It is fair to say that Chelsea striker, Fernando Torres, has been a failure this sea


big mouth
Jan 9, 2012
It is fair to say that Chelsea striker, Fernando Torres, has been a failure this season, the same as last season despite his US$80m transfer from Liverpool.
Luckily, he is still young and for the next three weeks, Didier Drogba will not be around.
Ivory Coast has just qualified for the Nations’ Cup quarter-finals and is likely to reach the finals.
Good for Torres!
Good but not quiet. There should be a reason why Torres did not take that penalty against QPR on Saturday. He was going to miss that spot kick!
I just found out what has been wrong with Torres. It is not the Chelsea style and neither is it the Spaniard himself. Drogba is Torres’ problem at Chelsea.
The other week, Torres scored and everyone thought he was back, only for him to miss an empty net the following match. Next, he scored again, only for him to bag a red card.
Allow me, dear Chelsea fan and African football lover following the Nations’ Cup, to inform you that Drogba has jazzed Torres.
Torres is just in a rut. Even with Drogba away against Norwich last week, Chelsea dominated 60% of the possession, Torres got plenty of chances but he just couldn’t stick them away. It’s not lack of confidence, its Drogba’s muti at work.
I once bumped into Drogba in 2009 in the corridors of Hilton Hotel in South Africa at the Confederations’ Cup. He really struck me as a moffie with those tight jeans and earrings. But today, I think Drogba is more of a man than anyone can predict. He has used his supernatural powers, which will always keep him as the top striker at Chelsea.
His muti is better than Jomo Sono’s juju . . . I guess so, because every top player has come and left at Chelsea except Didier. Remember Hernan Crespo (2003-2008; 20 goals), Andriy Schevnchenko (2006-2009; 9-goals), Claudio Pizarro (2007-20009; 2 goals) and Metaja Kezman (2004-2005; 4 goals) all had disastrous times, yet they came with high billings.
Crespo was lucky to score many goals in 2003 before Drogba arrived the following season. And Didier has a way of conviniently not scoring when the club buys top players . . . just when the club needs him the most. He will only start scoring after proving that the just-bought player is a sham.
Torres, like all the other strikers who have come to Chelsea and left, arrived with a high billing of 65 goals in three seasons at Liverpool. Today, he has only scored six times at Chelsea.
Drogba is two goals away from a century of goals at Chelsea.
I know you still don’t believe it. Soon you will. There is something fishy about Drogba versus the rest of the strikers at Chelsea. Only fellow African strikers make it, to some extent, when they are at Chelsea.
Have you ever heard about women who use this ‘black magic’ on us, men? Such a woman treats the man like a pony and can even fall pregnant with another guy’s child but still be rewarded with a marriage proposal by the same guy she treats like a slave. And you think that’s love? I don’t practise it but I believe in football, players also play around with such muti.
Think of some of the chances Torres missed against Norwich. And where was Drogba, scoring free-will at the Nations Cup? Drogba, you beauty!
Drogba put a chicken’s foot under Torres’ pillow whilst he was sleeping. In Ivory Coast, legend has it that the recipient of such a foul deed will end up making a fool of himself in front of millions of people.
Maybe Drogba should give the stuff to Carroll to help himself at Liverpool.
Torres last scored in the Premier League last September 24th against Swansea.
Everyone at Chelsea thinks these few weeks are crucial for the club and for Torres but I beg to differ. Torres must get into the first flight to Nigeria. There is a man of God called Prophet T.B. Joshua.
He will be told the truth and Chelsea will be safe. Harry Simon was there; Morgan Tsvangirai was there; the Ghanaian President, John Atta Mills was there and the President of the Zimbabwe Football Association was there too. Winnie Mandela also went there and I am told Julius Malema is busy talking to his travel agent as well.
I am not saying Drogba is not a great player. He is one of the few strikers I have rated tops in the world but he has jazzed the poor boy, for real. There are only two options to get the best of Fernando, either ditch Drogba or fly the Spaniard to Nigeria. T.B. Joshua can reverse the Ivorian magic. WaDi sources


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