It wasn't Obama's fault. Or Bush's. Or Clinton. It's OUR fault.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of blaming presidents. No 1 man in the world is powerful enough to cause all our ills or joys. They are easy targets. Like head coaches in the NFL. When it goes bad, they are to blame, when there are hundreds of reasons it went wrong.

It's our fault. Everyone's fault. We are mostly a greedy, hot-tempered fat lazy bunch.

We're too fat. If we got in shape healthcare wouldn't be as expensive. We're too hot-tempered. It's why telling someone "Hey fat fu** get in shape" isn't tolerated. We're greedy. If McDonalds offers a triple size for the same price, we'll buy it.

We're too egotistical. If the Jones have a 4 bedroom home, I want a 5. With a garage. If the bank won't loan me the $$, I'll cry racism. Or call someone who will.

We're not accountable enough. We always want to blame someone else when we fail or feel discomfort. It was my moms fault. Or my boss. Or my governor. Or my president's fault.

We gotta stop looking to presidents for all the answers to our ills, and blaming them for everything that just didn't work out. They have jobs as feds they must do. Defense. Roads. Some logical social safety net for the disheveled. Thats where it ends. Hold them accountable for those, but stop asking for so much more.

If anyone else is a fan of the stand up comic Kat Williams, so am I. He's hilarious. He's a left winger too. But thats fine, because he is also smart about it. In his DVD where he talks about politics, he bashes Bush. Praises Obama.

But then he says that an individual has to say "FU** IT" to all the politics and other shit that really doesn't matter, and take care of yourself and your family first because after that nothing else matters.

So there. I just wanted to get that out. Our problems are likely our own fault, not a president's. We can and must take care of ourselves.

Now, I gotta go because I'm headed to the gym. I gained 5 pounds last month, and it's all Obama's fault.:eusa_shhh:
I've been pointing that out in my blog for a while. Government is corrupt because we the people, collectively and not necessarily every individual, is corrupt.

We are dishonest.
We are arrogant
We expect results immediately and deviate if we don't get them.
We outsource our charity to the government and wonder why things never get fixed.
We turn from God and are surprised when society degenerates because of it.
We give our children to the nanny to raise and wonder why they don't learn anything of value.
We spend money like crazy, laugh at the idea of thrift, and wonder why the economy fails.
We spend our time watching TV instead of using our time wisely to actually improve ourselves and the world around us.

We need individuals to start practicing virtue or our society will quickly destroy itself.
Ok. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of blaming presidents. No 1 man in the world is powerful enough to cause all our ills or joys. They are easy targets. Like head coaches in the NFL. When it goes bad, they are to blame, when there are hundreds of reasons it went wrong.

It's our fault. Everyone's fault. We are mostly a greedy, hot-tempered fat lazy bunch.

We're too fat. If we got in shape healthcare wouldn't be as expensive. We're too hot-tempered. It's why telling someone "Hey fat fu** get in shape" isn't tolerated. We're greedy. If McDonalds offers a triple size for the same price, we'll buy it.

We're too egotistical. If the Jones have a 4 bedroom home, I want a 5. With a garage. If the bank won't loan me the $$, I'll cry racism. Or call someone who will.

We're not accountable enough. We always want to blame someone else when we fail or feel discomfort. It was my moms fault. Or my boss. Or my governor. Or my president's fault.

We gotta stop looking to presidents for all the answers to our ills, and blaming them for everything that just didn't work out. They have jobs as feds they must do. Defense. Roads. Some logical social safety net for the disheveled. Thats where it ends. Hold them accountable for those, but stop asking for so much more.

If anyone else is a fan of the stand up comic Kat Williams, so am I. He's hilarious. He's a left winger too. But thats fine, because he is also smart about it. In his DVD where he talks about politics, he bashes Bush. Praises Obama.

But then he says that an individual has to say "FU** IT" to all the politics and other shit that really doesn't matter, and take care of yourself and your family first because after that nothing else matters.

So there. I just wanted to get that out. Our problems are likely our own fault, not a president's. We can and must take care of ourselves.

Now, I gotta go because I'm headed to the gym. I gained 5 pounds last month, and it's all Obama's fault.:eusa_shhh:

They want the credit when things go well, they can take the poo storm when thing go into the tank.

Blaming the customer doesn't fly in my airspace.
It's not the victims fault...

In a general sense it is the fault of the human race, but that is the very nature of the human race. You are going to have to change human nature in your scenario where it's "our fault"...
It's not the victims fault...

In a general sense it is the fault of the human race, but that is the very nature of the human race. You are going to have to change human nature in your scenario where it's "our fault"...

That's what God is for:)
It's not the victims fault...

In a general sense it is the fault of the human race, but that is the very nature of the human race. You are going to have to change human nature in your scenario where it's "our fault"...

Wrong. "I" am not going to change the human race. Each individual must change himself. I think thats an ideological difference.

I believe it is the responsibility of each individual to change himself for the better.
Some believe it is the governments job to shift and guide us to that goal.
BTW what did Obama do to make you 5lbs heavier?;)

I ate nothing but red meat, ice cream and potato chips as comfort food from November 2008 until now. Somone told me it would make awesome protective karate fat (bonus for who names the movie). But it doesn't. It's his fault. And he needs to pay my medical bills from it also.
Ok. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of blaming presidents. No 1 man in the world is powerful enough to cause all our ills or joys. They are easy targets. Like head coaches in the NFL. When it goes bad, they are to blame, when there are hundreds of reasons it went wrong.

It's our fault. Everyone's fault. We are mostly a greedy, hot-tempered fat lazy bunch.

We're too fat. If we got in shape healthcare wouldn't be as expensive. We're too hot-tempered. It's why telling someone "Hey fat fu** get in shape" isn't tolerated. We're greedy. If McDonalds offers a triple size for the same price, we'll buy it.

We're too egotistical. If the Jones have a 4 bedroom home, I want a 5. With a garage. If the bank won't loan me the $$, I'll cry racism. Or call someone who will.

We're not accountable enough. We always want to blame someone else when we fail or feel discomfort. It was my moms fault. Or my boss. Or my governor. Or my president's fault.

We gotta stop looking to presidents for all the answers to our ills, and blaming them for everything that just didn't work out. They have jobs as feds they must do. Defense. Roads. Some logical social safety net for the disheveled. Thats where it ends. Hold them accountable for those, but stop asking for so much more.

If anyone else is a fan of the stand up comic Kat Williams, so am I. He's hilarious. He's a left winger too. But thats fine, because he is also smart about it. In his DVD where he talks about politics, he bashes Bush. Praises Obama.

But then he says that an individual has to say "FU** IT" to all the politics and other shit that really doesn't matter, and take care of yourself and your family first because after that nothing else matters.

So there. I just wanted to get that out. Our problems are likely our own fault, not a president's. We can and must take care of ourselves.

Now, I gotta go because I'm headed to the gym. I gained 5 pounds last month, and it's all Obama's fault.:eusa_shhh:

We cannot change each person individually. What we can do is wake the public up to the colossal failures of our leadership until they pay enough attention to it to make a change. The problem with making a statement like 'it's our fault' and pointing to everybody is that it is the same as pointing at nobody. There is nothing that you can do to change the collective and each person can hide under the blanket of 'I was not part of that.' Case in point:
I didn't do it.

I was out of town that weekend.
Yes WE voted them in and WE are screwing our system but WE are represented by a figurehead and that figure is the proper target for our scorn. Hopefully, there will be a time when we wake up and change because of the continual failure of those that we put into office.
Interesting OP on individual responsibility...

If your job gets sent overseas,,,,,is it your fault?
If the dollar you get paid with is worth 75% of its former it your fault?
If your air and water supply get it your fault?
If you come down with cancer and can't it your fault?

We act as individuals in a greater society. We can control how we interface with that society and how well we play "the game". We can't control the actions of the society as a whole

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