It Walks Like Romney-Aiken! It Talks Like Ryan-Aiken! It's Hurricane Issac Comin'!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
In the lore and fiction of common sense, and human relationships: Birds of A Feather Tend to Flock Together--Among other matters(?)! This raises the question, "How do the deities seem to be regarding the Republican National Convention?"

Possibly Rev. Jeremiah Wright is back in favor at the Obama White House. Among the religious, there is this observed:

Tropical storm Isaac: GOP's Tampa convention likely to be wet, but how wet? (+video) -

Mostly, it's all about the negatives, really. Romney has more than enough, and those are gaining ground, in the face of the coming storm, already. Aiken in Missouri, having legitimately done it to himself, is now in a dead heat with Senator McCaskill--Unless maybe it was some other guy, involved(?)--(There may be widely named GOP Conservative Evangelicals involved: In how that commentary, all came about(?))! McCaskill became an overnight. . .absolute sensation. . .turning all the negatives around: Legitmately(?). Rep. Aiken managed to create support for birth control, abortion, sex education, and actual contraception: with just one word, in one paragraph, on one day!

The Cocoa-Puffs-Romney-Ryan, and now Aiken, campaign is going not Rogue, but instead is negatives accumulating almost every day.

So now there is even pity on the way, ready to wash it all out!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now maybe see: That the Senator From Missouri Is One. . . .Fine Upstanding Contribution To National Policy, in America! Spirit of Seminole Nation, maybe now getting ready for Ann Romney. . .who hoarded all the money, and kept it away from even MS research--not like Fox, Michael J.!)
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Welcome to the Todd Akin club...
Mourdock: God at work when rape leads to pregnancy
24 Oct.`12 — Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman becomes pregnant during a rape, "that's something God intended."
Mourdock, who's been locked in one of the country's most watched Senate races, was asked during the final minutes of a debate with Democratic challenger Rep. Joe Donnelly whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest. "I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen," Mourdock said.

Mourdock became the second GOP Senate candidate to find himself on the defensive over comments about rape and pregnancy. Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin said during a television interview in August that women's bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of what he called "legitimate rape." Since his comment, Akin has repeatedly apologized but has refused to leave his race despite calls to do so by leaders of his own party, from GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on down.

It was not immediately clear what effect Mourdock's comments might have during the final two weeks before the Nov. 6 election. But they could prove problematic. Romney distanced himself from Mourdock on Tuesday night — a day after a television ad featuring the former Massachusetts governor supporting the GOP Senate candidate began airing in Indiana.

"Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard Mourdock's comments, and they do not reflect his views," Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an email to The Associated Press. Romney aides would not say whether the ad would be pulled and if the Republican presidential nominee would continue to support Mourdock's Senate bid.

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In the lore and fiction of common sense, and human relationships: Birds of A Feather Tend to Flock Together--Among other matters(?)! This raises the question, "How do the deities seem to be regarding the Republican National Convention?"

Possibly Rev. Jeremiah Wright is back in favor at the Obama White House. Among the religious, there is this observed:

Tropical storm Isaac: GOP's Tampa convention likely to be wet, but how wet? (+video) -

Mostly, it's all about the negatives, really. Romney has more than enough, and those are gaining ground, in the face of the coming storm, already. Aiken in Missouri, having legitimately done it to himself, is now in a dead heat with Senator McCaskill--Unless maybe it was some other guy, involved(?)--(There may be widely named GOP Conservative Evangelicals involved: In how that commentary, all came about(?))! McCaskill became an overnight. . .absolute sensation. . .turning all the negatives around: Legitmately(?). Rep. Aiken managed to create support for birth control, abortion, sex education, and actual contraception: with just one word, in one paragraph, on one day!

The Cocoa-Puffs-Romney-Ryan, and now Aiken, campaign is going not Rogue, but instead is negatives accumulating almost every day.

So now there is even pity on the way, ready to wash it all out!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now maybe see: That the Senator From Missouri Is One. . . .Fine Upstanding Contribution To National Policy, in America! Spirit of Seminole Nation, maybe now getting ready for Ann Romney. . .who hoarded all the money, and kept it away from even MS research--not like Fox, Michael J.!)

You bastards are hysterical.

You whine about "politicizing" the Libyan tragedy that got four people killed.

But you have no issue doing the same thing for a tragedy that sees a million unborns snuffed before they ever see the light of day (or in some cases right after they see the light of the delivery room).


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