It ends were it begins?


Jan 26, 2006
The occupied zone(CA.)
Over the holidays several of my friends and I were discussing the Middle East and its vast array of problems and conflicts. The topic was when will the "BIG WAR" break out into a multi nation world war? I will not bore you with the he said she said comments, but it was interesting to note that one of my friends herd word of a coming offensive that would put the Israeli special units (Sayeret Matkal, Golani units, and units of the paratroopers) into IRAN!
Don't bet on the Armed Forces of the United States pulling out of Iraq any time soon. Word of a pull out in the words of my British buddies would say is "rubbish!"
We're not pulling out or Iraq, just like we never pulled out of Japan or Germany. We now have Iran surrounded, and as soon as the Iran-Israel thing erupts we'll be right where we need to be.

Israel is not going to wait for Iran to develop a nuke- that will be promptly delivered to Tel Aviv. So I'm sure a pre-emptive strike is well beyond the planning stages.

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