Israeli police to demolish house of old Jerusalemite woman

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli policemen stormed the home of an old Jerusalemite woman in Silwan district, in occupied Jerusalem, on Tuesday and told her that her house would be razed on Thursday.

Fatima Jafra said that she was residing in her home for more than 12 years along with her 30 children and grandchildren.

She said that the policemen told her to get out her belongings from the house before Thursday morning or else the house would be demolished over them.

Jafra appealed to all human rights groups and those concerned with Jerusalem and Jerusalemites to swiftly act and help her before the house is razed and she and her family are rendered homeless.

Israeli police to demolish house of old Jerusalemite woman
somehow the idiot article cited does not mention the reason for the razings----contrary to the shit promulgated by islamo nazi dogs-----house demolitions in Israel are COURT ORDERED and the court papers cite the reasons------in fact Israel is a bit more FORMAL than my own city in which -----the department of housing preservation and developement----simply DECIDES ----comes along and LOCKS SEALS THE PLACE UP-----after throwing all residents out---------giving them the opportunity of 24 hours to find another place to live

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