Israel Saving The World, Again


Jun 29, 2011
Warren Buffett
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"
Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube

Vaccine Has Victim's Own Body Attack Cancer Cells

Early human test results suggest a vaccine can train cancer patients' bodies to seek out and destroy tumour cells.

The therapy, which targets a molecule found in 90 per cent of cancers, eventually could provide an injection that would allow patients' immune systems to fight off common cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

The first results of trials in people, at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem, suggest the vaccine can reduce levels of disease. The human work is so preliminary it has yet to be published in a scientific journal.

The scientists behind the vaccine hope to conduct more extensive trials to prove it can be effective against a range of cancers. They believe it could be used to fight small tumours if they are detected early or to help prevent the return and spread of disease in patients who have undergone conventional treatment.

In the safety trial at Hadassah, 10 patients with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, received the vaccine. Seven have finished the treatment and the developer, drug company Vaxil Biotherapeutics, reported all had greater immunity against cancer cells compared with before they were given the vaccine. Vaxil added that three patients were free of detectable cancer following the treatment.

Cancer cells usually evade a patient's immune system because they are not recognized as a threat. While the immune system usually attacks foreign cells such as bacteria, tumours are formed of the patient's own cells that have malfunctioned.

Scientists have discovered that a molecule called MUC1, which is found on the surface of cancer cells, can be used to help the immune sys-tem detect tumours. The new vaccine, ImMucin, developed by Vaxil and researchers at Tel Aviv University, uses a section of the molecule to prime the immune system so it can identify and thus destroy cancer cells.

Vaxil suggested that if large-scale trials prove as successful, the vaccine could be available within six years.

Initial research on the vaccine, in mice, was published in the journal Vaccine, and suggested the treatment induced "potent" immunity in mice and increased their survival from cancer.

Vaccine has victim's own body attack cancer cells
Israel's contributions to peace, mankind & civilization are endless. Amazing accomplishments to the world. Especially considering what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Warren Buffett
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"
Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube

Vaccine Has Victim's Own Body Attack Cancer Cells

Early human test results suggest a vaccine can train cancer patients' bodies to seek out and destroy tumour cells.

The therapy, which targets a molecule found in 90 per cent of cancers, eventually could provide an injection that would allow patients' immune systems to fight off common cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

The first results of trials in people, at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem, suggest the vaccine can reduce levels of disease. The human work is so preliminary it has yet to be published in a scientific journal.

The scientists behind the vaccine hope to conduct more extensive trials to prove it can be effective against a range of cancers. They believe it could be used to fight small tumours if they are detected early or to help prevent the return and spread of disease in patients who have undergone conventional treatment.

In the safety trial at Hadassah, 10 patients with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, received the vaccine. Seven have finished the treatment and the developer, drug company Vaxil Biotherapeutics, reported all had greater immunity against cancer cells compared with before they were given the vaccine. Vaxil added that three patients were free of detectable cancer following the treatment.

Cancer cells usually evade a patient's immune system because they are not recognized as a threat. While the immune system usually attacks foreign cells such as bacteria, tumours are formed of the patient's own cells that have malfunctioned.

Scientists have discovered that a molecule called MUC1, which is found on the surface of cancer cells, can be used to help the immune sys-tem detect tumours. The new vaccine, ImMucin, developed by Vaxil and researchers at Tel Aviv University, uses a section of the molecule to prime the immune system so it can identify and thus destroy cancer cells.

Vaxil suggested that if large-scale trials prove as successful, the vaccine could be available within six years.

Initial research on the vaccine, in mice, was published in the journal Vaccine, and suggested the treatment induced "potent" immunity in mice and increased their survival from cancer.

Vaccine has victim's own body attack cancer cells
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Warren Buffett
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"

[ame=]Vaxil BioTherapeutic - YouTube[/ame]
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Israel's contributions to peace, mankind & civilization are endless. Amazing accomplishments to the world. Especially considering what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Why don't they move? Who purposely chooses the worst part of town to live in anyways?:D
Israel's contributions to peace, mankind & civilization are endless. Amazing accomplishments to the world. Especially considering what Israel has for neighbors to deal with.

Why don't they move? Who purposely chooses the worst part of town to live in anyways?:D

Move where?

Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.
Why don't they move? Who purposely chooses the worst part of town to live in anyways?:D

Move where?

Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

Back to Auschwitz? Bad idea.:doubt:

I'll be front with and and ask if it makes you happy to hear about Jewish children being shot dead in their schools?

Because things like the Tolouse carnage will happen 100 times more often if Jews will "go back to Europe".

Another holocaust will not happen. Antisemites can dream, but it won't happen.:mad:
Why don't they move? Who purposely chooses the worst part of town to live in anyways?:D

Move where?

Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?
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John F. Kennedy :clap2:
When the first Zionist conference met in 1897, Palestine was a neglected wasteland

I first saw Palestine in 1939. There the neglect and ruin left by centuries of Ottoman [Muslim] misrule were slowly being transformed by miracles of [Jewish] labor and sacrifice. But Palestine was still a land of promise in 1939, rather than a land of fulfillment. I returned in 1951 to see the grandeur of Israel

I left with the conviction that the United Nations may have conferred on Israel the credentials of nationhood; but its own idealism and courage, its own sacrifice and generosity, had earned the credentials of immortality.

The original Zionist philosophy has always maintained that the people of Israel would use their national genius not for selfish purposes but for the enrichment and glory of the entire Middle East. The earliest leaders of the Zionist movement spoke of a Jewish state which would have no military power and which would be content with victories of the spirit

The technical skills and genius of Israel have already brought their blessings to Burma and to Ethiopia. Still other nations in Asia and in Africa are eager to benefit from the special skills available in that bustling land
John F. Kennedy: Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY

Massachussets Institute of Technology [MIT] :clap2:
As a world leader in science and technology, Israel excels in such areas as genetics, medicine, agriculture, computer sciences, electronics, optics, and engineering. Scientists at Israeli universities such as Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Haifa University, Hebrew University, The Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science are pioneers in areas such as stem cell-based tissue engineering, nanotechnology, high-resolution electron microscopy, and solar energy. Israeli companies have developed such diverse products as the first anti-virus package, technologies that allow you to leave voice mail on mobile phones, and stents that save lives by keeping the arteries to the heart open.

Winston Churchill :clap2:
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome. The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books
Move where?

Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D
Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D

That's hardly amusing.

Terror attacks in Europe happen, you chose to overlook that. People say over and over that because of fanatic Muslims, the Jews have no future in Europe, and will be killed by all sorts of Terrorists organizations.

What is all your "LOLZ" about, i don't understand. I'm being srious, here.:mad:
Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D

Your Jew Envy is showing, loser.


The prime issue is not a global war of civilizations between the West and Islam or a split between Arabs and Jews. These conflicts are real and salient, but they obscure the deeper moral and ideological war. The real issue is between admiration of achievement versus envy and resentment of it.

he test can be summarized by a few questions: What is your attitude toward people who excel you in the creation of wealth or in other accomplishments? Do you aspire to their excellence, or do you seethe at it? Do you admire and celebrate exceptional achievement, or do you impugn it and seek to tear it down?

In countries where Jews are free to invent and create, they pile up conspicuous wealth and arouse envy and suspicion. In this age of information, when the achievements of mind have widely outpaced the power of masses and material force, Jews have forged much of the science and wealth of the era. Their pioneering contributions to quantum theory enabled the digital age. Their breakthroughs in nuclear science and computer science propelled the West to victory in World War II and the cold war. Their bioengineering inventions have enhanced the health, and their microchip designs are fueling the growth of nations everywhere. Their genius has leavened the culture and economy of the world.

Israel today concentrates the genius of the Jews. Obscured by the usual media coverage of the "war-torn" Middle East, Israel's rarely celebrated feats of commercial, scientific, and technological creativity climax the Jews' twentieth-century saga of triumph over tragedy. Today tiny Israel, with its population of 7.23 million, five and one-half million Jewish, stands behind only the United States in technological contributions. In per-capita innovation, Israel dwarfs all nations. The forces of civilization in the world continue to feed upon the quintessential wealth of mind epitomized by Israel.

With a gross domestic product of around $200.7 billion (2008), per-capita income of some $28,200, and close to a trillion dollars of market capitalization for its companies, Israel these days is rich.

Since across the world economy today this scenario is most starkly enacted in the Middle East -- in the Palestinian territories -- all these synaptic suicide bombers of the brain focus instinctively on the Israel test. They know well which side they are on. Which side are you on?
Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.

On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D

When the Holocaust was happening and Jews were being rounded up, the Jew haters kept telling Jews, who were citizens of the countries they lived in, "why don't you people go back to your homeland, you know the place you pray towards all the time?"

Fast forward about 65 years, the same breed of Jew haters is telling Jews (many of them wearing Islamic garb this time) "why don't you go back to where you came from?"

Anti semetism is like a mental illness.
On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D

When the Holocaust was happening and Jews were being rounded up, the Jew haters kept telling Jews, who were citizens of the countries they lived in, "why don't you people go back to your homeland, you know the place you pray towards all the time?"

Fast forward about 65 years, the same breed of Jew haters is telling Jews (many of them wearing Islamic garb this time) "why don't you go back to where you came from?"

Anti semetism is like a mental illness.

Exactly what I said earlier. :eusa_clap:
On the other hand, the Arabs who immigrated to the Jewish land can go back to Egypt, Syria and the other Arab countries which THEY came from.

How is that for a magical solution?

I never said go back to Auschwitz, LOL! Jews of course can't go back to Europe because... because... BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST!!!!!!! lol, see, it works every time.:D

When the Holocaust was happening and Jews were being rounded up, the Jew haters kept telling Jews, who were citizens of the countries they lived in, "why don't you people go back to your homeland, you know the place you pray towards all the time?"

Fast forward about 65 years, the same breed of Jew haters is telling Jews (many of them wearing Islamic garb this time) "why don't you go back to where you came from?"

Anti semetism is like a mental illness.
With all the problems created by Mohammed's followers across the globe these days,I am inclined to believe Islam is an un-treatable mental illness. Where am I wrong?
United States Founding Father President John Adams :clap2:
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization. Roots Of American Order (9781882926992): Russell Kirk, Forrest McDonald: Books

United States President John Quincy Adams :clap2:
The precept of the koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274). Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. (9781240038398): Josiah Quincy: Books
"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

General George S. Patton.

With all the problems created by Mohammed's followers across the globe these days,I am inclined to believe Islam is an un-treatable mental illness. Where am I wrong?
Is there ANYONE who can deny that while not all Muslims are world terrorists, the overwhelming majority of world terrorists are Muslims?
Move where?

Australia and Canada both have a lot of unused land. Or go back to Europe where they came from.
Are your ancestors from Europe? Why don't you move back to where you came from?

That's exactly how stupid what you said sounds.

Nobody's strapping dynamite to themselves to try to blow me up where I live. Personally, I WOULD leave if that was the case.

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