Israel Kills Innocent Arab Children

"One cries out for peace...and you incite violence besides her. In this you are guilty of murdering her, yes her and her children. You cannot control fire but yet you dance with Di'Jinn. You cry out for God but slither upon your bellies with the serpent...laying in wait to strike at the heel.
What demons have you for a posession...for what have you given your soul? How is it you forgotten God was Holy, as you are mingled with the dust of the ground...yes even the course of your lust. You have traded God for the filth of the ground, for bloodsoaked soil and you say this is just that this is holiness? Awaken now, lest your nightmares seize you by day as you walk in dream. This conflict serves no purpouse...I beg you my enemy for it is under our blade you shall be not force our hand to kill you. If you persist, it is inevitable that we shall. There is another way. You speak of the prophets but you cannot speak as one? You tell of their lives but cannot live yours as they did? I tell you the truth, they have made their mistakes...they have taught us their truths, and we are foolish to continue in their errs but forget their lessons. Moses seen maginificant signs but could not believe he could get water from a this he never saw the holy land and because of this your people are cast out. The Muslim and the Jew...Godless."

What the hell, is this a quote or are you just making this so called philosophical garbage up as you go along. If this is a qoute the poper thing would be to cite it.
P.S what is this a bash on jews, or muslims, or both. I can't tell. and please respond not in a qoute.
Originally posted by kcmcdonald

Ajwps, Chill out man. Honestly you're utter hate and contempt for christians almost gives these wako's an excuse.

Those wackos to whom you refer are the same ones who, like their historical brothers, have been responsible for actions against the Hebrew people for centuries.

There is no way to make those who kill others in their gods name need to be more upset or have any excuses for their beliefs and actions.

There is no way I hate Christians or anyone else but when generations of my family members have been tortured or murdered in the name of Christ, my exposing their beliefs will have a zero effect.

How can you make a KluKluxKlan believer change his stripes? The people like them have an inferiority complex a mile wide. The only way they can feel better about themselves is to make others 'inferior' to them and strike out.

History is well documented on this subject about all the haters of every religion.
Only a fool would think the advice of stop killing yourselves and having yourselves killed in your killing others had anything to do with KKK are taking what I say out of context and deliberately...and such twists of words have tied the slipknot around the Palestinian neck. Yet if you are part of the problem if you endanger the must understand we will not have rabid dogs running rampant in the streets of international cities wrecking havoc on the world's people...a violent man who cannot reason is comparable to a rabid dog and should be exterminated with extreme prejudice. If it is so considered to be...then so be it. Of course hating the shedders of blood is a good thing...its just you are not good people. Why do you call evil good?
Why do you call Good evil?
You twist everything around and let those who read your words see for themselves.
Wait I say I say of my own accord...the mind was given to you for a reason.
Following a fool in his folly and blaming him for leading you in error continuing on in violence is a folly in itself oh fool. Turn away from the foolish path...or you will receive no sympathy.
The United States had purpoused a 50/50 split and it was seen unfair...the truth is the Palestinians will not rest until every Jew is removed from Israel. We fought people like this before...and compared to prior enemies to defeat these mideastern nazis would be child's must learn tolerance or you will not be tolerated for long. If you have not noticed we have extended mercy upon the Palestinians by ordering Israel to show restraint. Why do you continue to pull on the Lion's tail, Why do you flick the nose of the cobra and then blame them that you were bitten?
No one takes pleasure in making war on the Palestinians...why do they encourage war upon themselves?
I am sorry the muslim world has decided to make war on us...yet some are opening their hearts up to goodness while some like yourself remain in shadow.God has turned his back on you...for this I am sorry. As to why you could only answer that yourself. Look close and see...shall you take such rage into the heavens with you? I am sorry you have forgotten God.
Originally posted by ajwps
So what is your point????

You are quoting an Arab front group that attempts to destroy truth that apposes their interests. Please note that they have no pictoral evidence either during or following the rooting out of murderers from Jenin or Nabulus. Were you in on the killing of hundreds of civilians in the Iraq invasion?

Isn't Arab and truth an oxymoron in itself????:confused:
Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by archaic

Those kids being infused with the idea that these soldiers are heroes are watching them like a US citizen kid woud watch his favourite player to see if he hits a homer. War is a dangerous sport, so if you are a fan that sits on the front line waiting to get martyred so the other kids can laugh and giggle at being splattered with your arent innocent you are playing with fire. What kind of people tells there kid they will go to heaven if they are martyred causing these kids to sit in the suicide seats in this politically not religiously motivated war for the tourist rights to the economy of Israel you sick dog?

Those Islamic kids are being thrown into the fires of Allah the moon god like the Caananites that G-d told the Jews to destroy.
The Jews didn't do what the Almighty G-d told them to do and left some of these evil people live instead of being put to the sword. Now you have evil Islam that cries out to destroy humanity as a result.

May a pig eat your flesh....

The Satanic Qur'an itslef promises you martrys of Allah that you will have endless sinless sex with boys (as pure as pearls) to explore the little boys in pedophilic homosexuality.


The Mount
52:23 They shall there exchange, one with another, a (loving) cup free of frivolity, free of all taint of SIN.

The Mount
52:24 Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them. Boys (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.

The Mount
52:25 They will advance to each other, engaging in mutual enquiry.

Time, Man, (every) Man, This (day-and-)age
76:19 And round about them will (serve) BOYS of perpetual (freshness): If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls.

Time, Man, (every) Man, This (day-and-)age
76:20 And when thou lookest, it is there thou wilt see a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent.

Read this promise of Muhammad in the Qur'an for yourself you dog pig.

Oh yes, the allmighty Allah, child molester extrodinair, baby raper, thief, liar, terrorist, false prophet Check out this link to read more on the sick F*cker they worship....
Originally posted by William Joyce

Uh, I think "Allah" is the Muslim god. Mohammed is the prophet.

Uh, you think wrong. Muhammad created the moon-god allah in his (Muhammad's) image. Ergo, Muhammad, the last and greatest prophet created himself as the moon-god allah, that the world of Islam now reveres more than their stone idol and who now intends to use to destroy mankind.

Take a look at the moon god allah found in Hazor, Egypt.
Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by William Joyce

Uh, I think "Allah" is the Muslim god. Mohammed is the prophet.

Uh, you think wrong. Muhammad created the moon-god allah in his (Muhammad's) image. Ergo, Muhammad, the last and greatest prophet created himself as the moon-god allah, that the world of Islam now reveres more than their stone idol and who now intends to use to destroy mankind.

Take a look at the moon god allah found in Hazor, Egypt.

Thank you!:clap: :clap: :clap: That is priceless...;)
Well It can be argued that all three religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) originate from or at the very least borrowed very heavily from ancient paganism and Greek/Roman/Egyptian and even Hindu myths.
Originally posted by Sabir

Well It can be argued that all three religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) originate from or at the very least borrowed very heavily from ancient paganism and Greek/Roman/Egyptian and even Hindu myths.

Well it can be argued that apples, moon rocks and 9 year old Aisha orginate from the stuff that stars are made of but that does not mean that they are in any way diectly or indirectly related to each other by religion or ancient myths.

You might as well say that terrorists at the very least borrowed their ideology from ancient paganism, Greek, Roman, Egyptian or even Hindu myths.

Humans are judged by their actions during their short times on earth and the last prophet Muhammad demonstrated by word and deed that he was evil. Evil by the murder of those around his group, lying about being touched by a dark angel in a cave and the multiple marriages, one of which was a 9 year old girl.

Evil cannot be justified by generalized comparisons to good.
My stand on evil I think is quite apparent from my previous posts.
The point I was making is that no relegion can make a claim to being particularly original.
Originally posted by Sabir

My stand on evil I think is quite apparent from my previous posts. The point I was making is that no relegion can't make a claim to being particularly original.

Sabir when you make broad sweeping statements using words like 'all', 'everyone' or 'every' group or religion can be particularly original you must be able to back that statement up with facts.

When you study comparative religions, you might find that some of them are totally without use of earlier religions or belief structures.

You are always entitled to your opinion but you should be able to validate such broad generalizations.
As a result, the U.S. military could only locate targets within a 100-meter radius – clearly inadequate precision in civilian neighborhoods.

My, haven't we become genteel in our warfighting methods.

I recall that during WWII we levelled entire cities to get to a ball bearing plant.
I do not have a profound message nor do I want to cause any problems. I ran into this message board through searching and found your conversation interesting. I am an American who converted to Islam about a year ago and would love to answer any questions that you might have for me. I believe the closest solution to peace is the ability to talk with those you disagree with and try to understand. It is never good to just point fingers and say Christians are bad because they go to church to socialize or Muslims are bad because they believe in killing non-believers. I have learned it is a lot better to get a wide range of opinions from the people I am going to make a generalization about rather that just fall victim to what everyone else is saying. Anyway, I hope I can help answer any questions you might have. Thank you for reading my post and I am looking forward to getting some interesting replies.
Stephanie Khaldi

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