It doesn't matter if terrorism is "false flag" or not


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Folks, it simply doesn't matter who perpetrates terrorism, or how far you can connect the chains, or who is acting in what interest, or who is ultimately responsible, etc. By asking that question, you are already down the wrong analytical path.

Rather, what matters is reaction. Everything in this world is action-reaction. And we know what the response to terrorism always is: more police and militarization.

Both terrorism and the police and military complexes exist in an ongoing, action-reaction symbiosis now. In a sense, everybody benefits except for the victims of the act. The terrorists themselves benefit, they get their exposure. Then the police and military benefit, because they can increase their budget, power, and have an enemy to fight.

With a crowded, scared, and economically depleted world, we will never again have the good days of both low terrorism, and freedom from the police state.

Everybody being hyper alert to everything, and everybody being hyper secure in everything, is now the order of the day, as far as the eye can see.

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