It's Biden

you're dreaming if you think NY is actually in play right now

Campaign Silo McCain Ahead in Latest National Poll

If MacCain wins a big D state like Michigan or NY, it's over...

I'm telling you don't pay attention to polls.

They don't poll in R areas. This is done to discourage R voters from even coming out.

This is a conservative country. No way is a leftist going to pass muster. The debates will expose him for the fraud he is.

Obama is a symbol nothing more. He'll stutter and stumble like he does when confronted and it's over.

McCain wins this thing going away...

I don't like McCain. I wanted Romney or better. but you picked our candidate and we picked yours.

this election is as crooked as far as the eye can see.

Romney/ Huckabee should be facing Clinton/Richardson

Romney wins in a landslide.

Instead you're getting a Rino Republican over a socialist.

McCain wins by 10 million votes.

Not mentioning the D's are heavily divided. If 6 million of Hillary's 18 million votes go McCain, it's a landslide.

There's not a chance in hell Hillary wants a D victory this time. She wants to wit 4 years and go against the New Republican.

smokey rooms remember?
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Campaign Silo McCain Ahead in Latest National Poll

If MacCain wins a big D state like Michigan or NY, it's over...

I'm telling you don't pay attention to polls.

They don't poll in R areas. This is done to discourage R voters from even coming out.

This is a conservative country. No way is a leftist going to pass muster. The debates will expose him for the fraud he is.

Obama is a symbol nothing more. He'll stutter and stumble like he does when confronted and it's over.

McCain wins this thing going away...
national polls are meaningless, we dont elect presidents on the popular vote
its by states

and yes, i know how the polls are manipulated

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