Israeli Vs. Palestinian Advances


Jun 29, 2011
Israel is one of the most advanced, inventive, innovative countries in the world as a global leader in information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, solar power, electric transportation, agriculture, scientific research and medical technology. Most Microsoft software programs and Intel's Pentium and Centrino microprocessors, for example, have been invented in Israel.

Israel has produced 5 Nobel Prize winners for important advances in science, mathematics and economics.

Several examples of Israeli medical innovations are below.

Which begs the question: Besides the suicide bomb belt, just what significant inventions and advances have the so-called Palestinians developed? More broadly, what great inventions have the Arabs, in general, innovated? Anything, at all? Oil doesn't count as it's a natural resource stolen from the Earth.

Israeli-made PillCam, the smallest camera in the world swallowed by patients for internal medical procedures.

Blair Lewis, MD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine...
This is the final frontier for the endoscopic image of the gastrointestinal tract

Professor C. Paul Swain, Royal London Hospital...
I think this is possibly the most important advance in endoscopy of all time.
[ame=]Given Imaging,M2A capsule. 3D animation produced by Virtual Point - YouTube[/ame]

Israeli-based Nano Retina has developed nanotech bionic retina implant device that restores sight to the vision impaired affected by macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other diseases. The operation to install the electrode-laden implant takes a mere half hour under local anesthetic.
[ame=]Nano Retina - Sight restoration, produced by Virtual Point - YouTube[/ame]

The FDA recently approved a groundbreaking new non-invasive, radiation-free lung imaging system created by Deep Breeze, Ltd, an Israeli company in Or Akiva. It is viewed by some as the most important medical imaging technology since ultrasound. It is being marketed by GE Healthcare in partnership with Deep Breeze.
[ame=]Groundbreaking New Lung Imaging System - YouTube[/ame]

Israel's Biondvax is developing a flu shot that could last 3-5 years and protect against different strains of flu throughout the world, including the swine flu.
[ame=]A possible swine flu vaccine? - YouTube[/ame]

Israeli biotech firm BrainsGate has developed some groundbreaking advances in the field of neurology. Two of their most exciting inventions are a device which controls blood flow to the brain from inside the mouth and another one which allows doctors to introduce medicines to the brain.
[ame=]Neuromedical advances from BrainsGate - YouTube[/ame]

SMART, an Israeli medical technology firm, has developed a new way to identify infections in the body. Extremely helpful for hepatitis and HIV cases, SMART's ingenuity allows doctors to minimize the time between exposure and detection, enabling the body to defend itself with antibodies earlier than ever before
[ame=]Breakthough HIV Detection Advances from SMART - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]A "life-changing" invention from the West Bank - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know about you,,,,but,,, this shit is getting old, and I am going to hurl from the spinning motion of this subject!

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Any advances by the Pallies, at all? The suicide belt bomb doesn't count--allah invented that one

Hear the crickets chirping.
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