Israel sentences journalist to six months in administrative detention

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israel has sentenced Wednesday evening reporter of the Shehab News Agency Amer Abu Arafeh to six months in administrative detention.

Abu Arafeh received the decision Wednesday morning from the Ofer prison administration on grounds of being a threat to the Israeli state, SNA said quoting members of Abu Arafeh’s family.

His family was shocked that the ruling was made without formal charges being placed and without a hearing in an Israeli court. They confirmed that Abu Arafeh is currently behind bars in the Ofer prison near Ramallah city in the West Bank.

SNA condemned the decision, calling on rights groups and the local and international media to urgently intervene.

SNA considered the decision as part of a campaign Israel has launched against Palestinian and foreign reporters to force them to stop disseminating Israel’s crimes.

Israel sentences journalist to six months in administrative detention
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment
General Petraeus: Conflict presents distinct challenges to our ability to advance U.S. interests.
and Bibi's building in East Jerusalem < 3 days after his speech for peace at the U.N.

Jerusalem is sovereign Israeli land and the capital of Israel, dummy. Are you retarded of just stupid?

Omar Osama bin Laden
My father has a religious goal. He is controlled by the rules of jihad. He only kills if he thinks there is a need.”
Osama bin Laden is 'worth more alive than dead', declares his son - Times Online

Osama bin Laden...
Those who want people to worship the lord of the people, without following that doctrine, will be following the doctrine of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad.'
Palestinians are good people, really.

Palestinians celebrate 9/11
[ame=]Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinians condemned the killing of bin Laden their "holy warrior"
[ame=]Palestinians condemn killing of &#39;holy warrior&#39; bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinians call for death of all Americans and Jews
[ame=]Islam: Oh Allah - Kill all Jews and Americans! - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinians boast of the death of their own children and wives: "We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]

Nazi-Collaborating Palestinian Mufti Leader Greets Hitler
[ame=]1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler - YouTube[/ame]

Islamonazi Palestinian
My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but allah, we will chase you everywhere We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no better blood than the blood of the Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood, we will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries.
[ame=]Palestinian - Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]

Young Islamonazi-In-Training: Shahad, 9 year old Palestinian...
The Prophet Muhammad said the hour of resurrection will not take place until you fight the Jews The rock and the tree will say, "Oh, Muslim, servant of allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and fight him!"
[ame=]Palestinian children are taught: Genocide is God&#39;s will - YouTube[/ame]

Welcome to the World of the Palestinian
Allah, oh our Lord
Vanquish your enemies, enemies of the religion [Islam]
in all places
Allah, strike the Jews and their sympathizers,
the Christians and their supporters
the Communists and their adherents
Allah, count them and kill them to the last one,
and don't even leave even one.
[ame=]Hamas: Kill Christians and Jews "to the last one" - YouTube[/ame]
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israel has sentenced Wednesday evening reporter of the Shehab News Agency Amer Abu Arafeh to six months in administrative detention.

Abu Arafeh received the decision Wednesday morning from the Ofer prison administration on grounds of being a threat to the Israeli state, SNA said quoting members of Abu Arafeh’s family.

His family was shocked that the ruling was made without formal charges being placed and without a hearing in an Israeli court. They confirmed that Abu Arafeh is currently behind bars in the Ofer prison near Ramallah city in the West Bank.

SNA condemned the decision, calling on rights groups and the local and international media to urgently intervene.

SNA considered the decision as part of a campaign Israel has launched against Palestinian and foreign reporters to force them to stop disseminating Israel’s crimes.

Israel sentences journalist to six months in administrative detention
It is funny how satn worshipping moooslims cry about legalities when they out right call for murdering Israelis. Kick all moooslims out of Israel!!!

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