Israel has withdrawn its pledge to US President Barack Obama


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Israel revives military option after Obama rejects its nuclear demands of Iran

Israel has withdrawn its pledge to US President Barack Obama not to strike Iran’s nuclear sites before the November presidential election after he rejected its minimal demands for nuclear negotiations with Iran. This is reported exclusively by debkafile’s Washington sources.

In public, Israeli ministers still talk as though they believe in results from the Six-Power talks with Iran, which Thursday May 24 limped into their second day in Baghdad with the parties still miles apart. But the presidential veto has essentially cast Israel outside the loop of influence on the outcome of diplomacy.

When Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Pentagon on May 17 he was told that Obama had rejected Israel’s toned-down demands for Iran to at least to halt high-grade uranium enrichment, export its stocks of material enriched higher than 3.5 percent grade and shut down production at the Fordo nuclear plant near Qom. For six months, the Obama administration tried to sweeten the bitter pill of this rejection by bumping up security aid. The latest appropriation covered another $70 million for manufacturing more Iron Dome short-range missile interceptors.

After talking to Panetta, Barak turned to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon in the hope of winning their support for softening Obama’s ruling. Clinton replied she was not involved in the negotiations with Iran and Donilon, that a personal decision by the president was not open to change.
Israel revives military option after Obama rejects its nuclear demands of Iran

After Talks Falter, Iran Says It Won’t Halt Uranium Work


TEHRAN — Iran’s nuclear chief, reversing the country’s previous statements, said on state television on Sunday that the country would not halt its production of higher-grade uranium, suggesting that the Iranian government was veering back to a much harder line after talks in Baghdad with the West last week ended badly.

The official, Fereydoon Abbasi, said there would be no suspension of enrichment by Iran, the central requirement of several United Nations Security Council resolutions. He specifically said that applied to uranium being enriched to 20 percent purity — a steppingstone that puts it in fairly easy reach of producing highly enriched uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.


Iran is producing enriched uranium at a site near Qum
Western powers fear that Iran, if needed, could quickly enrich the uranium to weapons-grade levels of 90 percent or above. But that would require a repiping of its equipment and would most likely be detected by the energy agency’s inspectors.

The energy agency’s report also said that in one instance uranium enriched up to 27 percent was found. Mr. Abbasi said it was a technical or operational mistake. Western experts on Friday agreed that such an explanation was plausible.

After Talks Falter, Iran Says It Won’t Halt Uranium Work


TEHRAN — Iran’s nuclear chief, reversing the country’s previous statements, said on state television on Sunday that the country would not halt its production of higher-grade uranium, suggesting that the Iranian government was veering back to a much harder line after talks in Baghdad with the West last week ended badly.

The official, Fereydoon Abbasi, said there would be no suspension of enrichment by Iran, the central requirement of several United Nations Security Council resolutions. He specifically said that applied to uranium being enriched to 20 percent purity — a steppingstone that puts it in fairly easy reach of producing highly enriched uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.


Iran is producing enriched uranium at a site near Qum
Western powers fear that Iran, if needed, could quickly enrich the uranium to weapons-grade levels of 90 percent or above. But that would require a repiping of its equipment and would most likely be detected by the energy agency’s inspectors.

The energy agency’s report also said that in one instance uranium enriched up to 27 percent was found. Mr. Abbasi said it was a technical or operational mistake. Western experts on Friday agreed that such an explanation was plausible.

Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. 20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level. It takes 90% plus, really 95% enrichment, for nuclear weapons grade. 20% is long way off from 90%. The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.
When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities? The current Israeli government is a bunch of hypocritical paranoid psycho's.
Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

Iran lost that right long ago, after FOUR UNSC - all legally binding - required iran to cease enrichment years ago. Clearly, you are a clueless fucking moron.

20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level.

I see the chimps on iran's payroll are just trying to pull the talking points off the counterpunch fake website; 20% is way above medical needs level, moron.

It takes 90% plus, really 95% enrichment, for nuclear weapons grade. 20% is long way off from 90%.

If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.

The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.

Really fuckbrain? Like Fordow and the dozens of other sites iran has refused access for years? The way they've refused to answer questions for years, and refused to allow the IAEA to interview scientists? Try sticking to the facts idiot.

When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities?

The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it.

For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades.

Since this chimp seems to like equivocation, when can israel start firing rockets into iranian cities, and blowing up its buses, pizza parlors, and restaurants, too?
Israel has withdrawn its pledge to US President Barack Obama not to strike Iran’s nuclear sites before the November presidential election

Why would Israel agree to put national security ahead of Obama's USA presidential election preferences?

After Talks Falter, Iran Says It Won’t Halt Uranium Work


TEHRAN — Iran’s nuclear chief, reversing the country’s previous statements, said on state television on Sunday that the country would not halt its production of higher-grade uranium, suggesting that the Iranian government was veering back to a much harder line after talks in Baghdad with the West last week ended badly.

The official, Fereydoon Abbasi, said there would be no suspension of enrichment by Iran, the central requirement of several United Nations Security Council resolutions. He specifically said that applied to uranium being enriched to 20 percent purity — a steppingstone that puts it in fairly easy reach of producing highly enriched uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.


Iran is producing enriched uranium at a site near Qum
Western powers fear that Iran, if needed, could quickly enrich the uranium to weapons-grade levels of 90 percent or above. But that would require a repiping of its equipment and would most likely be detected by the energy agency’s inspectors.

The energy agency’s report also said that in one instance uranium enriched up to 27 percent was found. Mr. Abbasi said it was a technical or operational mistake. Western experts on Friday agreed that such an explanation was plausible.

Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. 20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level. It takes 90% plus, really 95% enrichment, for nuclear weapons grade. 20% is long way off from 90%. The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.
When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities? The current Israeli government is a bunch of hypocritical paranoid psycho's.

Israel is not the problem's all that 12th imam bulllshit..

[ame=]Mahdi Madness: The 12th Imam Psychosis in Iran - YouTube[/ame]
Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

Iran lost that right long ago, after FOUR UNSC - all legally binding - required iran to cease enrichment years ago. Clearly, you are a clueless fucking moron.

20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level.

I see the chimps on iran's payroll are just trying to pull the talking points off the counterpunch fake website; 20% is way above medical needs level, moron.

If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.

The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.

Really fuckbrain? Like Fordow and the dozens of other sites iran has refused access for years? The way they've refused to answer questions for years, and refused to allow the IAEA to interview scientists? Try sticking to the facts idiot.

When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities?

The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it.

"For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades."

"Since this chimp seems to like equivocation, when can israel start firing rockets into iranian cities, and blowing up its buses, pizza parlors, and restaurants, too?"

More of your childish sophomoric ad hominem rants I see...

Iran began enriching uranium to a fissile concentration of 20% in 2010, saying it needed this to fuel a medical research reactor. It later expanded the work sharply by launching enrichment at an underground site, Fordow.

It alarmed a suspicious west since such enhanced enrichment accomplishes much of the technical leap towards 90% or weapons grade uranium.

The IAEA report said Iran had added another 350 enrichment centrifuges to the existing 700 at Fordow, which is buried deep under rock and soil to protect it against any enemy attacks.

Although not yet being fed with uranium, the new machines could be used to further boost Iran's output of uranium enriched to 20%.

The Institute for Science and International Security said Iran still appeared to be experiencing problems in its testing of production-scale units of more advanced centrifuges that would allow it to refine uranium faster.

"The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it."
This shows how far out of touch with reality you are...Israel IS very much involved in this. The Israelis have never allowed international inspections of it's facilities yet it hypocritically points the finger at Iran accusing them of being deceitful, when the whole Israeli nuclear project in the 1950's and 1960's was secretive and deceitful. In psychology this is known as projection.

"For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades."

I'm not mentally ill, perhaps you're a childish spoiled brat that can't handle having their delusional bubble busted!

The French, Russians, Chinese and British have had Nuclear weapons longer than Israel and have not used them either and they are signatories of the NNPT They're a part of the international community that supports the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. You argument doesn't hold water.
You're and an apologist for Israel's hypocrisy plain and simple. Israel is a racist apartheid state that flaunts international law while it tries to lecture everybody else about it!

Once again GROW UP!
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Israel made no such pledge. obama told them do, but Israel turned him down flat at the time and continues to do so.

Israel would never subvert its defenses to obama's reelection.
Israel's very existence is at stake, as well as millions of Jewish lives. In their shoes I wouldn't trust Obama or anyone else either. I'd be quite surprised if there isn't an attack in some form before year's end, if not before our elections.
This ex chief of Mossad was on 60 Minutes just a few weeks ago.

Everyone needs to listen to his interview before drawing any more conclusions about this issue.

[ame=]IRAN Ex-Mossad Chief: Attacking Iran Now Is The Stupidest Idea, Rational Regime & Diplomacy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bowie: The Truth on Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program - YouTube[/ame]
Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

Iran lost that right long ago, after FOUR UNSC - all legally binding - required iran to cease enrichment years ago. Clearly, you are a clueless fucking moron.

20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level.

I see the chimps on iran's payroll are just trying to pull the talking points off the counterpunch fake website; 20% is way above medical needs level, moron.

If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.

The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.

Really fuckbrain? Like Fordow and the dozens of other sites iran has refused access for years? The way they've refused to answer questions for years, and refused to allow the IAEA to interview scientists? Try sticking to the facts idiot.

When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities?

The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it.

For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades.

Since this chimp seems to like equivocation, when can israel start firing rockets into iranian cities, and blowing up its buses, pizza parlors, and restaurants, too?

"If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.'

This top United States nuclear expert, Clinton Bastion, will explain it and will show that it is you that doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'll refrain from the childish name calling. Read the following, genius...

Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No Weapons Threat From Iran

The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13,2012 explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran's fully safeguarded nuclear power and research programs. A copy of the letter, which the nu clear scientist also sent to the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, was made available to 21st Century Science
& Technology magazine

Bastin, who has served in leading positions in government since the 1950s, laid out the case on Iran in greater detail in an interview with 21st Century Science Nov. 18, 2011. The interview, which devastates the arguments for an Iranian nuclear weapons threat, is available at:
A paragraph from the PDF document
The ultimate product of Iran's gas centrifuge facilities would be highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon. Converting the gas to metal, fabricating components and assembling them with high explosives using dangerous and difficult technology that has never been used in Iran would take many years after a diversion of three tons of low enriched uranium gas from fully safeguarded inventories. The resulting weapon, if intended for delivery by missile, would have a yield equivalent to that of a kiloton of conventional high explosives.
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Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

Iran lost that right long ago, after FOUR UNSC - all legally binding - required iran to cease enrichment years ago. Clearly, you are a clueless fucking moron.

I see the chimps on iran's payroll are just trying to pull the talking points off the counterpunch fake website; 20% is way above medical needs level, moron.

If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.

Really fuckbrain? Like Fordow and the dozens of other sites iran has refused access for years? The way they've refused to answer questions for years, and refused to allow the IAEA to interview scientists? Try sticking to the facts idiot.

When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities?

The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it.

For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades.

Since this chimp seems to like equivocation, when can israel start firing rockets into iranian cities, and blowing up its buses, pizza parlors, and restaurants, too?

"If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.'

This top United States nuclear expert, Clinton Bastion, will explain it and will show that it is you that doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'll refrain from the childish name calling. Read the following, genius...

Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No Weapons Threat From Iran

The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13,2012 explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran's fully safeguarded nuclear power and research programs. A copy of the letter, which the nu clear scientist also sent to the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, was made available to 21st Century Science
& Technology magazine

Bastin, who has served in leading positions in government since the 1950s, laid out the case on Iran in greater detail in an interview with 21st Century Science Nov. 18, 2011. The interview, which devastates the arguments for an Iranian nuclear weapons threat, is available at:
A paragraph from the PDF document
The ultimate product of Iran's gas centrifuge facilities would be highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon. Converting the gas to metal, fabricating components and assembling them with high explosives using dangerous and difficult technology that has never been used in Iran would take many years after a diversion of three tons of low enriched uranium gas from fully safeguarded inventories. The resulting weapon, if intended for delivery by missile, would have a yield equivalent to that of a kiloton of conventional high explosives.

Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

[ame=]Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

I tend to agree - obviously Iran is a threat, and if you don't believe me - ask any Iraqi who lived through the Iran/Iraq war.

Israel needs to have the ability to take out any nuclear weapon produced before it could be fired, because the leaders of Iran really are crazy enough to fire on.

On the other hand, striking Iran may only provoke more anger and just may not be the best option. Israel's best option may be to try to turn moderate Islamic countries against make it clear to Iran that they have no allies in the region to rely on.
Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

I tend to agree - obviously Iran is a threat, and if you don't believe me - ask any Iraqi who lived through the Iran/Iraq war.

Israel needs to have the ability to take out any nuclear weapon produced before it could be fired, because the leaders of Iran really are crazy enough to fire on.

On the other hand, striking Iran may only provoke more anger and just may not be the best option. Israel's best option may be to try to turn moderate Islamic countries against make it clear to Iran that they have no allies in the region to rely on.

Most arab countries are against Iran having nukes. Do you think those whack jobs in Iran care about how many Arabs they kill in there efforts to bring in the 12th imam?

After Talks Falter, Iran Says It Won’t Halt Uranium Work


TEHRAN — Iran’s nuclear chief, reversing the country’s previous statements, said on state television on Sunday that the country would not halt its production of higher-grade uranium, suggesting that the Iranian government was veering back to a much harder line after talks in Baghdad with the West last week ended badly.

The official, Fereydoon Abbasi, said there would be no suspension of enrichment by Iran, the central requirement of several United Nations Security Council resolutions. He specifically said that applied to uranium being enriched to 20 percent purity — a steppingstone that puts it in fairly easy reach of producing highly enriched uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.


Iran is producing enriched uranium at a site near Qum
Western powers fear that Iran, if needed, could quickly enrich the uranium to weapons-grade levels of 90 percent or above. But that would require a repiping of its equipment and would most likely be detected by the energy agency’s inspectors.

The energy agency’s report also said that in one instance uranium enriched up to 27 percent was found. Mr. Abbasi said it was a technical or operational mistake. Western experts on Friday agreed that such an explanation was plausible.

Unlike Israel, Iran is a signatory of the NNPT (Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty) and is allowed to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. 20% enrichment of uranium is medical isotopes level. It takes 90% plus, really 95% enrichment, for nuclear weapons grade. 20% is long way off from 90%. The processing of uranium in Iran is under the scrutiny of the International Atom Energy Agency...IAEA. The IAEA has cameras and international monitors on the ground in Iran.
When is high and mighty better than everybody else Israel going to sign the NNPT and allow inspections of it's facilities? The current Israeli government is a bunch of hypocritical paranoid psycho's.


They have nukes.

To late to put that genie back in the bottle.

Israel is essentially a rogue nation. No one else really bothers with them.
Iran lost that right long ago, after FOUR UNSC - all legally binding - required iran to cease enrichment years ago. Clearly, you are a clueless fucking moron.

I see the chimps on iran's payroll are just trying to pull the talking points off the counterpunch fake website; 20% is way above medical needs level, moron.

If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.

Really fuckbrain? Like Fordow and the dozens of other sites iran has refused access for years? The way they've refused to answer questions for years, and refused to allow the IAEA to interview scientists? Try sticking to the facts idiot.

The usual requisite fall-back when the far left scum is cornered; fall back and bring israel into it.

For the non-mentally ill, israel has had nuclear weapons for over 50 years, and even in wartime did not use them. Israel is not even a neighbor of iran, but has been under attack from iran through out-of-uniform terrorist army proxies for decades.

Since this chimp seems to like equivocation, when can israel start firing rockets into iranian cities, and blowing up its buses, pizza parlors, and restaurants, too?

"If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.'

This top United States nuclear expert, Clinton Bastion, will explain it and will show that it is you that doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'll refrain from the childish name calling. Read the following, genius...

Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No Weapons Threat From Iran

The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13,2012 explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran's fully safeguarded nuclear power and research programs. A copy of the letter, which the nu clear scientist also sent to the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, was made available to 21st Century Science
& Technology magazine

Bastin, who has served in leading positions in government since the 1950s, laid out the case on Iran in greater detail in an interview with 21st Century Science Nov. 18, 2011. The interview, which devastates the arguments for an Iranian nuclear weapons threat, is available at:
A paragraph from the PDF document
The ultimate product of Iran's gas centrifuge facilities would be highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon. Converting the gas to metal, fabricating components and assembling them with high explosives using dangerous and difficult technology that has never been used in Iran would take many years after a diversion of three tons of low enriched uranium gas from fully safeguarded inventories. The resulting weapon, if intended for delivery by missile, would have a yield equivalent to that of a kiloton of conventional high explosives.

Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

[ame=]Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube[/ame]


I see you like injecting WW2 history which the Zionist Jews have hijacked for their political agendas...past, present and future. This is in no way related to Chamberlains Munich Agreement. The Zionist's and their control of the media have over-hyped this Iranian threat for Israel's expansionist agenda of Eretz Israel.
To allude that Iran should be considered another Nazi Germany is ridiculous and it perpetuates the hyperbolic victim-hood that Zionist Jews like to manipulate the world with.
I would be more than glad to share my knowledge of WW2 history and it must be understood in a fuller context of history, like starting with the 1897 Herzl led Zionist conference and the interesting documents that came from that.... to the manufacture and sale of the plagiarist and fraud Albert Einstein who was used by the Zionists to sell the idea of a homeland for Jews in Palestine and I can show and prove he was a plagiarist and fraud. WW2 grew out of the belly of WW1. The Germans found out they were betrayed when they learned of the Balfour Declaration at the Treaty of Versailles which the German people were screwed over by the bankers with onerous debts. The allies reneged on the agreement of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points in that Germany would not lose any territory if they agreed to stop fighting and surrender. Germany did lose territory and was lied to and manipulated by powerful interests that made WW2 inevitable.

[ame=]Churchill's War - YouTube[/ame]
"If you had any brains or facts, in uranium processing it is a very short step from 20% to 90%, it is much more effort to go from 0% to 20%, but then again clueless morons pretending to know what they are talking about usually expose themselves on points like this.'

This top United States nuclear expert, Clinton Bastion, will explain it and will show that it is you that doesn't know what they're talking about, but I'll refrain from the childish name calling. Read the following, genius...

Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No Weapons Threat From Iran

The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13,2012 explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran's fully safeguarded nuclear power and research programs. A copy of the letter, which the nu clear scientist also sent to the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, was made available to 21st Century Science
& Technology magazine

Bastin, who has served in leading positions in government since the 1950s, laid out the case on Iran in greater detail in an interview with 21st Century Science Nov. 18, 2011. The interview, which devastates the arguments for an Iranian nuclear weapons threat, is available at:
A paragraph from the PDF document
The ultimate product of Iran's gas centrifuge facilities would be highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon. Converting the gas to metal, fabricating components and assembling them with high explosives using dangerous and difficult technology that has never been used in Iran would take many years after a diversion of three tons of low enriched uranium gas from fully safeguarded inventories. The resulting weapon, if intended for delivery by missile, would have a yield equivalent to that of a kiloton of conventional high explosives.

Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

[ame=]Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube[/ame]


I see you like injecting WW2 history which the Zionist Jews have hijacked for their political agendas...past, present and future. This is in no way related to Chamberlains Munich Agreement. The Zionist's and their control of the media have over-hyped this Iranian threat for Israel's expansionist agenda of Eretz Israel.
To allude that Iran should be considered another Nazi Germany is ridiculous and it perpetuates the hyperbolic victim-hood that Zionist Jews like to manipulate the world with.
I would be more than glad to share my knowledge of WW2 history and it must be understood in a fuller context of history, like starting with the 1897 Herzl led Zionist conference and the interesting documents that came from that.... to the manufacture and sale of the plagiarist and fraud Albert Einstein who was used by the Zionists to sell the idea of a homeland for Jews in Palestine and I can show and prove he was a plagiarist and fraud. WW2 grew out of the belly of WW1. The Germans found out they were betrayed when they learned of the Balfour Declaration at the Treaty of Versailles which the German people were screwed over by the bankers with onerous debts. The allies reneged on the agreement of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points in that Germany would not lose any territory if they agreed to stop fighting and surrender. Germany did lose territory and was lied to and manipulated by powerful interests that made WW2 inevitable.

[ame=]Churchill's War - YouTube[/ame]

Another one.:cuckoo:
Anyone who believes Iran is not a nuclear thread isn't even worth reading.:cuckoo:

Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube


I see you like injecting WW2 history which the Zionist Jews have hijacked for their political agendas...past, present and future. This is in no way related to Chamberlains Munich Agreement. The Zionist's and their control of the media have over-hyped this Iranian threat for Israel's expansionist agenda of Eretz Israel.
To allude that Iran should be considered another Nazi Germany is ridiculous and it perpetuates the hyperbolic victim-hood that Zionist Jews like to manipulate the world with.
I would be more than glad to share my knowledge of WW2 history and it must be understood in a fuller context of history, like starting with the 1897 Herzl led Zionist conference and the interesting documents that came from that.... to the manufacture and sale of the plagiarist and fraud Albert Einstein who was used by the Zionists to sell the idea of a homeland for Jews in Palestine and I can show and prove he was a plagiarist and fraud. WW2 grew out of the belly of WW1. The Germans found out they were betrayed when they learned of the Balfour Declaration at the Treaty of Versailles which the German people were screwed over by the bankers with onerous debts. The allies reneged on the agreement of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points in that Germany would not lose any territory if they agreed to stop fighting and surrender. Germany did lose territory and was lied to and manipulated by powerful interests that made WW2 inevitable.

[ame=]Churchill's War - YouTube[/ame]

Another one.:cuckoo:
You're not even smart enough to edit your posts...what's a nuclear THREAD?
It is quite apparent that you are incapable of any intellectual debate. It appears you are only capable of sophomoric ad hominem.
It also appears that you have a reading comprehension problem...perhaps at a 4th grade level.
If your reading comprehension was satisfactory you would have read that Iran's processing of uranium produces hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon. Converting the gas to metal, fabricating components and assembling them with high explosives using dangerous and difficult technology that has never been used in Iran would take many years after a diversion of three tons of low enriched uranium gas from fully safeguarded inventories. The resulting weapon, if intended for delivery by missile, would have a yield equivalent to that of a kiloton of conventional high explosives. Which would not be worth Iran's trouble. I would recommend that you download the PDF link I provided, but, it's obvious the information I posted went way over your head...perhaps because you're intellectually lazy or intellectually a juvenile and just don't under the subject matter. You may have the IQ of a doorknob I don't know...

Re-read what U.S. nuclear EXPERT had to say about it again.

Suggesting I'm crazy doesn't bother me because I know that it you that has the problem!
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