It Is Now Absolutely Crystal Clear That Republican Rule Is Dangerous and Authoritaria


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
By John Dean,
Posted on November 1, 2008, Printed on November 2, 2008
It Is Now Absolutely Crystal Clear That Republican Rule Is Dangerous and Authoritarian | | AlterNet

Republicans rule, rather than govern, when they are in power by imposing their authoritarian conservative philosophy on everyone, as their answer for everything. This works for them because their interest is in power, and in what it can do for those who think as they do. Ruling, of course, must be distinguished from governing, which is a more nuanced process that entails give-and-take and the kind of compromises that are often necessary to find a consensus and solutions that will best serve the interests of all Americans.

I'm not going to keep telling you about posting entire articles.
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It is a corruption of capitalism and it has failed the people. But it is the American way and the people still don't understand that that is the wrong way.
Absolutely right....

The party of conviction as opposed to the party of co-habitation..

The party of inclusion as opposed to the party of inclusion..

The party which rules instead of leads....

The party of war as opposed to the party of negotiation.

The party that will now take a break..
The Republicans had Absolute power for a while.

When one has so much power and start using it, where does one stop??

The same is going to happen to the Democrats, to what degree remains to be seen.
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The frightening thing is that the same intrusive authoritarian laws that the Republicans got passed are STILL the law.

If the Democrats do NOT recind these laws (and I do expect them to) then we know what we should already know....

That the democratic/republican game is a sham.
There's not much difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party today. The Republicans are controlled by Neoconservatives which are like LBJ-style Democrats that implement tax cuts. The Democrats are a bit to the left of LBJ. Welcome to the New World Order.
Like the above poster said,the thing is there is no difference between the republican and democrat party.Nothings going to change with Obama in the white house.Both partys have the same agenda.
The difference is in the core belief systems the voters of each party have.

One believes that there is a superior class of people, and those people should "think" for the less privileged/smart/well bred...and that anyone who attempts to gain the golden rings they hold in their hands should be punished severely. These voters are "democrats".

THe other group of voter believes we are all the same, that we should each think for ourself, and ability and determination should be rewarded, regardless of who shows these qualities. These voters are "republicans".

But we should note that there is a separate group from those two...they are known as "politicians".

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