what? AIPAC is an LOBBY. Lobbies buy influence. Because this one represents Jews does NOT make them immune to the same criticism that is leveled at ANY lobby.

What I'm seeing on this thread IS anti-semitism...AND anti-Islamist shit.

Both repugnant

16 mil Jews and 1.6bn Muslims. Yep Muslims are the victims. Lesh, youā€™re an idiot. With all due respect.
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
So, where is this so called anti Semitism?

It is in every thread started by you
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
So, where is this so called anti Semitism?

It is in every thread started by you

The Zionists have succeeded in manipulating gullible Americans into believing it is the Muslims who are their enemy, through the use of false flag attacks like 9/11, San Bernardino shooting, and the Boston bombing. Anyone who thinks Israel will not stoop to attacking its own ally to accomplish its ambitions need only look to the USS Liberty attack, clearly 100% deliberate and covered-up by the Zionist owned congress.

"I never believed 9/11, because I had engineering training at GA Tech, and I could tell when a building is being blown up by explosives. Any fool can look at those films and see the buildings aren't falling down, they're blowing up." - Former Reagan Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

"Planning the attacks was a master deed, in technical and organizational terms. To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry." - Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Bulow
"All the intelligence services of America and Europe know full well that the disastrous attack ( of 9/11 ) has been planned and realized from the Mossad.. with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the Western Powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan." - Former president of Italy Francesco Cossiga

"They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at it's headquarters, Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period."-Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College.

US Military Officers Question 9/11.

Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Bulow

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College
Excellent long overdue article...

It's Even Worse Than Ilhan Omar Said: AIPAC Is the Tip of the Israel Lobby Iceberg

By Alison Weir

Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has come under fire for a Twitter exchange in which she implied that AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the reason that so many Congressional representatives support Israel over American interests and principles. First, journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is Jewish but has also been accused of being ā€œantisemiticā€) tweeted:
Glenn Greenwald

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It's stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans ā€¦


5:39 PM - Feb 10, 2019
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Kevin McCarthy promises ā€˜actionā€™ against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

8,938 people are talking about this

Omar then retweeted Greenwaldā€™s tweet (which linked to an Israeli news report) and commented:

Itā€™s all about the Benjamins baby

The musical notes at the end of her tweet were because she was referring to a song by Puff Daddy, ā€œItā€™s All About the Benjaminsā€ (ā€œBenjaminsā€ being a colloquial term for money, referring to the image of Benjamin Franklin on $100 bills).
Among those who immediately called her tweet ā€œantisemiticā€ was the fervently pro-Israel opinion editor for the Jewish Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, who posted a sarcastic tweet saying sheā€™d ā€œlike to knowā€ who Omar ā€œthinks is paying [sic] American politicians to be pro-Israelā€¦.ā€
Batya Ungar-Sargon

Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That's the second anti-Semitic trope you've tweeted.
Ilhan Omar

It's all about the Benjamins baby ā€¦


7:33 PM - Feb 10, 2019
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2,973 people are talking about this

In the tradition of short Twitter posts, Omar responded with one word: ā€œAIPAC.ā€

Attackers & Defenders

Powerful members of the Israel lobby, and those who go along with it, instantly castigated her for her tweets, and have continued lambasting her ever since. Omar apologized.
Many other writers, most much less prominent, defended Omar and said there was no need for an apology.
Some Jewish organizations known for opposition to violent and illegal Israeli actions publicly supported her. One, however, still suggested she had used an antisemitic ā€œtropeā€ and another said she had used ā€œan unfortunate choice of words,ā€ emphasizing that antisemitism ā€œis on the riseā€ ā€“ an ADL talking point that bolsters U.S. support for Israel. (We deeply hope that the claimed rise is not actually true, though we know that bigoted opinions, like all others, ebb and flow. The fact is that the ADL often tars activism for Palestinian rights as ā€œantisemitic.ā€ And there arequestionsabout the explanations for incidents cited by the ADL, as well as about its claims. A major part of the ADLā€™s mission is to advocate for Israel, which it does in numerous ways.)
Some articles defending Omar describe the power and mission of AIPAC. A few of the pieces also point out that there are others in addition to AIPAC who influence U.S. politicians to support Israel, despite Israelā€™s systemic discrimination, violation of human rights and international law, and contravention of U.S. laws.
A Quartz article reports that Israel partisans Sheldon and Miriam Adelson gave over $123 million on behalf of Israel in the midterm elections. The article also noted: ā€œThe Center for Responsive Politics calls the overall pro-Israel politics lobby one of the most ā€˜active and well-financedā€™ groups related to international issues in America.ā€™ā€ MORE >>>
So, where is this so called anti Semitism?

It is in every thread started by you

The Zionists have succeeded in manipulating gullible Americans into believing it is the Muslims who are their enemy, through the use of false flag attacks like 9/11, San Bernardino shooting, and the Boston bombing. Anyone who thinks Israel will not stoop to attacking its own ally to accomplish its ambitions need only look to the USS Liberty attack, clearly 100% deliberate and covered-up by the Zionist owned congress.

"I never believed 9/11, because I had engineering training at GA Tech, and I could tell when a building is being blown up by explosives. Any fool can look at those films and see the buildings aren't falling down, they're blowing up." - Former Reagan Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

"Planning the attacks was a master deed, in technical and organizational terms. To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry." - Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Bulow
"All the intelligence services of America and Europe know full well that the disastrous attack ( of 9/11 ) has been planned and realized from the Mossad.. with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the Western Powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan." - Former president of Italy Francesco Cossiga

"They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at it's headquarters, Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period."-Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College.

US Military Officers Question 9/11.

Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Bulow

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College

WTF you antisemtic dirt bag. Youā€™re dumber than a box of rocks.
Before anyone goes full might be useful to understand that Omar made a tweet mentioning that Glen Greenwald was saying the things he was saying because of an Israeli lobby.

THAT was the extent of her "anti-semitic" remarks.

Guess what? AIPAC is an LOBBY. Lobbies buy influence. Because this one represents Jews does NOT make them immune to the same criticism that is leveled at ANY lobby.

What I'm seeing on this thread IS anti-semitism...AND anti-Islamist shit.

Both repugnant

16 mil Jews and 1.6bn Muslims. Yep Muslims are the victims. Lesh, youā€™re an idiot. With all due respect.

WTF are you talking about?

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