It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan
The Gatway Pundit ^ | 1/13/13 | Jim Hoft

It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan | The Gateway Pundit
There were 405 Coalition deaths in Afghanistan in 2012. 310 of the 405 deaths were Americans.

Meanwhile in Chicago… There were 532 homicides in 2012.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel attributes the rise in homicides, in part, to the broader problem of illegal guns.

No asshole,

The problem is the same problem as any other non-white place on earth.
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It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan
The Gatway Pundit ^ | 1/13/13 | Jim Hoft

It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan | The Gateway Pundit
There were 405 Coalition deaths in Afghanistan in 2012. 310 of the 405 deaths were Americans.

Meanwhile in Chicago… There were 532 homicides in 2012.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel attributes the rise in homicides, in part, to the broader problem of illegal guns.

No asshole,

The problem is the same problem as any other non-white place on earth.

Hey matt aren't you glad you dont live in chi-town or the big apple,or philly.
This is the racists police dept fault.They aren't doing their jobs. Lay off the bums and hire some people who are going to protect the people.
This is the racists police dept fault.They aren't doing their jobs. Lay off the bums and hire some people who are going to protect the people.

all police, racist or otherwise, quickly learn that trying to police and protect black neighbourhoods is a dicey and non-rewarding task that could easily cost them their jobs and pensions. remember what happened in Cincinatti?
Blacks love to blame whites but they NEVER work to clean up their own communities...

Nope they expect whites to do that and then bitch at us.


it may be worse than that. consider politicians. when whites catch a politician screwing up they throw the bum out. when blacks catch a black politician screwing up they still re-elect them. 'tribal' considerations always seem to overtrump competency.
matt lives in that punk-azzed portland oregon.He's scared shatless of Blacks.
This is the racists police dept fault.They aren't doing their jobs. Lay off the bums and hire some people who are going to protect the people.

yep the cops are making those animals shoot one
And little to no outrage from the black community about the carnage, and very little from others as well.

Add up all the deaths from Newtown, the CO theater shooting earlier this year, and all other mass killings by crackpots in the last 10-20 years in America and I'd wager the total doesn't come close to the number of blacks killed by other blacks just in Chicago last year. But question what's gone so terribly wrong in the black culture in this country and you'll be labeled a racist in a matter of seconds.

It's a black problem and only blacks can change it, but there's no interest in doing so. So, the killings will continue, echoed by the many worthless excuses.
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It is a black problem and the black leadership is making a TON of money off the deaths of these people so they have no interesting in changing it. Black cities like Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia will just find themselves more and more isolated into urban no-man's lands.
It is a black problem and the black leadership is making a TON of money off the deaths of these people so they have no interesting [sic] in changing it.

"No interesting in changing it," eh? :rolleyes:

Do you have any interesting in learning English?

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