Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.

Jan 3, 2010
Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.

There is a time tested democratic win win political system that has ended many wars in history called a Confederation or Federation of States.

A federation of States in Israel / Palestine would combine the negotiated State borders to form maximized international Federal borders for all citizens of the Holy Land.

The Torah of Moses, the Bible and the Koran all agree on the geography and agree on the capital so who are we to divide it.
This peace plan or democratic political system is based on language protection and it is not based on religion.

The political agreement or proposed new constitution it must be based on these following concepts.
I would like peoples opinions positive or negative. Here are some of the things good people can agree on.

Hebrew is the official language of the State of Israel and Arabic as the official language of the State of Palestine.

Both of the official languages in the federation of Israel / Palestine can be spoken and written anywhere in the federation and business owners can make signs and do business in any language they choose.

You can work and live anywhere in the Federation that you choose.

Federal laws apply to both citizens of the State of Israeli and the State of Palestine.
Citizens are legal equals with equal rights.

Palestine / Israel must only involve only two States at the Federal level.

The two States on the map are comprised of blue color internal Hebrew cities, towns and provinces and red color Arabic cities, towns and Provinces. The capial city or province of Jerusalem would be purple on the map which is a mix of the red and blue.

There is one speaker of the federal government from each State and they talke turns directing questions and answers
to the federal department heads from each State.

All Federal government departments must be headed by one politician from each State.
The federal politicians heading Federal departments would have the same number of staff from each State.

Any expansion of the federation of Israel / Palestine in the future must not effect the constitutional 50%-50% Hebrew - Arabic composition of the Federal government.

The Federal constitution must forever guarantee 50% - 50% equal representation from each of the two States no matter
how many citizens each State has.

This idea would allow for return of refugees and new imigration without disturbing the 50-50% euality of the Federation.
It also allows for expansion of the Federation.

Municipal, State and Federal elections are to be held at the same time for both States.

Federal laws would override State laws and citizens of the Federation can appeal State judgments to the higher federal supreme court with 5 or 6 supreme court judges elected or appointed from each State.

A Federation would eliminate the power struggle over majority rule.
Since the Federal level would always remain equal representation from each State the actual number of citizens of each State has becomes totally irrelevant and not a threat like today.

The various cities and municipalities within Israel / Palestine can have both Hebrew and Arabic names.

States in a federation have one common currency with one language on each side.

States in a federation enjoy free trade between States.

Federations have one integrated army headed by one memeber from each State accountable to the Federal government.

Federations have free Public Education and allow for private schools in either language anywhere in the Federation.

Federations have co-ministers of Public Health, co-ministers of tourism, economic developement, transportation, international trade,
federal parks, sport facilities.

In my opinion all the federal departments need a new Federal building that should be built near Jerusalem the capital of the Israel / Palestine federation.

English should be the official second language of both States but the first language of the army and police. To be in the army/police you need to know English and only speak in English on the job. This will build trust and avoid misunderstandings.

Please let me know if you have any questions, criticisms or ideas on how to improve a proposed federation of Israel / Palestine.

Terry Hirchberg - Toronto Canada

email: [email protected]
Of course something along the lines of Anglo-French relations in Canada would be something of an ideal way to solve the Israel-Palestine issue, but I just see it as too far-fetched. It's not going to work because of just the total, overwhelming disparity between one and the other, the overwhelming paranoia between one side and the other, and the fact that it just seems like both people want their own totally independent piece. The Israelies are scared shitless of the "demographic threat," and the Palestinians would be scared shitless that this "Confederation" just officializes the status quo (total domination and second-class citizenship). It just seems highly unlikely that Israel would make the sort of concessions that make a place like Canada or even Spain work, and likewise unlikely that the Palestinians would believe it. AND even in those places there's healthy Independence movements (almost half of Quebec wants independence even despite tons of concessions).

Nothing would exemplify this better than the immigration issue. I mean, no matter what, Israel is not going to give up subsidizing immigration from Jewish people from abroad, and it simultaneously would never allow significant numbers of Palestinian refugees abroad to return. They don't even want to allow many Palestinians to return to a Palestinian state even with full independence. And Palestinians wouldn't be able to accept to live in a Confederation in which Israel gets to give citizenship to any Jew who wants to show up while simultaneously barring a Palestinian refugee from doing so (and with good reason). It just runs into the same paranoias and fears that a single state with supposed "full democratic rights for everyone" does. Virtually nobody on either side takes that option seriously anymore.
Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.

There is a time tested democratic win win political system that has ended many wars in history called a Confederation or Federation of States.

A federation of States in Israel / Palestine would combine the negotiated State borders to form maximized international Federal borders for all citizens of the Holy Land.

The Torah of Moses, the Bible and the Koran all agree on the geography and agree on the capital so who are we to divide it.
This peace plan or democratic political system is based on language protection and it is not based on religion.

The political agreement or proposed new constitution it must be based on these following concepts.
I would like peoples opinions positive or negative. Here are some of the things good people can agree on.

Hebrew is the official language of the State of Israel and Arabic as the official language of the State of Palestine.

Both of the official languages in the federation of Israel / Palestine can be spoken and written anywhere in the federation and business owners can make signs and do business in any language they choose.

You can work and live anywhere in the Federation that you choose.

Federal laws apply to both citizens of the State of Israeli and the State of Palestine.
Citizens are legal equals with equal rights.

Palestine / Israel must only involve only two States at the Federal level.

The two States on the map are comprised of blue color internal Hebrew cities, towns and provinces and red color Arabic cities, towns and Provinces. The capial city or province of Jerusalem would be purple on the map which is a mix of the red and blue.

There is one speaker of the federal government from each State and they talke turns directing questions and answers
to the federal department heads from each State.

All Federal government departments must be headed by one politician from each State.
The federal politicians heading Federal departments would have the same number of staff from each State.

Any expansion of the federation of Israel / Palestine in the future must not effect the constitutional 50%-50% Hebrew - Arabic composition of the Federal government.

The Federal constitution must forever guarantee 50% - 50% equal representation from each of the two States no matter
how many citizens each State has.

This idea would allow for return of refugees and new imigration without disturbing the 50-50% euality of the Federation.
It also allows for expansion of the Federation.

Municipal, State and Federal elections are to be held at the same time for both States.

Federal laws would override State laws and citizens of the Federation can appeal State judgments to the higher federal supreme court with 5 or 6 supreme court judges elected or appointed from each State.

A Federation would eliminate the power struggle over majority rule.
Since the Federal level would always remain equal representation from each State the actual number of citizens of each State has becomes totally irrelevant and not a threat like today.

The various cities and municipalities within Israel / Palestine can have both Hebrew and Arabic names.

States in a federation have one common currency with one language on each side.

States in a federation enjoy free trade between States.

Federations have one integrated army headed by one memeber from each State accountable to the Federal government.

Federations have free Public Education and allow for private schools in either language anywhere in the Federation.

Federations have co-ministers of Public Health, co-ministers of tourism, economic developement, transportation, international trade,
federal parks, sport facilities.

In my opinion all the federal departments need a new Federal building that should be built near Jerusalem the capital of the Israel / Palestine federation.

English should be the official second language of both States but the first language of the army and police. To be in the army/police you need to know English and only speak in English on the job. This will build trust and avoid misunderstandings.

Please let me know if you have any questions, criticisms or ideas on how to improve a proposed federation of Israel / Palestine.

Terry Hirchberg - Toronto Canada

email: [email protected]
1. Extreme Orthodox Jews are against a secular Israel and on the other hand Hamas and Fatah (considering Fatah has a history of two faced dialog) are against a Secular Palestine, the existence of Israel or even Jews living in the middle east.

2. Jerusalem would have to be clearly divided into separate mini states with Vatican like status to each.

3. Hamas, Fatah and Extreme Orthodox groups undermine any hope of a secular Palestine and Israel so they would have to be banned parties like the Neo Nazi's who are banned from taking part in politics in Germany.

4. A single secular state or a secular Israel alongside a secular Palestine would be a better policy with a combined military, same foreign policy and single economy.

5. Same passport and equal citizenship status for Jews and Palestinians, within both Israel and the Palestinian territory's.

6. Israel would have to fully rebuild the West Bank and Gaza and close down radical religious schools and organizations preaching hate and violence.

7. Current borders would have to remain as Israelis would not agree to anything less.
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Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.
1. Extreme Orthodox Jews are against a secular Israel and on the other hand Hamas and Fatah (considering Fatah has a history of two faced dialog) are against a Secular Palestine, the existence of Israel or even Jews living in the middle east.

The extremes in any faith would be marginalized in a true democratic system. There would be no reason to fight over who is extreme or not. Who would make that determination? Let the ballot box sort that out.

2. Jerusalem would have to be clearly divided into separate mini states with Vatican like status to each.

How would you divide it? Street by street or house by house. Before Israel, sometimes a person of one religion would rent part of his house to someone of another religion. In the 1930s Ali Abunimah's parents (Muslim, I think) rented the upstairs of their house to Jews. This would be a can of worms.

3. Hamas, Fatah and Extreme Orthodox groups undermine any hope of a secular Palestine and Israel so they would have to be banned parties like the Neo Nazi's who are banned from taking part in politics in Germany.

I don't believe in banning parties. Egypt bans parties and they have had the same dictator for 30 years.

4. A single secular state or a secular Israel alongside a secular Palestine would be a better policy with a combined military, same foreign policy and single economy.

The Palestinians have been calling for a single secular democracy since the 1930s and they are calling for one now. Israel is the only hold up to that state. Partition has always been the problem not the solution.

5. Same passport and equal citizenship status for Jews and Palestinians, within both Israel and the Palestinian territory's.

Irrelevant in a single state solution.

6. Israel would have to fully rebuild the West Bank and Gaza and close down radical religious schools and organizations preaching hate and violence.

Israel has done serious damage on both sides of the Green Line. It has some serious compensation to pay.

7. Current borders would have to remain as Israelis would not agree to anything less.

Interesting. Palestine has borders. Israel has none.
Hi Custom:

Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.

No sir. The land between the River of Egypt to the Great River Euphrates belongs to the descendants of Abraham (Gen. 15:18) through the Covenants made between the Lord God and his sons Isaac and Jacob. What you call Palestinians are rejects and outcasts from neighboring Arabic Nations with 'no' rights to the Land of Israel at all. Zip, zero, nada and NONE.

There is a time tested democratic win win political system that has ended many wars in history called a Confederation or Federation of States.

Who cares? Elijah (Mal. 4:5-6) is coming to restore all things (Matt. 17:10-11) including the Kingdom to Israel, and all the Arabs will be kicked out of the Land of Israel. Everyone refusing to 'heed' his word will be 'utterly destroyed from among the people.' Acts 3:22-23.

A federation of States in Israel / Palestine would combine the negotiated State borders to form maximized international Federal borders for all citizens of the Holy Land.

No sir. The sons of Israel will inherit the Land of Israel and the Arabs will dwell among the sons of Esau and Ishmael outside those borders.

The Torah of Moses, the Bible and the Koran all agree on the geography and agree on the capital so who are we to divide it.

The Gentiles stinking up the Holy Land will be evicted from the Land of Israel from the River of Egypt to the Great River Euphrates, just as it is written ...

This peace plan or democratic political system is based on language protection and it is not based on religion.

And that is why nothing you say means anything ... just words ...

The political agreement or proposed new constitution it must be based on these following concepts.
I would like peoples opinions positive or negative. Here are some of the things good people can agree on.

Hebrew is the official language of the State of Israel and Arabic as the official language of the State of Palestine.

State of Palestine? :cuckoo:


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And that is why nothing you say means anything ... just words ...


Yeah custom-uniforms, that's why nothing you say means nothing, unlike Terral (otherwise known as Mr. "Oh my god, half of the earth will die of swineflu; the government is in on it"), who knows exactly what he's talking about when he says "just words."
Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.
1. Extreme Orthodox Jews are against a secular Israel and on the other hand Hamas and Fatah (considering Fatah has a history of two faced dialog) are against a Secular Palestine, the existence of Israel or even Jews living in the middle east.

The extremes in any faith would be marginalized in a true democratic system. There would be no reason to fight over who is extreme or not. Who would make that determination? Let the ballot box sort that out.

How would you divide it? Street by street or house by house. Before Israel, sometimes a person of one religion would rent part of his house to someone of another religion. In the 1930s Ali Abunimah's parents (Muslim, I think) rented the upstairs of their house to Jews. This would be a can of worms.

I don't believe in banning parties. Egypt bans parties and they have had the same dictator for 30 years.

The Palestinians have been calling for a single secular democracy since the 1930s and they are calling for one now. Israel is the only hold up to that state. Partition has always been the problem not the solution.

Irrelevant in a single state solution.

6. Israel would have to fully rebuild the West Bank and Gaza and close down radical religious schools and organizations preaching hate and violence.
Israel has done serious damage on both sides of the Green Line. It has some serious compensation to pay.

7. Current borders would have to remain as Israelis would not agree to anything less.
Interesting. Palestine has borders. Israel has none.
1. What fantasy world do you live in. Extremes in faith are never marginalized, minimized maybe but marginalized? :cuckoo:

2. It's already divided into quarters so your point is moot.

3. Germany bans parties, and it hasn't had the Nazi Party in power for years (despite the clear support for such), however in nations such as Hungary Nazi's are back in power.

4. Bullshit, Palestinians have been calling for the explusion of the Jews and an Islamic state.

5. In your 'single state solution' which amounts to mass ethnic cleansing and total genocide of the Jews. Have fun keeping Hamas and Fatah under control. :)

6. Israel already has borders, and Palestine has some. That's right still denying Israel exists, go back to school and learn ww2 history. :eusa_whistle:
1. Extreme Orthodox Jews are against a secular Israel and on the other hand Hamas and Fatah (considering Fatah has a history of two faced dialog) are against a Secular Palestine, the existence of Israel or even Jews living in the middle east.

The extremes in any faith would be marginalized in a true democratic system. There would be no reason to fight over who is extreme or not. Who would make that determination? Let the ballot box sort that out.

How would you divide it? Street by street or house by house. Before Israel, sometimes a person of one religion would rent part of his house to someone of another religion. In the 1930s Ali Abunimah's parents (Muslim, I think) rented the upstairs of their house to Jews. This would be a can of worms.

I don't believe in banning parties. Egypt bans parties and they have had the same dictator for 30 years.

The Palestinians have been calling for a single secular democracy since the 1930s and they are calling for one now. Israel is the only hold up to that state. Partition has always been the problem not the solution.

Irrelevant in a single state solution.

Israel has done serious damage on both sides of the Green Line. It has some serious compensation to pay.

7. Current borders would have to remain as Israelis would not agree to anything less.
Interesting. Palestine has borders. Israel has none.
1. What fantasy world do you live in. Extremes in faith are never marginalized, minimized maybe but marginalized? :cuckoo:

Name one true democracy run by religious wackos.

2. It's already divided into quarters so your point is moot.

No part of Jerusalem was exclusively anyone before Israel. Why should it be divided at all?

3. Germany bans parties, and it hasn't had the Nazi Party in power for years (despite the clear support for such), however in nations such as Hungary Nazi's are back in power.

Who would have the authority to ban parties. How would they get that authority? What criteria would they use?

4. Bullshit, Palestinians have been calling for the explusion of the Jews and an Islamic state.

Quote one elected official in Palestine calling for expelling Jews.

5. In your 'single state solution' which amounts to mass ethnic cleansing and total genocide of the Jews. Have fun keeping Hamas and Fatah under control. :)

Quote anyone who promotes a single state, Ali Abunimah, Ghada Karmi, Ismail Heneyah, or anyone else who has called for the mass genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

6. Israel already has borders, and Palestine has some. That's right still denying Israel exists, go back to school and learn ww2 history. :eusa_whistle:

Israel's borders are like Bigfoot. Everyone knows about them but nobody has ever seen one. Please show some documentation about Israel's defined and recognized borders.
The extremes in any faith would be marginalized in a true democratic system. There would be no reason to fight over who is extreme or not. Who would make that determination? Let the ballot box sort that out.

How would you divide it? Street by street or house by house. Before Israel, sometimes a person of one religion would rent part of his house to someone of another religion. In the 1930s Ali Abunimah's parents (Muslim, I think) rented the upstairs of their house to Jews. This would be a can of worms.

I don't believe in banning parties. Egypt bans parties and they have had the same dictator for 30 years.

The Palestinians have been calling for a single secular democracy since the 1930s and they are calling for one now. Israel is the only hold up to that state. Partition has always been the problem not the solution.

Irrelevant in a single state solution.

Israel has done serious damage on both sides of the Green Line. It has some serious compensation to pay.

Interesting. Palestine has borders. Israel has none.

Name one true democracy run by religious wackos.

No part of Jerusalem was exclusively anyone before Israel. Why should it be divided at all?

Who would have the authority to ban parties. How would they get that authority? What criteria would they use?

Quote one elected official in Palestine calling for expelling Jews.

Quote anyone who promotes a single state, Ali Abunimah, Ghada Karmi, Ismail Heneyah, or anyone else who has called for the mass genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

6. Israel already has borders, and Palestine has some. That's right still denying Israel exists, go back to school and learn ww2 history. :eusa_whistle:
Israel's borders are like Bigfoot. Everyone knows about them but nobody has ever seen one. Please show some documentation about Israel's defined and recognized borders.
Just grow a beard and put on a turban already. I don't see the point of answering your questions right now as the moment I answer some you bring up stupid counter-argument questions/answers which include bullshit like "no Muslims want to genocide or ethnic cleanse Jews" when its so obvious that many Muslims want to and even publicly say it on every news and radio station in the middle east and all over the world including the UK.
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Name one true democracy run by religious wackos.

No part of Jerusalem was exclusively anyone before Israel. Why should it be divided at all?

Who would have the authority to ban parties. How would they get that authority? What criteria would they use?

Quote one elected official in Palestine calling for expelling Jews.

Quote anyone who promotes a single state, Ali Abunimah, Ghada Karmi, Ismail Heneyah, or anyone else who has called for the mass genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

Israel's borders are like Bigfoot. Everyone knows about them but nobody has ever seen one. Please show some documentation about Israel's defined and recognized borders.
Just grow a beard and put on a turban already. I don't see the point of answering your questions right now as the moment I answer some you bring up stupid counter-argument questions/answers which include bullshit like "no Muslims want to genocide or ethnic cleanse Jews" when its so obvious that many Muslims want to and even publicly say it on every news and radio station in the middle east and all over the world including the UK.

Same old song and dance I get from everyone who cannot answer the question.
Usually they don't answer because they are stupid and don't know.

Or perhaps they do know but the answer would prove that I am right.

usually *they* don't answer you because you're a lying terrorist supporter.

but keep pretending otherwise.

remember... no one should try to teach a pig to talk.

right, cochon?
Usually they don't answer because they are stupid and don't know.

Or perhaps they do know but the answer would prove that I am right.

usually *they* don't answer you because you're a lying terrorist supporter.

but keep pretending otherwise.

remember... no one should try to teach a pig to talk.

right, cochon?

"Please show some documentation about Israel's defined and recognized borders."

Can you or will I get the standard song and dance?

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