Italy's Disaster Chief Blasts 'Pathetic' U.S. Aid Work in Haiti


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Italy's top disaster official blasted the U.S.-led relief effort in Haiti as a "pathetic" failure that is turning a national tragedy into a "vanity show for the television cameras."

Guido Bertolaso, the head of Italy's Civil Protection Agency, told Italian television on Sunday that the U.S. military "tends to confuse military intervention with emergency intervention," and that despite the presence of 13,000 U.S. troops there, "no one is giving orders."

He said there is a danger that aid will be lost by the "inefficient" operation.

Bertolaso threw darts at targets ranging from former President Bill Clinton to the United Nations, which he faulted for throwing aid packages at the island and hoping for the best.

Italy's Disaster Chief Blasts 'Pathetic' U.S. Aid Work in Haiti - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

How's that image change going for ya BArAcck? :lol:
People are way to obsessed with looking good rather than doing what's right.

I just hope we dont flood them with so much aid and then undercut their agricultural prices, destroying their economy and making it so that they have no incentive or ability to get out of the hell they are in.
People are way to obsessed with looking good rather than doing what's right.

I just hope we dont flood them with so much aid and then undercut their agricultural prices, destroying their economy and making it so that they have no incentive or ability to get out of the hell they are in.

Already did that
last time I looked it was the obamalama and the democrats who obsessed about how we looked.. one year of bowing and scarping hasn't produced much has it?
So why isn't Italy leading the show or surpassing the US Govt and people in providing aid ?
So why isn't Italy leading the show or surpassing the US Govt and people in providing aid ?

I'm with you.

In the spirit of fair play lets just pull our Army, Navy, Planes, Doctors, Nurses and volunnteers right on out of Haiti and let the Italians lead the parade.

We'll take our money and all aide too. Wonder how good the I-talians will look when they are running the show?? I'm sure they could do a much better job than we'er doing doncha know???
They had no problems when we rebuilt Italy as part of the Marshal Plan
So why isn't Italy leading the show or surpassing the US Govt and people in providing aid ?

I'm with you.

In the spirit of fair play lets just pull our Army, Navy, Planes, Doctors, Nurses and volunnteers right on out of Haiti and let the Italians lead the parade.

We'll take our money and all aide too. Wonder how good the I-talians will look when they are running the show?? I'm sure they could do a much better job than we'er doing doncha know???

That's one of my pet peeves with Europeans who do this.

My response is : So why isn't your country leading the way in organization and contributions ?

Their usual response : Well we don't have the money or resources.

My response : Then take the lead or shut the hell up and get me a ( insert country's national drink )
Italy's Disaster Chief Blasts 'Pathetic' U.S. Aid Work in Haiti

The guy's name is 'Guido'. Here's a Guido tutorial just in case anyone is interested:


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