“It’s a free. Fucking. Country.”


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
“Everyone is afraid of retaliation and retribution. We recently had an event with a hundred small bankers here, and 85 percent of them said they can’t challenge the regulation because of the potential retribution. That’s a terrible thing. Okay? This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America. That’s what I remember. Guess what,” he says, almost shouting now. “It’s a free. Fucking. Country.” -- Jamie Dimon

122 Minutes With Jamie Dimon -- New York Magazine

This is becoming the USSA under the heavy hand of the Progs and their time is up in November.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Like Adelson and Wynn, Dimon can't wait to get rid of the anchor on the economy that's sitting in the White House
“Everyone is afraid of retaliation and retribution. We recently had an event with a hundred small bankers here, and 85 percent of them said they can’t challenge the regulation because of the potential retribution. That’s a terrible thing. Okay? This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America. That’s what I remember. Guess what,” he says, almost shouting now. “It’s a free. Fucking. Country.” -- Jamie Dimon

122 Minutes With Jamie Dimon -- New York Magazine

This is becoming the USSA under the heavy hand of the Progs and their time is up in November.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Like Adelson and Wynn, Dimon can't wait to get rid of the anchor on the economy that's sitting in the White House

1. Laudatory though the attempt is, the desire of the Liberal state to exorcise greed, poverty and unhappiness, the cure is worse than the disease: the radical view that it is the responsibility to protect anyone who may claim to be powerless. The consequence, usual with big government is that the attempt is neither restrained, nor moderated.

a. To be accused by the bureaucrats of the EPA, OSHA, the Equal Opportunity Commission, FDA, Consumer Protection Board, etc., is to be ineluctably found guilty. This is because the organization in question’s first and only responsibility is to grow…and grow.

b. In contrast with the free market, it is not the people, but, rather, the government which decides failures and successes.
Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge."
Based on that interview, is there a possibility that Mr Dimon is slowly but inexorably coming to the conclusion that his idol is not what everyone perceived him to be, a Godsend for America, but instead the Communist wolf in sheep's clothing here to ravage both the flocks and their keepers.
Be interesting to take note of Mr Dimon's donations during or after this ruckus is over to see whether he had his illusions shattered. The last patriotic Democrat was LBJ. Every so called Democrat that has followed him since has kept a copy of the Communist Manifesto by their bedside. Obama just doesn't simply read it at night, he lives it 24/7.
The threats and Intimidation certain Government Agencies use is a not often discussed buy troubling trend. It's not anything new either, Been going on a long time.
“Everyone is afraid of retaliation and retribution. We recently had an event with a hundred small bankers here, and 85 percent of them said they can’t challenge the regulation because of the potential retribution. That’s a terrible thing. Okay? This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America. That’s what I remember. Guess what,” he says, almost shouting now. “It’s a free. Fucking. Country.” -- Jamie Dimon

122 Minutes With Jamie Dimon -- New York Magazine

This is becoming the USSA under the heavy hand of the Progs and their time is up in November.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Like Adelson and Wynn, Dimon can't wait to get rid of the anchor on the economy that's sitting in the White House

If this was a free country, the American taxpayer would not have been forced to bail Dimon's asshole buddies out.

If this was a free, capitalist country, they would have been allowed to fail. It isn't capitalism if you aren't allowed to fail. The big boys have not been alowed to fail for decades now, so each successive failure is more spectacular. Not allowing them to fail has encouraged them to take even bigger risks with even bigger downsides. They know the American taxpayer will foot the bill for their fuckups.

The next one? We will be talking about banks that are Too Big To Save. And then we are well and truly fucked. Then we will be lynching bankers from lamp posts.

Dimon fails. Miserably. He knows damn well, as does everyone else, there are criminals on Wall Street who are stealing money from everyone. And if this was a just country, those criminals would be in prison.

When you don't weed your yard, the weeds get bigger and more numerous. And now the weeds on Wall Street are manipulating the very DNA of our global economic system, fucking over everyone to make a few extra bucks.

Dimon can fuck off and die.

I don't look forward to the next crash, but I do look forward to seeing his bloated corpse at the end of a rope.

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If the fucking bankers think they are powerless I wonder what they would be happy with? Forgive me if I do not shed a for their problems.
“Everyone is afraid of retaliation and retribution. We recently had an event with a hundred small bankers here, and 85 percent of them said they can’t challenge the regulation because of the potential retribution. That’s a terrible thing. Okay? This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America. That’s what I remember. Guess what,” he says, almost shouting now. “It’s a free. Fucking. Country.” -- Jamie Dimon

122 Minutes With Jamie Dimon -- New York Magazine

This is becoming the USSA under the heavy hand of the Progs and their time is up in November.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Like Adelson and Wynn, Dimon can't wait to get rid of the anchor on the economy that's sitting in the White House

Jamie Dimon?


The dude lost 9 billion dollars.


Oh..and by the way..he's a regulator that's sits on the New York Fed.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Ignorant. Unsubstantiated. Partisan. Nonsense.

Part and parcel with fiscal conservatism is paying down debts.

And you can't do that..if you deny they exist.

Obama has put all debt squarely back in the debt column..and not some magical "emergency supplemental" track.

And he's funded most of his iniatives.
“Everyone is afraid of retaliation and retribution. We recently had an event with a hundred small bankers here, and 85 percent of them said they can’t challenge the regulation because of the potential retribution. That’s a terrible thing. Okay? This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America. That’s what I remember. Guess what,” he says, almost shouting now. “It’s a free. Fucking. Country.” -- Jamie Dimon

122 Minutes With Jamie Dimon -- New York Magazine

This is becoming the USSA under the heavy hand of the Progs and their time is up in November.

Obama pretended to be a fiscal conservative and political moderate and he's been the most radical anti-American President since FDR and Wilson.

Like Adelson and Wynn, Dimon can't wait to get rid of the anchor on the economy that's sitting in the White House

Jamie Dimon?


The dude lost 9 billion dollars.


Oh..and by the way..he's a regulator that's sits on the New York Fed.


Only a reprobate big government partisan would pretend that the headline of the OP is untrue....

...unless you have zero knowledge of how things work.

What was the result of Microsoft declining to contribute the political parties?

"Tough action against the company, a bellwether of the technology sector, might be seen as inappropriate given the damaged economy, some said.

Speculation has also centered on what to expect from Charles A. James, the assistant attorney general who has been assigned to lead the Justice Department case against Microsoft. Based on past comments from President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft, the current administration is viewed as less determined to punish Microsoft than the Clinton administration, which for six years pursued allegations that Microsoft acted illegally to create a monopoly for itself."
High court says `no' to Microsoft - Baltimore Sun

That was how Clinton brought on a huge recession:
April 14, 2000
Dropped 617.78 points
Stock Market History: the 10 Worst Days - ABC News
America is no longer a free country. Liberals are at war with freedom. And, what passes for Conservatives are too busy at war for Israel to bother with protecting freedoms at home.

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