Israel Innovation Nation


Jun 29, 2011
Warren Buffett :clap2:
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"
Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube

Innovation Nation: Israel :clap2:
Israel is a country of just 7.1 million people that may well be the world’s top techno-nation

The country boasts the highest density of start-up companies in the world, with a total of 3,850 now operating at a rate of one for every 1,844 Israelis. In 2008, the nation attracted more than $2 billion in venture capital in 2008, as much as flowed to the U.K.’s 61 million citizens or the 145 million people living in Germany and France combined. And for that matter, some 63 Israeli companies were listed on the Nasdaq in 2009, more than from any other foreign country, including Canada, Ireland, the U.K., Singapore, China, or India. Nor have the wars Israel has repeatedly fought slowed the country down. Since 1995, Israel’s broader economy has grown faster than the average for the world’s developed economies. During this decade, the Israel’s share of the global venture capital market did not decline--it doubled, from 15 to 30 percent.

No nation spends more on R&D as a percentage of the economy.Tend to innovation and human capital inputs, the Israel story seems to say. Foster a culture of tolerance, practical problem-solving and active debate. And by all means seek in discrete, confined regions to construct and foster rich, complex, hyper-networked clusters of interconnected institutions, driven people, of common interest. It is to the latter work of cluster building that we hope the House-Senate conference committee on the pending Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) appropriation bill will soon attend by funding a truly valuable federal innovation clusters initiative. Dynamic regions must lead, but the federal government can nudge
Innovation Nation: Israel | The New Republic

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