Israeli Company Develops Revolutionary Solar Window


Jun 29, 2011
[ame=]Israeli Tech Start-up Develops New Solar Window - YouTube[/ame]
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Another invention thieved and pantented by the robber-elites.

Your Jew Envy is showing, loser. Thanks, again, for the bump, white trash

Warren Buffett...
We believe generally in the United States, we believe in ourselves and what a young country can achieve. Israel, since 1948, now a major factor in commerce and in the world. It's a smaller replica of what has been accomplished here and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about societies that are on the move.
[ame=]Warren Buffet Supports the U.S.-Israel Relationship - YouTube[/ame]

Warren Buffett Congratulating Israeli Stef Wertheimer, Founder of Iscar, the Hugely Successful Israeli Company In Which Mr. Buffett Has Invested $4 Billion, For Winning The Dun & Bradsteet Leadership Excellence Award
Dun & Bradstreet couldn't have made a better choice and it's particularly impressive when someone is chosen for that award in Israel because the talent level is so high.

If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make

[ame=]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Iscar is exceptional. I can give you an absolute, unequivocal answer You can go around the world and it's very impressive when a country of 7 million people turns out a business like this. I haven't seen anything like this in the United States. We were measuring Iscar against everything we see in the world.
[ame=]Warren Buffet in Israel - - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]ISCAR IMAGE-New ver.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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