It Figures… Obama Blames the GOP for the Health Care Bill on “60 Minutes” (Video)

If there was a socially liberal yet not braindead (read as: fine with homosexuals yet in favor of gun rights and could go either way on legalizing pot) yet fiscally conservative (cut back, reduce the debt) and constitutionally sane (stick to the document, but realize there are valid doctrines not contained therein too)...

None of the racist rednecks...none of the racecard players...none of the fingerpointers...none of the shady money movers (campaign finance reform is needed)...I'd love that party.

Here is the mission statement of the Tea Party Patriots

The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets

What it doesn't state is the lack of human capital in their 'mission' statement or spell out the human carnage of their right wing agenda. I am sure they are for continuing the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, which will add $700,000 billion dollars to the deficit, and those tax cuts that were supposed to creates jobs, have created a decade of ZERO private sector jobs. SO, where do the cuts come from? Defense? Closing down the white elephant where political favors were paid for with meaningless jobs; Fatherland Security? NO, it will come from cutting programs that help and sustain We, the People.

If it's true raising taxes during a recession would be foolish, then cutting social services during a recession would be fatal. It would be a human catastrophe. There is ONE job opening for every five Americans that are unemployed. And that doesn't even take into account a college grad with student loans having to apply at McDonalds.

America needed another FDR or JFK, a president with courage and the ability to use the bully pulpit to rally We, the People to do what must be done first, not putting what must be done later first, like the GOP and GOP II, the tea party are calling for.
Unfortunately, the Tea Party around Alabama believes that there are death panels in the healthcare bill or that Obama wants one world currency. I hear it every day from self-professed TPer's on the local radio call in show.

Someone start another party.

Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Tea Party, Rent is Too Damn High....hmm that's 6.

Let's call it the "7th Charm" in the seventh time's the charm. ;)
The fact that Obama is still blaming repugnantcans for his problems is ludicrous when we all know that at that time he didn't need their cooperation. Dimocrats owned the house and senate no trepugnantcan needed.

This is exactly correct and Obama was lying to America last night in his 60 Minutes interview.

Nothing New there. Obama makes a habit of lying to the American people on National TV. He lives for it.

I guess he figures if Bush could lie us into a war, he can Lie us into every Agenda Item he wants.

In other words, he thinks we are idiot Peasants.
It was a plan for HIS STATE, not the entire nation.

Nope, the individual mandate was a Republican idea. It was the Republican answer to Hillarycare back in the 80s. Yup, Chuck Grassley and Orin Hatch co-sponsored the bill and it included what the lying bastards later called 'death panels".

Yup, Obamacare is riddled with Republican ideas. That's why t's an inadaquate law.

But but but all the previous posters never knew about that because they never saw it on FoxNews, heard it on Rush Limbaugh's show, nor saw it reported by any of the right wing Internet "news" and blog sites. Contrary to the adage, ignorance is NOT bliss. It's downright shocking in this day and age.
Yeah the Prez was sure naive thinking that the Republicans wanted help to fix our crappy Health Care system. All they cared about was getting back in power by striving to give the President his "Waterloo moment" at whatever cost to the country.

That's why the shouting matches developed, because they didn't want an honest discussion, they just wanted the country to fail under President Obama.

That's why they funneled all the money into a fake-grass root movement.

Yeah, heaven for fucking bid that Big 0 work on the economy and jobs. But instead he had to have his own people bribed to vote his way. Each thing that was changed was changed to make a dem happy, not the reps.

I'd be willing to bet, if big 0 had worked the economy, got unemployment to go down to 7.9% you would have kept the House, the TEA party would be getting swept under the rugs of history, and you would have gotten back your filibuster proof majority.

but no

They wanted to be in the history books as passing health care even as the country sank.

"Blindboo" The irony does not escape me.

And of course "Big O" has admitted that he should have made the economy #1 priority over health care in several recent interviews. But of course ya'll missed that too. You people only "hear" what you want to "hear" so that you can hopefully get some mileage out of it.
The fact that Obama is still blaming repugnantcans for his problems is ludicrous when we all know that at that time he didn't need their cooperation. Dimocrats owned the house and senate no trepugnantcan needed.

This is exactly correct and Obama was lying to America last night in his 60 Minutes interview. IF Nancy Pelosi was such a good leader for the Democrats, why did Obama end up having to make shady back room deals with fellow Democrats just to get the watered down Healthcare legislation we got? Obama is in a jam now. He will reach out to Republicans now, and the Republicans have already begun biting his hand. NOTHING will get accomplished over the next two years and that is precisely the way the Republicans want it. That way, the economy will remain in the toilet. Unemployment will remain around 9%. The Republicans can still scare everyone with the Healthcare legislation as they did during the mid-terms and Obama will lose re-election in 2012. Unless Sarah Palin is his opponent....

do you really think obama won't go along with what the republicans want in order to get something done?
Yeah, heaven for fucking bid that Big 0 work on the economy and jobs. But instead he had to have his own people bribed to vote his way. Each thing that was changed was changed to make a dem happy, not the reps.

I'd be willing to bet, if big 0 had worked the economy, got unemployment to go down to 7.9% you would have kept the House, the TEA party would be getting swept under the rugs of history, and you would have gotten back your filibuster proof majority.

but no

They wanted to be in the history books as passing health care even as the country sank.

"Blindboo" The irony does not escape me.

But, but, but I thought wingnuts didn't believe the govt should be in the business of creating jobs!!!!

I guess that's another "principle" the wingnuts have tossed under the bus:cuckoo:

Nice twist.

Government can't create jobs, outside of creating more government jobs, that will require more taxes or more borrowing.

no, what gavernment can do is create a biz freindly atmosphere that will allow private industreis to create jobs.

Any thinking otherwise is foolish.

No, if you were THINKING, you would realize you're wrong. Government doesn't create jobs is a misnomer, albeit the mantra of the far right regarding the economy. Contrary to that inaccurate statement, all you have to do is recognize that if it were not for government-sponsored space exploration, we wouldn't be using the Internet right now. Satellites are almost as common as telephone polls these days, we now can use watches that track distance and speed using satellites, cell phones that transmit video instantly, satellite television images, Google Earth or a host of other benefits that eventually came from space exploration technology. New pharmaceuticals were developed by private enterprise using scientific discoveries in space. Even memory foam was developed by NASA and is now manufactured privately.

To this day, the Interstate Highway System remains the nation's greatest public works project. It brought together small towns and big cities for easier access to buy and sell products and resulted in tens of thousands of new service businesses taking advantage of a steady stream of traffic.
Memo to Obama:

You didn't have a failure to communicate. The voters understand you and your progressive agenda quite well.

I love it whenever one of you posts something that seems to imply that you and like minded conservatives are the majority voice in America, when you are not. The country remains evenly divided on just about every single issue.
Then again, it might not. Either way, the sitting President will get blamed for it. Bush was fortunate that the economy tanked as he was on his way out. Obama has had to bear the brunt of it.

Hey that's politics. Obama should know that and stop his incessant whining.

Like that will ever happen.


Okay, give some examples, folks. If he's asked a question and gives an answer unsatisfactory TO YOU, it appears like whining. Well guess what...that's what happens regardless WHO it is. Picky picky fucking picky.
LOL, the country remains EVENLY divided, that's why the people just kicked the Democrats-Progressive-Commies out in RECORD NUMBERS.
What "hole" is he digging? Initially, President Obama and the democrats were trying to do single payer..or a medicare for everyone that was uninsured. The HMOs went nuts..and their Republican proxies in congress started larding the bill with all sorts of provisions. Yes..they turned it into the "counter" proposals to Clinton's bill and resembled very much what Mass. has now.

And they STILL didn't vote for it.

I basically blame Obama for this. He ran for election 2 years spouting National Health Care. He had time to create a NHC plan and shove it through congress on the first day, just as the WTO was done. He failed Americans and then a spent a billion dollars screwing around with everybody but the American citizens.

It is not that there were not excellant examples in the world on how to set the plan up, or the motive to do so, or the opportunity. I see no excuses.

The excuse would have simply been that Constitutionally, a President cannot SHOVE THROUGH anything. Initiatives that will become enacted legislation must go through the process. And they started debate on health care early on, with Republicans averse to accepting any of it, and five drafts and a year later in an attempt to please everybody, the rest is history.
But instead of a new working relationship, the Republicans dug in their heels, vilified the man they were supposed to be working with, fired up the hate-filled rhetoric (communist! socialist! - nevermind that 999 out of 1000 people using those words have no clue what they mean - including the vast majority here on USMB)...and then blamed Obama for responding in kind.

Robert Samuelson, a conservative journalist writing on economic issues, wrote in the Washington Post about this just recently:

Robert J. Samuelson - The dysfunction of American politics
One reason so many Americans are unhappy with politics today is that it has abdicated its central role. It doesn't narrow our differences; it exaggerates them.

It's not that the public has become sharply polarized. In 2010, 42 percent of Americans call themselves conservative, 35 percent moderates and 20 percent liberals, reports Gallup. In 1992, the figures were 43, 36 and 17 percent. So there's a widening disconnect between the polarized political system and the less-polarized public. There are at least four reasons for this.

First, politicians depend increasingly on their activist "bases" for votes, money and job security (read: no primary challenger). But activist agendas are well to the left or right of center. So when politicians pander to their bases, they often offend the center. In one poll, 70 percent of registered voters said Republicans' positions were too conservative at least some of the time; 76 percent likewise thought Democratic positions often "too liberal."

Second, politics has become more moralistic from both left and right. Idealistic ideologues campaign to "save the planet," "protect the unborn," "reclaim the Constitution." When goals become moral imperatives, there's no room for compromise. Opponents are not just mistaken; they're immoral. They're cast as evil, ignorant, dangerous, or all three.

Third, cable television and the Internet impose entertainment values on politics. Constant chatter reigns. Conflict and shock language prevail; analysis is boring.
The fact that Obama is still blaming repugnantcans for his problems is ludicrous when we all know that at that time he didn't need their cooperation. Dimocrats owned the house and senate no trepugnantcan needed.

This is exactly correct and Obama was lying to America last night in his 60 Minutes interview.

Nothing New there. Obama makes a habit of lying to the American people on National TV. He lives for it.

I guess he figures if Bush could lie us into a war, he can Lie us into every Agenda Item he wants.

In other words, he thinks we are idiot Peasants.

And you just prove that you are by your other two stupid statements.
LOL, the country remains EVENLY divided, that's why the people just kicked the Democrats-Progressive-Commies out in RECORD NUMBERS.

The big wins were primarily from those states narrowly won by Democrats in 2008, dearie. No big surprises there at all. So what happened to the mamma grizzlies? What happened to your takeover of the Senate? Guess what, genius, the Democrats still have control of 2 of the 3 branches of government. Eat your heart out.

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