Its been a real nutshell couple of days

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.


The Left isn't interested in working with Republicans to solve our real problems, and are instead insanely driven to invent red herring issues which - in the final analysis - won't be what decides the elections in '12.

Shellack the Sequel coming.
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.

So he is courageous to take a position he's been hiding for several years when he took it solely so he could get campaign money?

Evidence is lining up to show Mitt wasnt a Bully while Obama admitted to bullying in his book.

You wouldnt know the Constitution from a hole in the wall.
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.
In a nutshell, you're a nutbar who wouldn't know courage or what constitutional precepts cover if they punched you in the head.
There ARE people horrified at same gender marriage, the "bullying" by Romney is NOT an issue. His stance against human rights IS.
Actually, Mitt's bullying is an issue for the same reason his dog torturing is -

He doesn't see the assault on his classmate as an assault any more than he sees the assault on his dog for what it really is.

All of it, his almost daily lies, his insults to the common man, his total lack of humanity, ALL of it together points to a man who is less than a man. This isn't anything new. We've all been watching it unfold. The rw's have said, over and over, that they will have to hold their collective noses to vote for a man they KNOW will do our country (probably) irreparable harm.

President Obama talks about the issues every single day. Mitt never does.

Unless you count his vague and nonsensical references to things that don't exist and have never existed.

The one thing that Mitt has said that he has not flip flopped on (to my knowledge) is his plan to take from the elderly, children, the very poor and give to those who need it the least.

The D's agreed with our founding fathers, that we do not let industries collapse and people starve. Mitt and his cronies have said they will happily step over hungry children and the elderly to get what they want.
There appears to be a real problem with the bullying story. Appears WP has got some splaining to do.

Today, however, in an interview with ABC News, the same Stu White completely contradicts the Washington Post story:

While the Post reports White as having “long been bothered” by the haircutting incident,” he told ABC News he was not present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student’s long hair and was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post.

Because Mr. White had not been aware of the incident until this year, it was inaccurate and misleading for the Washington Post to report he had "long been bothered" by the incident

We respectfully request that the Washington Post correct the story.

ETA link:
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There appears to be a real problem with the bullying story. Appears WP has got some splaining to do.

Today, however, in an interview with ABC News, the same Stu White completely contradicts the Washington Post story:

While the Post reports White as having “long been bothered” by the haircutting incident,” he told ABC News he was not present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student’s long hair and was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post.

Because Mr. White had not been aware of the incident until this year, it was inaccurate and misleading for the Washington Post to report he had "long been bothered" by the incident

We respectfully request that the Washington Post correct the story.

The Leftist media doesn't care if it is true or not. They are just driving-by.
There appears to be a real problem with the bullying story. Appears WP has got some splaining to do.

Today, however, in an interview with ABC News, the same Stu White completely contradicts the Washington Post story:

While the Post reports White as having “long been bothered” by the haircutting incident,” he told ABC News he was not present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student’s long hair and was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post.

Because Mr. White had not been aware of the incident until this year, it was inaccurate and misleading for the Washington Post to report he had "long been bothered" by the incident

We respectfully request that the Washington Post correct the story.

The Leftist media doesn't care if it is true or not. They are just driving-by.

Truth. Axelrod ploy. Grab the headline. Doesn't matter if the article is a lie because a retraction on page 4,324,520 doesn't mean jack shit.

We have a piece based on anecdotal evidence from over 45 years ago. Garbage. Just garbage. And the WP wonders why they are losing readership more than any other paper in America.
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The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.

so if he sppted it all along what was the hub bub about? :eusa_eh:
There appears to be a real problem with the bullying story. Appears WP has got some splaining to do.

Today, however, in an interview with ABC News, the same Stu White completely contradicts the Washington Post story:

While the Post reports White as having “long been bothered” by the haircutting incident,” he told ABC News he was not present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student’s long hair and was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post.

Because Mr. White had not been aware of the incident until this year, it was inaccurate and misleading for the Washington Post to report he had "long been bothered" by the incident

We respectfully request that the Washington Post correct the story.

ETA link: Correction Request: Washington Post Uses Falsehood in Romney Hit Piece

wow, another NBC moment....simply unreal. I always thought the wapo was a cut above the NY Times et al, I stand corrected.
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The Left isn't interested in working with Republicans to solve our real problems, and are instead insanely driven to invent red herring issues which - in the final analysis - won't be what decides the elections in '12.

Shellack the Sequel coming.

Yeah....just ask this guy.

Mourdock: Compromise is Democrats Agreeing With Republicans - Jonathan Miller -
Come on lefties. You know why Barry Hussein made a couple of quick U turns in his gay marriage "evolution". Statements by his brain injured dumb assed V.P. forced his hand.
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.

Shove this up your rotten kiester..

Correction Request: Washington Post Uses Falsehood in Romney Hit Piece
The differences in the left and right have been so very clear the last couple of days.

The president made the very courageous statement that he supports marriage equality. No big surprise since he has supported other gay issues all along.

Mitt lies about being a bully when he was 18 years old. In his first statement, he had the nerve to laugh about it. Then, presumably after a human being told him its poor form to laugh about physically assaulting a classmate, he offered up one of those not-really-apologies - "IF I offended anyone .." etc. Truly shameful behavior followed by truly shameful lack of remorse or morals.

The rw's attacked the president for supporting very basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution while they made excuses for Mitt's bullying. The right says they want more and more intrusive laws to control American citizens. More laws, bigger government, fewer rights and a lot fewer freedoms.

In a nutshell, that's the difference between right and left. The left values the Constitution and civil liberty while the right just wants to own and control behavior.

In a nutshell, along with you, the left wants all the freebies it can get and the right is tired of being forced to work and pay for them.
I forgot to mention a little detail ... President Obama is working to help bullied kids. That makes him the enemy of Mitt on a whole new level.

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