Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.
obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over
Your avatar image, the first and the last line of your post, and your signature, all make it pretty clear who the retarded child is :cuckoo:
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.
obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over
Your avatar image, the first and the last line of your post, and your signature, all make it pretty clear who the retarded child is :cuckoo:

Thanks for bumping my thread genius.
In a phone conversation with US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Wednesday night, Ya'alon said that his comments "were not intended to express opposition, criticism or offense to the United States," adding that maintaining strong ties with the United States is Israel's utmost priority.

Ya'alon expressed his appreciation for the close relationship Israel shares with the United States, and emphasized his full commitment to cooperation between the two nations.

Ya'alon apologizes to US for inflammatory comments | JPost | Israel News
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

If Israel wants to act unilaterally, we should cut off any funding or support for them.

I'm sure that we have some agreements with Japan regarding their defense and as a nation they should be able to have a standing Army and militarize themselves, Germany and Italy certainly have their own military.

North Korea and South Korea need to settle their differences. If North Korea is suicidal, they will attack South Korea, last time I heard, we do have a military base or bases there.

How are we "going to pay"?

Putin made a few good points in his last speech regarding NATO recruiting countries right on there "doorstep". We should have stayed out of Russia's immediate sphere of influence. It seems like everything was going ok until we started meddling in their region. This Administration has continued the same policy as the previous Administration that you probably voted for.

It seems like you really like Putin...............If so, why are you complaining about what he's doing in his region?
Let them have at it. Not our fight. Bout time Israel decides to fight its own damn battles and stop having American boys and girls die for their interests.
In a phone conversation with US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Wednesday night, Ya'alon said that his comments "were not intended to express opposition, criticism or offense to the United States," adding that maintaining strong ties with the United States is Israel's utmost priority.

Ya'alon expressed his appreciation for the close relationship Israel shares with the United States, and emphasized his full commitment to cooperation between the two nations.

Ya'alon apologizes to US for inflammatory comments | JPost | Israel News

come on you know that just political cover. Maybe theyre counting on obamas "flexability"?
"In his speech, the Russian leader lambasted Western nations for what he called hypocrisy, saying they had endorsed Kosovo's right to self-determination and independence from Serbia but now denied Crimeans the same rights.

"You cannot call the same thing black today and white tomorrow," Putin declared, saying that while he did not seek conflict with the West, Western partners had "crossed the line" over Ukraine and behaved "irresponsibly"."

"Ukraine's new leaders, in power since the overthrow of Yanukovich, included "neo-Nazis, Russophobes and anti-Semites", he added."

""Don't believe those who try to frighten you with Russia and who scream that other regions will follow after Crimea," Putin said. "We do not want a partition of Ukraine.""

"Putin said Russian forces in Crimea had taken great care to avoid any bloodshed, contrasting it with NATO's 1999 campaign to drive Serbian forces out of Kosovo. Reinforcements had remained within the treaty limit of 25,000 troops in the area, he said."

"Making clear Russia's concern at the possibility of the U.S.-led NATO military alliance expanding into Ukraine, he declared: "I do not want to be welcomed in Sevastopol (Crimean home of Russia's Black Sea fleet) by NATO sailors."

Putin signs Crimea treaty as Ukraine serviceman dies in attack | Reuters
We can only hope we won't get involved in their war.

The neocons in America have just finished licking their fingers clean of all the American blood they've feasted upon in the Iraq War, and they are still hungry for more. Unbelievable.
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.
Seriously, what has obama done to scare iran?

Why should he scare them instead of treating them with diplomacy. How would you like some other nation trying to dictate to us what weapons we can or can not have?

Because diplomacy has failed majorly?

LOL, how are you defining "diplomacy"? Are you defining "diplomacy" as us telling them what they can do and they need to shut up, smile, and follow orders? That was their regions for thousands of years, I don't think that some of us look at our foreign policy inversely.

Would we like Russia to try to recruit Mexico and other Latin American countries into their military alliance? Remember Our response to that in the 1980's? We have Our Monroe Doctrine and I am willing to bet that Russia has their own version of a "Monroe Doctrine".

I personally think that we have squandered a good chance at having an alliance with Russia. Did we ever try to invite them into NATO? We could have formed a stronger partnership in fighting a common foe.
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.
That would be anyone who disagrees with israel and its policies.
Seriously, what has obama done to scare iran?

Why should he scare them instead of treating them with diplomacy. How would you like some other nation trying to dictate to us what weapons we can or can not have?

Because diplomacy has failed majorly?
How ya figure? Looks like its working just fine to me. No war,no American blood shed...seems A OK!
Israel shouldn't wait for Obama because Obama wants a nuclear Iran to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth....
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.

Maybe I missed it, can you point out any statement or quote that is allegedly "bashing Israel "or "hating Jews"? Are you among the people who constantly complain and rail about "the Blacks" allegedly using the so-called "race card"? If so, why are you you are doing the same thing with your post above?
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.

Maybe I missed it, can you point out any statement or quote that is allegedly "bashing Israel "or "hating Jews"? Are you among the people who constantly complain and rail about "the Blacks" allegedly using the so-called "race card"? If so, why are you you are doing the same thing with your post above?

Please give it a rest. Quit playing stupid. If that's possible.
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.

Maybe I missed it, can you point out any statement or quote that is allegedly "bashing Israel "or "hating Jews"? Are you among the people who constantly complain and rail about "the Blacks" allegedly using the so-called "race card"? If so, why are you you are doing the same thing with your post above?

Please give it a rest. Quit playing stupid. If that's possible.

LOL, give what a rest? I asked you an honest question and this is the response you gave me, yet you showed no instances to support your assertion. I don't "bash Jews", I have no problem with the Israelis as a people, but I do disagree with some of the foreign policy and military decisions the Israelis have made.

We are the big brother to Israel, they need us more than we need them and they shouldn't be "hammering" us over anything.

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