It's bullshit you don't have the right to waive your rights

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
My single biggest problem with labor protection laws comes down to this. They never take the worker's personal judgment into consideration. They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load. They don't accept that maybe some people might prefer to work for less than the legal minimum wage for some reason. Maybe they want to be competitive in a secondary job. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making as much as more valuable employees. The law doesn't know their situation. Then there's the fact that working as a minor is so heavily regulated. I mean, yeah, forcing ten year olds to work in a textile mill is bad. Nobody but the most rabid capitalist denies that. But, you know, some of us actually wanted a job at 13.
Working off the clock, is a big no no for insurance reason's
I'm aware. It was the first thing I ever got reprimanded for at work. I came in an hour early, got bored waiting to go on shift, and started working about twenty minutes before shift. My first boss ever told me I was "violating slave labor laws" despite doing it completely voluntarily. I'm just saying it's bullshit that you can't choose to just waive all that. And maybe you don't even have insurance anyway, because you think your bills are your own responsibility to pay.
My single biggest problem with labor protection laws comes down to this. They never take the worker's personal judgment into consideration. They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load. They don't accept that maybe some people might prefer to work for less than the legal minimum wage for some reason. Maybe they want to be competitive in a secondary job. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making as much as more valuable employees. The law doesn't know their situation. Then there's the fact that working as a minor is so heavily regulated. I mean, yeah, forcing ten year olds to work in a textile mill is bad. Nobody but the most rabid capitalist denies that. But, you know, some of us actually wanted a job at 13.

Just because you want to work at 13 for less than minimum wage doesn't mean that makes it good policy.
Working off the clock, is a big no no for insurance reason's
I'm aware. It was the first thing I ever got reprimanded for at work. I came in an hour early, got bored waiting to go on shift, and started working about twenty minutes before shift. My first boss ever told me I was "violating slave labor laws" despite doing it completely voluntarily. I'm just saying it's bullshit that you can't choose to just waive all that. And maybe you don't even have insurance anyway, because you think your bills are your own responsibility to pay.
yea, I felt the same way and did the same thing when I was younger. But hey! I just remembered about interns I think They lie to us...
Just because you want to work at 13 for less than minimum wage doesn't mean that makes it good policy.
I'm 23. I was 17 when I got my first job. I was okay with being one of the highest paid non-managers because I only got that extra money because people kept giving me all their hours. You might wanna reread what you quoted.

yea, I felt the same way and did the same thing when I was younger. But hey! I just remembered about interns I think They lie to us...
Who lies to us about interns?
Interns can work for free and are not insurance liability's. Why were they complaing to us when we did it?
Check into wage related lawsuits. Maybe you'll find your answer.
It's just bullshit liberals take it upon themselves to decide the lowest wage you're allowed to ask for or whether you're allowed to volunteer your time at work without requiring compensation. It's bullshit liberals literally won't allow you to live without buying insurance from them. It's bullshit they think they know what's best for you and enforce it through the law. That's all I'm saying here. Do you realize they've even been talking about making vacation mandatory? It already is in the military. You get yourself and your entire chain of command shit on for breaking use or lose. A right isn't a right if you're not allowed to exercise it. It's just an obligation with a prettier name.
Just because you want to work at 13 for less than minimum wage doesn't mean that makes it good policy.
I'm 23. I was 17 when I got my first job. I was okay with being one of the highest paid non-managers because I only got that extra money because people kept giving me all their hours. You might wanna reread what you quoted.

yea, I felt the same way and did the same thing when I was younger. But hey! I just remembered about interns I think They lie to us...
Who lies to us about interns?

I thought you said you were in the military. Please keep your story straight.
It's just bullshit liberals take it upon themselves to decide the lowest wage you're allowed to ask for or whether you're allowed to volunteer your time at work without requiring compensation. It's bullshit liberals literally won't allow you to live without buying insurance from them. It's bullshit they think they know what's best for you and enforce it through the law. That's all I'm saying here. Do you realize they've even been talking about making vacation mandatory? It already is in the military. You get yourself and your entire chain of command shit on for breaking use or lose. A right isn't a right if you're not allowed to exercise it. It's just an obligation with a prettier name.

Dude, you need to put down the Libertarian Kool-Aid or whatever Koch-brothers shit you've been reading.

There is a reason why there's a minimum wage law. It's to keep THE RICH from doing what they did during the Great Depression- firing everyone so they could hire people who would work cheaper. Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, but the notion behind it is sound, to keep a recession from being a race to the bottom.

Same thing with mandetory insurance. Its' to protect the rest of us from your irresponsibility. Because if you crack up your car, the rest of us end up paying for your property and medical costs.

As for vacation- reality is, if people don't take vacations, they tend to get less productive. They get stressed out, they make mistakes. That's why the Military enforces leave.
I thought you said you were in the military. Please keep your story straight.
I am. That job was five years ago. I enlisted three years ago, which was two years before I enlisted. I spent those two years looking for work after quitting that job to focus on high school. Not sure why that's hard to follow.

Dude, you need to put down the Libertarian Kool-Aid or whatever Koch-brothers shit you've been reading.
You think I'm a libertarian? xD

There is a reason why there's a minimum wage law. It's to keep THE RICH from doing what they did during the Great Depression- firing everyone so they could hire people who would work cheaper. Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, but the notion behind it is sound, to keep a recession from being a race to the bottom.
I'm not against a minimum wage for the exact reasons you state. It's fine that an employer has to offer it. I'm against it being mandatory for an employee to demand it. Frankly my negotiations with my future employers over the price of my labor aren't any of your business and I would like the law to reflect that fact.

Same thing with mandetory insurance. Its' to protect the rest of us from your irresponsibility. Because if you crack up your car, the rest of us end up paying for your property and medical costs.
It's simple. If I can't pay for it then I don't want it. If I wreck my car then it's on me to deal with it. If I wreck my body then the military could easily find another warm body to fill my slot. That's why I'm an organ donor. It's not like I haven't refused medical treatment in the past because I couldn't foot the bill.

As for vacation- reality is, if people don't take vacations, they tend to get less productive. They get stressed out, they make mistakes. That's why the Military enforces leave.
Yeah no. I was forced to take it twice. Once for four days to learn how to set up and use LeaveWeb. Another time for 27 to burn some of my use or lose. They're making me take another seven just to be at sixty come October 1. Still one of the most productive and experienced people in the shop. Hasn't stressed me out. The only effect it's had on my productivity is giving me some of the highest numbers.[/QUOTE]

Grisha (A.K.A. Pedro…) by forfeiting the 13 year old age requirement with his signature went to work off the clock when 8 years old.
Happily would have worked at that age if it were an option. It might have helped get us out of that shitty Section 8 apartment.
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My single biggest problem with labor protection laws comes down to this. They never take the worker's personal judgment into consideration. They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load. They don't accept that maybe some people might prefer to work for less than the legal minimum wage for some reason. Maybe they want to be competitive in a secondary job. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making as much as more valuable employees. The law doesn't know their situation. Then there's the fact that working as a minor is so heavily regulated. I mean, yeah, forcing ten year olds to work in a textile mill is bad. Nobody but the most rabid capitalist denies that. But, you know, some of us actually wanted a job at 13.

You've stumbled upon the real purpose of that kind of regulation.
I'm not against a minimum wage for the exact reasons you state. It's fine that an employer has to offer it. I'm against it being mandatory for an employee to demand it. Frankly my negotiations with my future employers over the price of my labor aren't any of your business and I would like the law to reflect that fact.

I'm sure when you get your section 8, you will be happy that there are minimum wage laws.

Yeah no. I was forced to take it twice. Once for four days to learn how to set up and use LeaveWeb. Another time for 27 to burn some of my use or lose. They're making me take another seven just to be at sixty come October 1. Still one of the most productive and experienced people in the shop. Hasn't stressed me out. The only effect it's had on my productivity is giving me some of the highest numbers.

Oh, so you're like a REMF, then?

Anyway, I was pretty bad for not taking leave when I was in. I actually cashed some excess leave time out to pay for some home repairs. Back then, we didn't apply for leave on computers, we had to fill out a DA Form 31 and submit it to our commanding officers. I'm kind of scared I can remember DA Form numbers 25 years later.

But we Americans have some fucked up ideas about vacation.

You're a young guy, so I cut you a little slack for not knowing how the world really works, but here's an important clue.

No one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office!"
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Still one of the most productive and experienced people in the shop. Hasn't stressed me out. The only effect it's had on my productivity is giving me some of the highest numbers.
What is your problem with vacation? JoeB pointed out that recreation increases productivity. If your pay is the same and it is when on vacation, what is the diatribe about?
Grisha (A.K.A. Pedro….) depicted to be the best and most productive
Happily would have worked at that age if it were an option. It might have helped get us out of that shitty Section 8 apartment.

No, what would have gotten you out of that is if we had fair wage laws and an economy based on fair income distribution.

Point was, before we instituted child labor laws, we had kids working in factories and coal mines and still going home to live in slums and shanty towns.

And when you had an attitude that when little Molly got sucked into a threshing machine, we can always get a new one, that was fine for the rich.

The rich are not going to like you better if you let them exploit you a little more.
I think it's ridiculous that a person can't work through breaks or lunch if he wants.

I worked in a shop as a teenager that was run like a prison

The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop working for 15 minutes
The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop for lunch

It was like working with a fucking flock of mindless sheep

I asked if I could work through my lunch break so I could punch out at 3 instead of 330 and was told I couldn't

Who the fuck cares if a person wants to skip lunch?
I think it's ridiculous that a person can't work through breaks or lunch if he wants.

I worked in a shop as a teenager that was run like a prison

The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop working for 15 minutes
The buzzer rang and everyone had to stop for lunch

It was like working with a fucking flock of mindless sheep

I asked if I could work through my lunch break so I could punch out at 3 instead of 330 and was told I couldn't

Who the fuck cares if a person wants to skip lunch?

Work laws? Don't tell me you never read those posters by federal law that is supposed to be posted and visible by every employee?

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