Israel tortures children


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Just when you think Israeli's can't get any more inhuman...

Crimes against Humanity: The Torture of Palestinian Children

From February 2008 through November 2011, DCI/Palestine documented 34 child abuse cases. They endured "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and in some cases, torture, in violation of the" Torture Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and Fourth Geneva.

Israel spurns all international laws with impunity, including those pertaining to war, occupation, and fundamental humanitarian and human rights.

At Al Jalame, children are held in 2 x 3 meter cells. In 2009, one child endured 65 days of punishment. All of them sleep on concrete beds, or on the floor on thin, dirty, foul-smelling mattresses. Meals pass through door flaps, depriving them of human contact.'ve got to be a pretty sick piece of shit to torture children.
They shoot children, don’t they?

In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years. Most are shot randomly and indiscriminately, or killed as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks. Around 50 were taken prematurely from their families by unexploded ordnance.

The most recent atrocities against the people of Gaza began on Friday 9 March and resulted in the killing of 25 Palestinians, and come on the back of the massacre that took place in December 2008/January 2009, when a total of 1,417 Palestinians were murdered, of whom 318 were children and 116 women. Fresh in the children’s young memories lie the echo of that horrendous time, the constant bombardment, the loss of loved ones and the shootings. Besides the deaths, around 1,000 children were injured in the three-week assault, and many children were left with severe physical disabilities and deep psychological wounds. The mental and emotional effects are more difficult to see and/or to treat than broken bones and scared flesh.
Fuck Israel!
They shoot children, don’t they?

In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years. Most are shot randomly and indiscriminately, or killed as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks. Around 50 were taken prematurely from their families by unexploded ordnance.

The most recent atrocities against the people of Gaza began on Friday 9 March and resulted in the killing of 25 Palestinians, and come on the back of the massacre that took place in December 2008/January 2009, when a total of 1,417 Palestinians were murdered, of whom 318 were children and 116 women. Fresh in the children’s young memories lie the echo of that horrendous time, the constant bombardment, the loss of loved ones and the shootings. Besides the deaths, around 1,000 children were injured in the three-week assault, and many children were left with severe physical disabilities and deep psychological wounds. The mental and emotional effects are more difficult to see and/or to treat than broken bones and scared flesh.
Fuck Israel!

Are you trying to gain some prize for the most stupid propagandist?
They shoot children, don’t they?

In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years. Most are shot randomly and indiscriminately, or killed as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks. Around 50 were taken prematurely from their families by unexploded ordnance.

The most recent atrocities against the people of Gaza began on Friday 9 March and resulted in the killing of 25 Palestinians, and come on the back of the massacre that took place in December 2008/January 2009, when a total of 1,417 Palestinians were murdered, of whom 318 were children and 116 women. Fresh in the children’s young memories lie the echo of that horrendous time, the constant bombardment, the loss of loved ones and the shootings. Besides the deaths, around 1,000 children were injured in the three-week assault, and many children were left with severe physical disabilities and deep psychological wounds. The mental and emotional effects are more difficult to see and/or to treat than broken bones and scared flesh.
Fuck Israel!

Are you trying to gain some prize for the most stupid propagandist?

It's the unfortunate result of "sucking dick"
Are you trying to gain some prize for the most stupid propagandist?
So you don't mind children being tortured?

They aren't being tortured. And even the pretty rediculous propaganda piece you post talks about treatment that isn't torture. If you want to see children tortured I think you have to turn to Syria or Iran.
I just posted evidence that they are, you sick piece of shit!
They aren't being tortured. And even the pretty rediculous propaganda piece you post talks about treatment that isn't torture. If you want to see children tortured I think you have to turn to Syria or Iran.
I just posted evidence that they are, you sick piece of shit!

You are indeed pretty disgusting.
At least I think it's wrong to torture kids.

You don't even think this topic is worth investigating, which shoes how little regard you have for children.
lol all the Israeli nut lickers will be on here crying this is propaganda.

Psycho Boy, how do you use the Internet without Google, since Google relies on Israel? :badgrin:

And, you better not be using an Apple iPod, iPad and iPhone since they all contain Israeli technology.:badgrin:

Do the arabs and muslimes make a search engine and iPads, iPhones and iPods? :badgrin:

[ame=]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Apple to Acquire Anobit? - YouTube[/ame]
Apple today confirmed earlier reports it has acquired Israel-based flash memory startup Anobit....which makes flash memory technology found in the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air.. The deal was reported to be worth $400 million to $500 million. Apple confirms Anobit acquisition | Apple - CNET News
lol all the Israeli nut lickers will be on here crying this is propaganda.
It's only propaganda because you don't have the balls to be a responsible adult.

I didn't say it was propaganda. I think the Israeli government stooges are Nazis.

Psycho Boy, how do you use the Internet without Google?
Do the arabs have a search engine?

[ame=]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]
It's only propaganda because you don't have the balls to be a responsible adult.

I didn't say it was propaganda. I think the Israeli government stooges are Nazis.

Psycho Boy, how do you use the Internet without Google?
Do the arabs have a search engine?

[ame=]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Founders of Google are American.
I didn't say it was propaganda. I think the Israeli government stooges are Nazis.

Psycho Boy, how do you use the Internet without Google?
Do the arabs have a search engine?

[ame=]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Founders of Google are American.

Psycho Boy, Google has 2 R&D Centers in Israel, the only R&D centers outside the US.

And, Google funds Israeli startups.

So, how do you use the internet without Google, Psycho Boy? Do the arabs have a search engine, Psycho Boy?:badgrin:

Wall Street Journal: Google to Launch Start-Up Incubator in Israel Google to Launch Start-up Incubator in Israel - Digits - WSJ
Google is setting up an “incubator” for technology start-ups in Israel, one of several ways the California-based Internet giant is trying to get an early look at innovations

Numerous technology giants including Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Intel, AT&T, and Hewlett-Packard also have offices or research centers in Israel.

Initially, Google’s incubator will host roughly 20 “pre-seed” start ups, or about 80 people, for a period of a few months, after which new companies will come into the incubator to replace them, and the project will be open to many types of start-ups but has an emphasis on open-source technologies.

Google’s move is “very significant,” said Shuly Galili, executive director of the California-Israel Chamber of Commerce. “Google will have more accessibility to the talent and the know-how and what’s going on in that community,” she said, adding that she expects more U.S. tech companies to make similar moves in the future.
Galili is involved in a new “accelerator” for Israeli startups called Upwest Labs that will be based in Silicon Valley, providing a chance for Israeli entrepreneurs to work on their projects and meet with investors and technology companies based in the U.S. Google is one of Upwest’s sponsors, she said.

Israel has long been known as a tech hub, sometimes called “start-up nation.” An Israeli company called PrimeSense is a key technology provider for Microsoft’s Kinect, a motion-activated video game system. Several years ago SanDisk bought Israel-based M-Systems, which made flash drives, for $1.5 billion. In the late 1990s, AOL bought an Israeli company that made ICQ, an instant-messaging service, for hundreds of millions of dollars.

“The Israeli developer community is hugely innovative and has the potential to create many more ground-breaking technological developments,” a Google spokeswoman said in a statement on Monday. “This project was initiated with a desire to encourage entrepreneurship and to provide support at exactly the stage when developers are often most in need of it. The technology incubator is part of Google’s efforts to strengthen its connections with the developer community,” the spokeswoman said.

[ame=]Google to set up startup incubator in Israel - YouTube[/ame]
“……The Israeli soldiers shoot with silencers. The bullets from the American M-16 rifles tumble end over end through the children’s slight bodies. Later, in the hospital, I will see the destruction: the stomachs ripped out, the gaping holes in limbs and torsos. Yesterday at this spot the Israelis shot eight young men, six of who were under the age of eighteen. This afternoon they killed an eleven-year-old boy, Ali Murad, and seriously wound four more, three of who are under eighteen. Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered, but never before have I watched as soldiers enticed children like mice into a trap and murdered them for sport.”

–Christopher Hedges, American journalist on assignment in Gaza
No love for the millions of children REALLY tortured and slaughtered by THE RELIGION OF PEACE in Darfur? :bow3:

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.
Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]

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