CDZ It seems another person Trump appointed is better qualified to be POTUS than he


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
This morning I happen to have on television ("in the background" more so than as something I'm closely watching), the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in which DHS Secretary K. Nielsen is testifying on immigration matters. She is now the second person who, notwithstanding whatever be their political persuasion, has comported him-/herself with professionalism and with integrity that, in one sitting, greatly outstrips that shown by Trump over the past two years.

For example, on several occasions she was asked questions the accurate answers to which she did not know. She simply said that she didn't know and that she'd obtain the answers and provide them subsequent to the hearing. Contrast that level of self-confidence, integrity and maturity with what we see routinely from Trump, who not only volunteers fictions but also repeats them ad nauseum and when shown they are fictions, he cleaves intransigently to them.

How hard is it to far more often than not -- everyone has a moment here or there -- to, unbidden, simply not say things that aren't factually or contextually true? Not hard at all if one asks me, and it''s about as easy to simply answer direct question with direct and accurate answers, even if that answer is "I don't know, but I will get that information to you."

Was Secretary Nielsen at a points evasive and/or equivocal? Yes, she was, for example her response whereby she stated that she didn't know what "pay for" means and the one in which she insisted on framing "vulgar" as "tough" even though her childhood, like that of every adult, informed her of precisely what the term "vulgar" means in terms of one's diction.

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